Budohanbaiten Sakamotono Orchards - Koshu

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Budohanbaiten Sakamotono Orchards

住所 :

494 Katsunumacho Katsunuma, Koshu, Yamanashi 409-1316, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89899
Postal code : 409-1316
Webサイト : http://budouhanbaiten-sakamotonouen.com/

494 Katsunumacho Katsunuma, Koshu, Yamanashi 409-1316, Japan
yamabozu0113 on Google

とっても美味しいぶどうをお安く譲っていただけました。 干し葡萄も美味しかったです。 また近くへ寄れたら買いに行きたいです。
You gave me a very delicious grape at a low price. The dried grapes were also delicious. I would like to go buy it again if I get closer.
柏美佳子 on Google

いろんな種類の葡萄を丁寧に説明していただき、オーナーの方の葡萄に対する熱意に感動しました。買ったシャインマスカット、頂くの とての楽しみです。
I was impressed by the owner's enthusiasm for grapes by carefully explaining various types of grapes. I got Shine Muscat I bought I'm really looking forward to it.
poor tomi on Google

2021/9/25 ウェブサイトに販売終了と書かれていたが近くまで来たのでTELすると「ありますよ」と明るい返事にホッとした。 通販予約が収量見込みに達して終了にしているらしい。 10種ほど種無しを育てており、それぞれ丁寧な説明や試食の結果、黒系と緑系4種ほど注文し、農園から狩って来てもらった。 予算を言っていたのでそれに合わせた大きさや価格サービスしてもらいとてもリーゾナブルと感じた。 個人的には種無しのニューベリーAが小粒の中に甘さが集約されて好きかな。 車で来たがナビに頼って狭い農道を通らないとわかりにくい場所にある。似た名前の農園もあるので注意。
2021/9/25 It was written on the website that the sale was discontinued, but I was relieved to hear a bright reply saying "There is" when I TEL because it came close. It seems that the mail-order reservation has reached the expected yield and is closed. We grow about 10 seedless species, and after careful explanation and tasting, we ordered about 4 species of black and green and had them hunted from the farm. Since I was talking about the budget, I felt that it was very reasonable because I was asked to provide a size and price service that matched it. Personally, I like the seedless Newberry A because the sweetness is concentrated in the small grains. I came by car, but it is in a place that is difficult to understand unless I rely on the navigation system and go through a narrow farm road. Note that there are also farms with similar names.
Hal Mori on Google

最高のぶどう農園です!友人親子とキャンプ帰りに寄らせていただきました。ピオーネ、シャインマスカット をはじめ、色々なブドウを試食させて頂きましたが、それぞれ特徴があり全て抜群に美味しかったです! ピオーネで作った干しぶどうも、とても珍しくて子供も大喜びでした。
The best vineyard! I went to the camp with my friends and parents. A variety of grapes, including Pione and Shine Muscat, were sampled, but each one had its own characteristics and was all delicious! The raisins made with Pione were very rare and the kids were delighted.
けいこ on Google

初めて目にするぶどうの多さに驚きました! 安心して食べてもらえるよう低農薬栽培で育てられているこだわりの完熟ぶどう、とっても美味しかったです♡ たくさんの種類のぶどうがあり、ひとつずつ丁寧に説明してくれ、味見をさせてもらいながら、楽しくぶどう狩りができました!
I was surprised at how many grapes I saw for the first time! The special ripe grapes grown in low-agricultural cultivation so that you can eat with peace of mind, it was very delicious ♡ There were many kinds of grapes, and they gave me a detailed explanation one by one, and I was able to enjoy the grape hunting while having a taste!
もづ on Google

お土産用のぶどうを求め直売所を探して検索していたらヒットしました! 車に気付いたオーナーさんがすぐに出てきてくださり、収穫可能なぶどうについて丁寧に説明してくださいました。 美味しいぶどうの選び方を教えて頂きながら、自分達で収穫したものをそのままお土産に出来るので、とても魅力的でした。 収穫の際には試食もさせていただき、大きくてとても甘いぶどうで驚きました! 話をしていく中で、私たち夫婦と同じ職業をされていたことにご縁を感じました(*^^*)♪ 穴場を見つけ、とても嬉しいです!!
I was looking for a grape for souvenirs and searching for a direct sales office, and it was a hit! The owner who noticed the car came out immediately and explained carefully about the grapes that can be harvested. It was very attractive because we could use what we harvested as a souvenir while being taught how to choose delicious grapes. I also had a tasting at the time of harvest, and I was surprised at the big and very sweet grapes! While talking, I felt that I was in the same occupation as our husband and wife (* ^^ *) ♪ I am very happy to find a little-known spot! !!
まーさんさん on Google

コスパ最高!突然に訪問してしまいましたが、ご家族のご都合が良かったようで快く受け入れてくださいました。 ご主人は元小学校の先生をされていたそうで、低農薬で安心して皮まで食べられるブドウをこだわって育てているそう。ブドウの品種は15〜20種類ほどで、それぞれの説明をしてくださった後にブドウ畑で摘み取りをさせてくれました。 それぞれ試食させてもらいながらその時の完熟の房を選んで、これいいですよ、というのをハサミでカットします。 今回はおまかせで摘み取りさせてもらって、10品種計五キロ。お値段はビックリするほどお安く譲ってくださいました。 是非また来たいです。毎年、どころか年数回来たい!笑
COSPA is the best! I visited there suddenly, but it was convenient for my family and I was happy to accept it. It seems that her husband was a former elementary school teacher, and is growing carefully with grapes that can be eaten up to the skin with low pesticides. There were about 15 to 20 varieties of grapes, and after explaining each of them, I picked them up in the vineyard. Choose a ripe bunch at that time while tasting each, and cut this with scissors. This time, you can pick it up and leave 10 varieties for a total of 5 kilograms. The price was handed down so that I was surprised. I want to come again. I want to come several times a year rather than every year! Lol
Yuka Kaku on Google

I visited for the first time on Sunday afternoon. Please measure and sell the grapes you harvested. With a basket and scissors in hand, I stepped into the farm and had an explanation for each type of grape, and went around to see the grapes. I took a picture of beautiful grapes (approved in advance) and it was like a grape hunting tour. Kind husband, I was able to buy delicious grapes by tasting. Thank you very much.

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