Boulangerie Bré-Vant - Nagoya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Boulangerie Bré-Vant

住所 :

1 Chome-7-6 Toseicho, Showa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 466-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 466-0026
Webサイト :
Description : Down-to-earth bakery showcasing a variety of pastries, breads & sandwiches, plus coffee.

1 Chome-7-6 Toseicho, Showa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 466-0026, Japan
あ(仮) on Google

田舎のパン屋に比べると少しお値段高めかも。 チョコがけのパンを袋キチキチに入れてくれたので、取り出す時にチョコが袋にくっついてぐちゃぐちゃになりました。もう少し余裕のある袋に入れて欲しかった。 味は美味しかったのに残念だった。
It may be a little more expensive than a bakery in the countryside. He put the chocolate-covered bread in the bag, so when I took it out, the chocolate stuck to the bag and messed up. I wanted you to put it in a bag with a little more room. The taste was delicious but unfortunate.
田附幸司(こうたん) on Google

日曜日が休みなので、土曜の夕方駆け込みでお邪魔? 17:30到着、主要商品は無くなっているが、美味しそうなパンはまだまだあった??? 惣菜パン?は、ソーセージ?、ベーコン?、カレーパン?、ピザ? 甘い系は、モカパン☕、チョコデニッシュ?、クリームパン? 7つ買って、¥1500-程度とリーゾナブル??? ちょっとつまみ食いしたのですが、さすがプロの味、素材が活かされパン?自身もすごく美味しい??? 明日の朝食になりますがとっても楽しみ?? 今度はできたて買いに来よう??? ごちそう様でした????
Sunday is a holiday, so I'll rush in on Saturday evening to get in the way ? Arrived at 17:30, the main products are gone, but there was still more delicious bread ??? Side dish bread ? is sausage ?, bacon ?, curry bread ?, pizza ? The sweets are mocha bread ☕, chocolate danish pastry ?, cream bun ? Buy 7 and get around ¥ 1500-reasonable ??? I ate a bit of a pinch, but as expected, the professional taste and ingredients were utilized and the bread ? itself was very delicious ??? It will be breakfast tomorrow, but I'm really looking forward to it ?? Let's come buy it this time ??? It was a feast ????
bananarag on Google

惣菜パンから本格ベーカリーまで幅広く置いてあります。 個人的に、色々具材やソースが乗ってる菓子パンや惣菜パンよりもヨーロッパっぽいパンが好きなので、それも置いていただいてるのはありがたい 特にクロワッサンがバターの味がしっかりしててとても美味しかった… 昼過ぎに行ってもたくさん商品があって、タイミングによっては駐車場が混み合う場合もあります。 店の裏手の道は狭く、一方通行だらけなので注意が必要です。
We have a wide range of products from prepared bread to authentic bakery. Personally, I like European-style bread rather than sweet buns and side dish breads with various ingredients and sauces, so I'm grateful that you also put them. Especially the croissant had a strong butter taste and was very delicious ... Even if you go in the afternoon, there are many products and the parking lot may be crowded depending on the timing. Please note that the road behind the store is narrow and full of one-way streets.
直見 on Google

桜山に行った時には必ず立ち寄るパン屋さんです。小さな店内ながら常に混雑しています。 フルーツのパンが好きですが、特にミルフィーユは、あっさり!濃厚!カリッ!とろ~り!苺シャキ!でお気に入りです。たくさん買えば良いのですが、目移りして色々と取ってしまいトレーがてんこ盛りに‥ ハード系のパンも食パンもたくさんあって少しづつ試しています。 タルト系は甘いからもういいです(笑)
It's a bakery that you always stop by when you go to Sakurayama. Although it is a small shop, it is always crowded. I like fruit bread, but especially Millefeuille is light! Rich! Crispy! Melt! Strawberry Shaki! I like it. It's okay to buy a lot, but I've taken a lot of things and the trays are full. There are a lot of hard bread and bread, so I'm trying little by little. Tart is sweet so it's good (laughs)
Mao on Google

It's a delicious bakery. However, the way of packing is disappointing. Is it such an operation that the owner and the person who made the bread want? I was looking forward to not only the taste but also the appearance, but I was stunned when the product was crushed without hesitation at the cash register. I want improvement.
食べ歩き女の記録マップ on Google

昭和区にある人気のパン屋さん? ブレヴァンさんに伺いました。 店内にはたくさんの種類のパンが並んでおり どれも美味しそうで迷っちゃうほど!! こちらのお店はクリームパンが人気と言うことで探していた所 ダブルクリームのこのブリオッシュ使用した パンを発見?!! ▪︎ツッカークーヘン  2切367円 クリームとクリームの間にイチゴが挟んであって すごく美味しそう!! 自家製カスタードが甘さ控えめの生クリームとの 相性がピッタリ? 他にも惣菜パンはいくつか買いましたが とってもおいしかったです ごちそうさまでした?
A popular bakery in Showa Ward ? I asked Mr. Brevan. Many kinds of bread are lined up in the store Everything looks delicious and I get lost! !! This shop is the place I was looking for because cream buns are popular I used this brioche with double cream Discover bread ?! !! ▪︎ Zucker Kuchen 2 slices 367 yen Strawberries are sandwiched between creams Looks really good! !! Homemade custard with low-sweetness cream Perfect compatibility ? I bought some other side dish bread It was very delicious Thank you for your feast ?
carolyne barakat on Google

Super delicious and fresh bread ??! It's always hard to choose between the different types because all looks and smells tasty. Cozy atmosphere! One of my best places to start my day in!
iteobesta on Google

I always look forward to the days I go to Sakurayama just so I can pass by the bakery and pick up some of their yummy bread. The walnut orange is undoubtedly my favourite. There are also sandwiches and other mouthwatering goodies but they always contain some kind of meat. Luckily the "mixed sandwich" is quite good and filling too. I don't always have the sandwich when I'll invariably take a minute to sit in their little café within but I can't resist the cookies I'll get with my coffee. Not knowing which it'll be is part if the fun. To add an element of surprise give the (ice) tea a go. There is no wifi, it can get quite crowded around lunch time, quite cold in the winter and it's still cash only. #LetsGuide #GreatBread #KidFriendly #QuickEats

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