BOSTY 大宮スタジオ

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact BOSTY 大宮スタジオ

住所 :

Nakacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0845 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887888
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–11PM
Sunday 8AM–11PM
Monday 8AM–11PM
Tuesday 8AM–11PM
Wednesday 8AM–11PM
Thursday 8AM–11PM
Friday 8AM–11PM
街 : Saitama

Nakacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0845 Saitama,Japan
meg S on Google

I had a counseling and training experience. It will keep you motivated by teaching you only the training you need. You can do it without worrying about the surroundings in a private room and answer any questions carefully, so even beginners can continue. He also explained the contract and payment for the course.
菅井陽太 on Google

約3ヶ月通って、身体が変わっていくのはもちろん、メンタルも変わったのがよく分かりました^_^ トレーニングもそうですが、それ以外のサポートもしっかりしててとても良かったです! ジムも綺麗でトレーナーの方も親身になって教えてくれるのでオススメです!(^^)
After about 3 months, I understood that not only my body changed but also my mentality changed ^ _ ^ As with training, I'm glad that the other support was solid! The gym is beautiful and the trainers are kind enough to teach me, so I recommend it! (^^)
野中彩 on Google

3ヶ月で6キロ痩せました。 体重や代謝、体脂肪、体内年齢なども測ってくれて自分の身体の状態がよくわかります。 トレーナーさんはとっても親切で食事の仕方やプロテインのタイミングなど色々教えてくれます。 なによりも個室で声を出しても気にならないことがとても良いです! ちゃんと限界まで追い込んでくれて、こちらも他の目を気にせず頑張れます! これからもっと自分の身体が変わっていくのが楽しみです♪
I lost 6 kg in 3 months. It also measures your weight, metabolism, body fat, body age, etc. so that you can understand your physical condition. The trainer is very kind and will teach you how to eat and the timing of protein. Above all, it is very good that you do not mind even if you speak out in a private room! He pushed me to the limit and I can do my best without worrying about other eyes! I'm looking forward to my body changing more from now on ♪
岡田真弥 on Google

「効果的」「ポジティブになれる」 以前は某24時間営業のジムに通ってましたが、自分に甘くなってしまったせいか思うような身体にはなりませんでした。安いといっても効果がなければ勿体無いとと思い、BOSTY大宮スタジオに通いました。トレーナーさんは私の体格や性格をよく理解していただき、指導してくれます。お陰様で3ヶ月通ってますが身体が少しずつ引き締まってきました。効果が出ると気持ちも前向きになります。また、お店が綺麗なので通うのが楽しみです。他のジムよりは会費は高いですが、それ以上の効果や満足があります。トレーナーさん、いつも良くしていただきまりがとうございます。
"Effective" "Be positive" I used to go to a gym that is open 24 hours a day, but I didn't feel like I was because I was too sweet. I went to BOSTY Omiya Studio because I thought it would be a waste if it wasn't effective even if it was cheap. The trainer will give you a good understanding of my physique and personality and will guide you. Thanks to you, I've been going for 3 months, but my body is getting tighter little by little. When the effect comes out, the feeling becomes positive. Also, the shop is beautiful so I'm looking forward to going there. The membership fee is higher than other gyms, but it is more effective and satisfying. Trainer, thank you for your continued support.
中村かえで on Google

ジムのイメージが変わりました。 決められた時間の中で本当に効くトレーニングだけをテンポ良くこなしていきます。とにかく質がいいです。 ボディメイクのプロなので、自分でするダイエットではなかなか作れない女性らしいしなやかな筋肉を作り上げることができます。 ジム初心者で緊張していましたが、個室なので周りを気にすることなくトレーニングに集中することができるのと、トレーナーさんが私の筋力に合わせて的確なメニューを組んでくれるので頑張れます。おすすめです!!
The image of Jim has changed. We will do only the training that really works in the fixed time at a good tempo. Anyway, the quality is good. As a body make-up professional, you can build feminine and supple muscles that you can't easily make on your own diet. I was nervous because I was a beginner in the gym, but since it is a private room, I can concentrate on training without worrying about the surroundings, and the trainer will make an accurate menu according to my muscle strength, so I can do my best. it's recommended! !!
bu uu on Google

カウンセリングや食事の説明も丁寧で、トレーニングもしっかり理由やコツ?を教えてくれるので分かりやすいです◎ ボディメイク系のジムはなんとなく怖い?イメージがあったのですが、全くそんなことなくきついながら楽しくトレーニング出来ています。 手ぶらで行って、プロテインやBCAAもついているので助かります! 追記 約2ヶ月半通った結果、筋肉量は変わらず体重-4キロ、体脂肪率-4%落とすことが出来ました。 通うのが全く苦痛ではなくてトレーナーさんとお話するのも楽しみでした! 食事も気をつけはしましたが、厳しい食事制限はせず週2回の筋トレのみで上手く引き締められたと思います。 1ヶ月経ちますが、今のところ体重変化もなくキープ出来そうです◎ また、タイミングがあれば通いたいと思っています(^^)
Counseling and explanations of meals are polite, and training is the reason and tricks? It is easy to understand because it will tell you A body makeup gym is somehow scary? Although there was an image, I was able to train happily without being so tight. We go by hand and are saved with protein and BCAA! Postscript As a result of passing for about two and a half months, the muscle mass did not change, and the body weight was -4kg and the body fat percentage was -4%. It wasn't painful to attend, and I was looking forward to talking with the trainer! I also took care of the meals, but I did not have any strict dietary restrictions. One month has passed, but for now it seems to be able to keep without weight change ◎ Also, I would like to go if there is timing (^^)
y n on Google

今まで自分でトレーニングをしていましたが、中々続かず初めてパーソナルジムに通う事に決めました。 トレーニングは正直つらい部分もありますが、トレーナーの方が回数や強度を調整してくれるので、頑張る事が出来ます! これからどんな身体になるのか楽しみです!
I had been training myself until now, but I decided to go to a personal gym for the first time without continuing. To be honest, training can be difficult, but the trainer will adjust the number of times and intensity, so you can do your best! I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of body I will be in the future!
takeru ohama on Google

Recently, I started to worry about sagging stomach and went to BOSTY Omiya store for counseling and hands-on training. It was easy to access from the station and the shop was so fashionable and beautiful that I couldn't think of it as a sports gym. The staff also responded with a smile from beginning to end, and gave me counseling and subsequent training. It was a short time, but I felt that it was working where I wanted it to work. I would like to continue training at BOSTY Omiya store in earnest.

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