Books Moa Omagari - Daisen

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Books Moa Omagari

住所 :

Sekihigashi-219 Iida, Daisen, Akita 014-0067, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887787
Postal code : 014-0067
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM

Sekihigashi-219 Iida, Daisen, Akita 014-0067, Japan
土門孝彰 on Google

Stationery is also available. The clean interior.
千葉幸子 on Google

chie on Google

We have abundant books and stationery, and we often use them.
熊地望(クマキチ) on Google

本の種類も多くていい!本の検索機もあるため本を探しやすい。 専門書に関してはその職業により少ないことあるがそれは仕方ないかな
There are many types of books! There is also a book search machine, so it is easy to find books. Regarding technical books, there are less things depending on the profession, but it can't be helped.
沼澤康之 on Google

With a large selection of items, you can usually find the book you are looking for. It's good to buy it online, but you won't know until you actually pick it up. By the way, you can find the book you want to read further by browsing.
佐々木雄二郎 on Google

ボールペンの替え芯を買いに初めて入りました。 目的の替え芯がなかなか見つからず苦労しましたが無事買うことが出来ました。 文具の品揃えが豊富で、ディスプレイも洒落た感じですのでゆっくりと見てみたいお店です!
I entered for the first time to buy a replacement core for a ballpoint pen. I had a hard time finding the desired replacement core, but I was able to buy it safely. There is a wide selection of stationery, and the display looks stylish, so it's a shop you'll want to take your time to see!
さき on Google

There is a very kind and polite clerk. The way of speaking was very kind and I felt comfortable. It has a good selection of items, and it's fun just to enter the store, and I want to go there again. I don't know your name, but thank you to the female clerk who responded!
コーキ on Google

ヤバいですって、なにこの品揃え、なにこの広さ、ここは秋田県ですよ? 秋田にはおよそ不釣り合いなほど充実した書籍の数々、図書館を軽く凌駕するクオリティ、スマホの画面に収まり切らないスケール、店に足を踏み入れた瞬間に正直感動すら覚えてしまいました。 以前湯沢店を手放しで絶賛した事がありましたが、大曲店の方が遥かにスゴかった。県内の本屋を全て知ってる訳ではありませんが、ジュンク堂よりも広い気がするし、間違いなくここが県内No.1の書店ではないでしょうか? 店内は綺麗だし空調も抜群、涼みがてらに本探しが出来る楽しみが増えました。知らないうちに時間が過ぎてしまう、ホントヤバい。
What is this assortment, what is this size, this is Akita prefecture, isn't it? In Akita, there are a lot of books that are disproportionately fulfilling, the quality that easily surpasses the library, the scale that does not fit on the screen of the smartphone, and the moment I step into the store, I even remember the intuition. I used to praise the Yuzawa store for free, but the Omagari store was far more amazing. I don't know all the bookstores in the prefecture, but I think it's wider than Junkudo, and I'm sure this is the No. 1 bookstore in the prefecture. The inside of the store is beautiful and the air conditioning is excellent, so the fun of searching for books has increased while it is cool. Time goes by without knowing it, it's really dangerous.

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