BOOKSえみたすアピタ西尾店 - Nishio

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact BOOKSえみたすアピタ西尾店

住所 :

Takabatacho, Nishio, 〒445-0064 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 445-0064
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Takabatacho, Nishio, 〒445-0064 Aichi,Japan
miyuki komura on Google

If you look around at the bookstore, you will definitely want to buy it next time.
YUTAKA on Google

アピタ西尾店3階セリア隣にあります。少し狭い店内ですが 本は充実してます。
It is located next to Celia on the 3rd floor of the Apita Nishio store. The store is a little small, but the books are substantial.
さと“さと” on Google

It didn't bother me if there were people who were browsing books and miscellaneous goods and walking through the aisles without any problems.
佐藤文泰 on Google

本の置き場所が分からなかったので、店員さんに聞いたところ忙しいのに、とても親切に対応してもらいました。 ありがとう!
Because I did not know the location of the book, I heard from the clerk I was busy, but we kindly responded. Thank you!
タカトッシー on Google

The layout has changed! ️ However, since there are many customers who spend time killing at stores, it would be nice if there was a more free space to read books. Like Wingtown in Okazaki
satoyanyan smile on Google

コロコロコミックやてれびくんなど子供の本を毎月買いますという申込みをして購入するとTポイントが通常よりも多くもらえます。 店員さんの対応もとても良いです。
If you apply to buy children's books such as CoroCoro Comic and Televi-kun every month, you will get more T points than usual. The correspondence of the clerk is also very good.
いまりあ on Google

他のお店では2週間以上かかったお取り寄せがこのお店では二日後に届いたと連絡を貰えたので、 ブックスえみたすさんは素敵な本屋さんだと思いましたぁ (*^▽^)/★*☆♪
I received a message from another store that it took more than two weeks to receive it in two days, I thought Books Emitas was a nice bookstore (* ^ ▽ ^) / ★ * ☆ ♪
Elcio Kondo on Google

Not very nice

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