blüte ブリューテ

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact blüte ブリューテ

住所 :

Nihonbashihoncho, Chuo City, 〒103-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Tokyo

Nihonbashihoncho, Chuo City, 〒103-0023 Tokyo,Japan
永島悦子 on Google

佐々木秀司 on Google

Satoko Konnai on Google

Mariko Hamano on Google

michiko teramoto on Google

The quality of the flowers is very good, so the flowers are long-lasting. It's a perfect gift, and you can arrange it for yourself.
Rei Yamaguchi on Google

希望の雰囲気や予算を伝えて作ってもらうことが多いのですが、毎回センスの良さに驚かされます。とくにギフト用のお花が必要の時はおすすめ。 送別会などで手渡すお花は絶対にココ!
I often ask people to create the atmosphere and budget they want, but I am always amazed by the sense. Recommended especially when gift flowers are needed. The flowers handed over at farewell parties are definitely here!
N ishi on Google

We ask you to arrange it, but you can buy flowers that have a good taste and exceed your expectations.
Daisuki Daisuken on Google

近所のお花屋さん。よく前を通るのですが前に車が止まっていることが多く、花屋さんだと一年間も気づかなかったという。 南天を600円で購入。現金決済のみなのが難点。PayPayで払えたら星5点ですね。
A flower shop in the neighborhood. I often pass in front of me, but the car often stops in front of me, and I heard that the flower shop didn't notice it for a year. Buy Nanten for 600 yen. The difficulty is that all cash payments are made. If you can pay with PayPay, it will be 5 stars.

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