BLUE FITNESS(ブルーフィットネス)24幕張本郷

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact BLUE FITNESS(ブルーフィットネス)24幕張本郷

住所 :

Makuharihongo, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0033 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Makuharihongo, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0033 Chiba,Japan
No Name on Google

コスパ最強です。 一般的なジムと比較して、窮屈ではありますが、マシンは揃ってますし、24時間使えますし、費用と比較したら素晴らしいと思います。 パーソナルトレーニングに関しても、丁寧に教えてくれてとても充実しています。そしてこちらももちろん他所に比べてかなりお安めです。 コスパの観点でここより上のジムは無いのでは??
Cospa is the strongest. It's cramped compared to a typical gym, but it has all the machines, it can be used 24 hours a day, and I think it's great compared to the cost. As for personal training, he taught me carefully and is very fulfilling. And of course this is also considerably cheaper than other places. Isn't there a gym above here in terms of cost performance? ??
さーんちゅ on Google

トレーナーさんも優しく、使い方も丁寧に教えてくださるので初めてのジムも楽しく通えています! 器具もバーコードを読み込めば、YouTubeでも見られるのでとってもお手軽です!
The trainer is also kind and teaches me how to use it carefully, so I can enjoy going to the gym for the first time! If you read the barcode on the equipment, you can see it on YouTube, so it's very easy!
武藤佑希 on Google

友人の紹介で入会しました。 以前は職場が近い都内のジムに通っていましたが、COVID-19の影響により在宅ワークが多くなったので家から近いこちらのジムに入会しました。 自分は家から近いので着替えシャワーする必要はないので、すぐジムでトレーニングを始めます! 24時間営業なので好きな時間帯に行けるのが良いですね! また店内の照明も他のジムには見られないので雰囲気もかっこよくトレーニングのモチベーション上がります!
I joined with a friend's introduction. I used to go to a gym in Tokyo near my workplace, but due to the influence of COVID-19, I had to work more at home, so I joined this gym near my house. I'm close to home so I don't have to change clothes and shower, so I'll start training at the gym right away! It's open 24 hours a day, so it's good to be able to go at your favorite time! Also, the lighting inside the store is not seen in other gyms, so the atmosphere is cool and the training motivation rises!
ピウイ on Google

Even for the first time, you can read how to use it with a barcode and see it on YouTube, and it will tell you immediately if you do not understand ? The trainer is very kind so you can easily go and train alone ♡
高木貴広 on Google

以前は何度も他ジムに入会したのですが、自己流の筋トレ、常に3日坊主でした。 今回こちらのジムに入会し、パーソナルトレーニングを申し込みました。 当然、金額的には安いものではありませんが、コスパとしては最強です! トレーニング前にどのような身体作りにしていきたいか等をしっかり聞いてもらえたり、1人では気づけなかった、フォームの誤りなど的確に教えていただき効果的に筋肉質の身体に変身する事が出来ました! また、20年間悩み続けた腰痛もパーソナルトレーナーの指導で、たった一週間で改善され、信じられない気分です。 大好きなゴルフも念願の70台で回り、ドライバー飛距離も30ヤードUPの270ydまで飛ぶようになりました。 トレーナーさんは皆若くて知識もあり、何よりコミニケーションが取りやすいので、トレーニングが楽しみになりました。 これからジム通いを考えている方には是非オススメです!
I used to join other gyms many times, but my own style of muscle training was always a shaven for 3 days. I joined this gym this time and applied for personal training. Of course, it's not cheap in terms of money, but it's the strongest cospa! Before training, I was able to effectively transform into a muscular body by being asked what kind of body I would like to build, and by being able to accurately teach me the mistakes in the form that I did not notice by myself. !! In addition, my back pain, which I have been suffering from for 20 years, has improved in just one week under the guidance of a personal trainer, and I feel unbelievable. My favorite golf is also around with the long-desired 70 cars, and the driver's flight distance has increased by 30 yards to 270 yd. All the trainers were young and knowledgeable, and above all, it was easy to communicate, so I was looking forward to training. Recommended for those who are thinking of going to the gym from now on!
中村美咲 on Google

今までは独自でトレーニングしていましたが昨年の7月よりトレーナーに付いてもらって9ヶ月が経ちました。 毎回、身体を丁寧に整えてくれてからのトレーニングと食事を見直した結果7kg減量に成功しました‼️ 私の身体を変えていただき、ありがとうございました?
Until now, I had been training on my own, but it has been nine months since I was trained by a trainer last July. As a result of reviewing the training and diet after carefully preparing the body every time, we succeeded in losing 7 kg! ️ Thank you for changing my body ?
Takeshi Naito on Google

I started with the purpose of resolving the lack of exercise of Corona, but thanks to the kind guidance of the personal trainer, my weight and body fat percentage improved more than I expected while always maintaining moderate muscle pain. Coupled with the fact that it is within the living area of ​​shopping and commuting near the station, it feels like it is incorporated into the rhythm of life, so I can go there without difficulty. It seems to be relatively for beginners, but it's more than enough for me and the machines are also luxurious. It is also a good point that a terrestrial digital machine is attached to a painful aerobic exercise machine.
ちゃんてぃー on Google

I have been attending personal training for about a year, but I am satisfied that the facility is very clean and the machines are substantial. I only go there on weekday nights, but the ratio of male and female customers is about the same. The gym trainers here are really kind, kind and sometimes rigorous and accurate, so I've grown a lot over the past year. There are both men and women as trainers, and in personal training you can specify your favorite trainer, and I think it is easy for both men and women to attend. Training is of course tough, but I've been enjoying training lately because it's a conversation that I have no love for, I can clearly see myself growing up through training, and the trainer praises it.

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