BLUE BRONZE(ブルーブロンズ)靴とかばんのお直しとクリーニング

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact BLUE BRONZE(ブルーブロンズ)靴とかばんのお直しとクリーニング

住所 :

Kotobuki, Taito City, 〒111-0042 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Kotobuki, Taito City, 〒111-0042 Tokyo,Japan
M T on Google

ソールの劣化と革がかたくて履けず 困っていた靴を 買った時より よい状態になおしていただけました。 ありがとうございました。
Deterioration of sole and leather is hard and cannot be worn The shoes I was in trouble with since I bought them It was in good condition. Thank you very much.
青柳照美 on Google

大切な靴の修理ならお任せです。 靴底を全部取り替えて頂きました。
It's up to you to repair your important shoes. I had you replace all the soles.
Toshihito yagi on Google

It was a shop with a nice atmosphere. I think it's a good shop for people who wear shoes carefully for a long time. It seems that it will be repaired firmly.
Nanae Inoue on Google

他社さんで断られた大切なブーツを二足、出してみました。 正直断られるかな?と思ってましたし、ネット発注だと当たり外れがあるので、ある意味賭けでしたが、結果、大大大満足です。 丁寧なメールのやり取り、仕上げももちろん素晴らしく、また何よりも、プロの目から見てこうしたらどうでしょうか?と、ご提案もくださいました。 靴を大切に履かれている方には、本当にオススメしたいです。 あまり混んでしまっても嫌なのですが、あまりに想像を超える仕上がりだったのでついフィードバックを残しました。 またよろしくお願いします!
I tried out two pairs of important boots that were refused by other companies. Can you honestly refuse? I thought, and it was a win if I ordered online, so it was a bet in a sense, but as a result, I am very satisfied. The polite email exchange and finishing are of course wonderful, and above all, what if this is done from a professional perspective? He also gave me a suggestion. I would really recommend it to those who wear shoes carefully. I don't like it if it gets too crowded, but the finish was beyond my imagination, so I left feedback. Also thank you!
H Suzuki on Google

レザーサンダルのラバーソール加工をお願いしました。 仕上がりの綺麗さも顧客対応も素晴らしく、プロフェッショナルだなと感じました^_^ 近くのホテルに泊まった関係で見つけたお店だったのですが、また次回東京に立ち寄った時はぜひお願いしたいと考えています。 ありがとうございました? ps そういえば、店内のBGMとして大村憲司のLeft handed womanが流れてました。 有線でないとするならば、選曲担当者もしくは経営者は、ギター好きか相当音楽に詳しい方だなと推測しますw
I asked for the rubber sole processing of the leather sandals. The finish was beautiful and the customer service was excellent, and I felt that I was a professional ^ _ ^ I found this shop because I stayed at a nearby hotel, but I would like to ask for it the next time I visit Tokyo. Thank you ? ps By the way, Kenji Omura's Left handed woman was playing as BGM in the store. If it's not wired, I'm guessing that the music selector or manager is a guitar lover or someone who is quite familiar with music.
P K on Google

I asked you to put the sole of Hender Scheme shoes. I wanted to wear it carefully, so I am very satisfied with the wonderful finish with the Vibram sole attached. The shoes were also taken care of and returned, and I was very satisfied with the price. When shipping from here, I put it in a simple shoe bag and shipped it, but I felt that it was a reliable professional although it was a small place such as a place where it was recorded firmly on the slip so that it would not be lost. Also, if you have something you would like to ask, I would like to take care of you. Thank you.
Suzy's Zoo on Google

もう販売していないデザインのBALLYの長財布をクリーニング+擦れている部分の色補正をして頂きました。とても気に入っているお財布だったので、キレイになってとても嬉しいです。 これからも大切に愛用したいと思います。また、 一緒にブーツのクリーニングもお願いしたらピカピカになって戻ってきました。 今は、スニーカーとバッグをお願いしているので仕上がりがとても楽しみです。 これからも利用させて頂きますので末永く宜しくお願いいたします。
I had you clean the BALLY wallet with a design that is no longer sold and color-correct the rubbing part. It was my favorite wallet, so I'm very happy to be beautiful. I would like to continue to use it with great care. again, I asked him to clean his boots with me, and he came back shiny. Right now, I'm asking for sneakers and bags, so I'm really looking forward to the finish. We will continue to use it, so we look forward to working with you for a long time.

4年前、伊勢丹Stone Islandで50000円程で購入。Italy diemme製スニーカーです。初めてクリーニングと言うものに出してみました。靴は全体的にダメージは少ないものの朱赤の色あせと汚れ少々(一部スウェ―ド)かな。 料金前払いで3850円。納期は2~3週間という事でした。 後日電話連絡があり、実質16日間で仕上りました。 扨、仕上がりはと言うとExcellentです。色上げも良く、ツヤツヤ綺麗に出来ました。。
Purchased at Isetan Stone Island 4 years ago for about 50,000 yen. Italian diemme sneakers. For the first time, I put it out for something called cleaning. The shoes have little damage on the whole, but the vermilion faded and a little dirty (partly suede). Prepaid fee is 3850 yen. The delivery time was 2-3 weeks. I received a phone call at a later date and it was completed in 16 days. The finish is excellent. The color was raised well, and the gloss was beautiful. ..

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