オーダーソファblocco 青山店(家具・インテリア・椅子)

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オーダーソファblocco 青山店(家具・インテリア・椅子)

住所 :

Sunrise Aoyama, 2 Chome−13−2, Minamiaoyama, Minato City, 〒107-0062 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://www.bloccoshop.jp/news/5822/
街 : Tokyo

Sunrise Aoyama, 2 Chome−13−2, Minamiaoyama, Minato City, 〒107-0062 Tokyo,Japan
Rose on Google

希望していたソファの展示が無いとの事でしたが、予約来店しました。同じ座面構造のクッションを用意して頂いていたので、それに近い形での座り心地を試す事が出来ました。こちらの希望以外のタイプのソファについても詳しく説明してくださるなど、選択肢を広げるアドバイスもしてくれます。 クッションの硬さなど自分好みのものを色々と試すことが出来ます。生地サンプルも豊富で迷いましたが、生地のサイズが大きく、ソファに実際に置いて見られるのが良かったです。ソファになった時のイメージがしやすかったです。 かなりの時間をかけて、納得出来るオーダーが出来たと思います。 アドバイザーの方をはじめスタッフの方々の対応も丁寧で、心地良く買い物が出来ました。
I heard that there was no sofa display I was hoping for, but I made a reservation. I had you prepare a cushion with the same seating surface structure, so I was able to test the sitting comfort in a form close to that. He will also give you advice on expanding your options, such as explaining in detail about other types of sofas than you would like. You can try various things you like, such as the hardness of the cushion. I was at a loss because of the abundance of fabric samples, but it was good that the size of the fabric was large and I could actually put it on the sofa and see it. It was easy to imagine when it became a sofa. I think it took a considerable amount of time to make a convincing order. The staff, including the advisors, were polite and I was able to shop comfortably.
そら空 on Google

I was curious and visited the store, but soon after I sat down, I wanted it. They will make each one as you like. It is a sofa where you can feel the commitment of the shop. I'm really glad I bought it.
Shishido Yusuke on Google

ソファ買い替えのため、青山近辺のソファショップ数件を事前に調べた上で、一日巡った中でこちらには最後に伺いました。 場所的に調べていかないと、まずふらっと立ち寄る立地にはありませんので、ご注意下さい。 まず、中価格帯のソファをお探しの方は、足を運ぶ価値ありだと思います。 ソファタイプの種類は多くはないものの、他ショップと比べて、カスタマイズの選択肢が非常に広いため、例えば家族で座り心地や背もたれの好みが異なるという場合でも問題なく対応出来ます。 サイズの変更も各所細かく対応できるため、そんなところまで!?と驚かされます。 また、ペット対応生地というと、他ショップでは大抵最上級ランクの料金となるショップが殆どですが、こちらでは中ランクの料金のペット対応生地も10種類以上ご用意があったのは素晴らしかったです。 そして、日本製かつ10年保証という点も、品質についての自信のあらわれかと思います。 結果、セール最終日という点も後押しとなり、こちらで購入させて頂きました。(余り無いであろうカスタマイズも快く引き受けて頂き感謝しております!) 大変失礼ながら、現在の東京近郊では知る人ぞ知るショップかつブランドかと思われますが、非常に勿体無いと感じました。是非、良いソファを探している多くの方に届きますように。
After checking several sofa shops near Aoyama in advance to buy a new sofa, I visited here last during the day. Please note that if you do not check the location, you will not be in a location to stop by. First of all, if you are looking for a mid-priced sofa, I think it's worth a visit. Although there are not many types of sofas, there are a lot of customization options compared to other shops, so even if your family has different sitting comforts and backrest preferences, you can handle it without problems. You can change the size in detail, so that's it! ?? I am surprised. Also, when it comes to pet-friendly fabrics, most of the other shops have the highest-ranked prices, but it was wonderful that there were more than 10 types of pet-friendly fabrics with medium-ranked prices. Also, the fact that it is made in Japan and has a 10-year warranty is a sign of confidence in quality. As a result, the last day of the sale also helped me to purchase it here. (Thank you for accepting the customization that may not be so much!) I'm very sorry, but I think it's a shop and brand known to people in the suburbs of Tokyo today, but I felt it was very wasteful. I hope it will reach many people who are looking for a good sofa.
Ami on Google

とても親切に対応していただきました! ちゃんとしたソファが欲しかったのですが欲しかったソファが家に搬入できるサイズではなく、、オーダーメイドで作れるソファブランドがあると夫の知り合いからの教えていただきました。細かい所をオーダーメイドで作れて、3D画像でどんな雰囲気になるか見れて、店員さんもとても親切で親身になって色々考えて下さり、家にも搬入できるサイズでいいソファがオーダーできてとても満足です! こだわりのある方やオリジナルのソファを求めている方にはとてもおすすめです!
Thank you very much for your kindness! I wanted a proper sofa, but my husband's acquaintance told me that the sofa I wanted was not the size that I could bring into my house, and that there was a sofa brand that I could make to order. You can make small parts to order, see what kind of atmosphere it will be like with 3D images, the clerk is very kind and friendly and thinks about various things, and you can order a good sofa with a size that can be brought into the house. I'm satisfied! It is highly recommended for those who are particular about it or who are looking for an original sofa!
Chiho Nakatani on Google

引越しのタイミングでソファ購入を検討していました。北欧系の大手家具取扱店や、ドイツ系のメーカー、他の国産メーカーなど色々と比較・検討を経て、最終的に選んだのがbloccoのソファです。 ベースになる形を選んだ上で、セミオーダー形式で自分好みの硬さや高さ、生地・脚の色や形などを選ぶことができるのはbloccoの大きな魅力です。店頭では、座り心地や、光の当たり方での生地の見え方など、いろいろと試すことができました。 それだけ選択肢があるとどれにしようか迷ってしまいますが、スタッフの方が丁寧にアドバイスを下さったり、自宅まで生地サンプルを(手書きのお手紙付きで!)送ってくださったりと、他のメーカーや販売店にはない誠実さを感じました。 bloccoのHPやYoutubeに載っているブランドのストーリーもまた心打たれるものがあり、職人さんの手で作られて届くのが今からとても楽しみです。
I was considering buying a sofa when I moved. After comparing and examining major Scandinavian furniture dealers, German manufacturers, and other domestic manufacturers, the final choice was the blocco sofa. It is a big attraction of blocco that you can choose the shape to be the base and then choose the hardness and height you like, the color and shape of the fabric and legs in a semi-order format. At the store, I was able to try various things such as sitting comfort and how the fabric looks in the light. If you have that many choices, you will be wondering which one to choose, but the staff will give you polite advice and send you a fabric sample (with a handwritten letter!) To your home. I felt the sincerity that the dealer does not have. The story of the brand on blocco's website and Youtube is also impressive, and I'm really looking forward to it being made by craftsmen.

Since my family has pets, I was worried that the sofa would be scratched and worn out, but I received the politeness of the durable fabric. There are many kinds of colors and the combination of sofa and cushion is free, so I was able to make a convincing choice. It was helpful to bring a drawing of the floor plan of the room, think about the conductors together, and propose the size and combination of the sofa.
中條夏子 on Google

I was introduced to the interior coordinator and learned about the blocco sofa. You can buy it online, but I came to the store because I wanted to try it out. I wasn't very familiar with sofas, so I was glad that I came to the store because I was able to teach me various things in detail and try out the parts that can be customized.
T• MIYAGI on Google

青山で家具店をいくつか回りました。その中でブロッコさんがオーダーで細かい注文も受けられることと店員さんの優しい接客で「この店で買う」と決めました。 しかし、ソファの形や座り心地、生地選びが 優柔不断でなかなか決められず合計で4回伺いましたが、いつでも丁寧に一緒に考えて下さり 「何回来ても大丈夫です」と言ってもらえたので、安心して納得いくまで選べました。 いいお店で買い物出来たととても満足しています。ソファが届くのが楽しみです! ありがとうございました。
I went to several furniture stores in Aoyama. Among them, Mr. Brocco decided to "buy at this store" because he could accept small orders and the clerk's kind customer service. However, the shape of the sofa, the comfort of sitting, and the choice of fabric I was indecisive and couldn't decide easily, so I visited him four times in total, but always think carefully together. I was told that it's okay to come as many times as I want, so I was able to choose until I was satisfied. I am very happy that I was able to shop at a good store. I'm looking forward to receiving the sofa! Thank you very much.

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