3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ㈱BLISS 本店

住所 :

Yushima, Bunkyo City, 〒113-0034 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://bliss-d.com/
街 : Tokyo

Yushima, Bunkyo City, 〒113-0034 Tokyo,Japan
石塚あや子 on Google

上沼廣夫 on Google

Building architecture
ガイウス(ガイウス) on Google

There is kind staff
shunichi nakamura on Google

この会社の物件のせいでTVが映らなくなった。対処が遅いせいで見逃す番組がいくつもあった。 マンション建設に伴い、地面がずれて家の塀が傾いて隙間ができた。 前の道のガス官工事で道を掘ったせいで、家の門がズレてちゃんと閉まらなくなった。
TV disappeared because of the property of this company. There were a number of programs I missed because they were too slow to deal with. With the construction of the condominium, the ground slipped and the fence of the house tilted, creating a gap. The gate of my house was misaligned and I couldn't close it properly because I dug the road in the gas works on the previous road.
Yamamoto Koh on Google

The worst company that ignores compensation. In the case of housing construction, I made an intermediate application or a completion application to the government office, made a seal of a person's surname without permission, and applied by stamping it without permission. It is said that it is a general response with no apology, and it is the worst company anyway.
Ann Aki on Google

こちらが建てたアパートに住んでいましたが、建築時近隣住民とトラブルがあったらしく、入居から一ヶ月は毎日怒声が飛び交い、かなり物騒な雰囲気でした。 管理会社であるグランツパートナーズからのその点についての説明は、近所にマナーにうるさい人がいる、という程度のものでした。実際は警察を呼ぶほどの喧嘩と騒音でしたので、なにも知らずに入居した身にとって非常に迷惑でした。 何ヶ月か住んでから近所の方々のお話を聞くと、狭い土地に強引に工事をした結果、隣の民家の塀を壊していたみたいです。 アパートは日頃から綺麗に掃除していたのですが、退去時には高額のクリーニング料金を請求をされました。 提携する管理会社含め、極めて不誠実な企業ですので、入居しないことをおすすめいたします。
I lived in an apartment built here, but I heard that there was a problem with my neighbors when I built it, and one month from entering the house, there was a rush of angry voices and it was quite noisy. The explanation of the point from the management company Glanz Partners was about that there was a noisy man in the neighborhood. In fact, it was so annoying and noisy that it would call the police, so it was very annoying for those who moved in without knowing anything. When I lived for several months and listened to the stories of the neighbors, I was forced to work in a narrow area, and as a result, it seems that I was breaking the fence of the next house. The apartment was usually cleaned cleanly, but when I was leaving I was charged a large cleaning fee. We recommend that you do not move in, as it is a very unfaithful company, including a partner management company.
Yuji Uematsu (Ueno Your) on Google

今朝9時半ごろ、外神田六丁目で路地から右折してきたBLISSの軽ワゴンに轢かれそうになりました。つま先をちょこっと轢かれましたが別段変わりはないのですが、運転していた人に注意する様、指導してください。 助手席の方と歓談されていたので気づいてもいないと思います。
Around 9:30 this morning, I was almost run over by a BLISS light wagon that turned right from the alley at Sotokanda 6-chome. I was hit by my toes a little, but it's not different, but please instruct me to be careful of the person who was driving. I think I didn't notice it because I was having a chat with the passenger seat.
鈴木政己 on Google

BLISSに注文住宅を依頼し、無事に引き渡しとなりました。担当者にもよるかもしれませんが、こちらにお願いして本当に「正解」だったと思っています。 狭小住宅を専門にしてるからこそ持っているノウハウが豊富で、細かいところまで親身に対応していただきました。たまたま工務店の場所が近くて、小さい子どもがいる身としては助かりました。 小さめの家を建てようとしてる方には本当にオススメです!
I asked BLISS for a custom-built house and it was delivered safely. It may depend on the person in charge, but I think it was really the "correct answer" by asking here. We have a wealth of know-how because we specialize in small houses, and we were kind enough to take care of every detail. It happened that the location of the construction shop was near, which was helpful for me as a person with small children. I really recommend it to anyone trying to build a smaller house!

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