blanc blanc gastropub

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact blanc blanc gastropub

住所 :

Suehiromachi, Tsuruoka, 〒997-0015 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87797
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 6–10PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 6–10PM
Tuesday 6–10PM
Wednesday 6–10PM
Thursday 6–10PM
Friday 6–10PM
街 : Yamagata

Suehiromachi, Tsuruoka, 〒997-0015 Yamagata,Japan
mary requiem on Google

夕食難民になって彷徨ってたところ、偶然発見したお店 2020年5月に開業したばかりで、ワインや日本酒、ビールなど多種のお酒を中心に、お酒にあう食事を取り揃えるビストロやオステリア的に気軽に楽しめるお店 このあたりは食材の宝庫らしく、この日いただいた料理も地元産の食材が中心 庄内産仔羊のカルパッチョ(1000円)モッツァレラとフルーツのサラダ(800円)庄内豚肩ロースのロースト(1280円)に日本酒1白ワイン3と注文 庄内産の仔羊、豚肩ロースのの肉質が期待以上の出来で、雑味の無い甘く旨味に溢れた肉に感動 仔羊のカルパッチョは初めて食べましたが、ジンギスカンを幼少から食べてきた自分にとっては衝撃的な美味しさで、これほどくせの無い旨味たっぷりな仔羊肉は初めて ワインの提案力が高く、こちらの好みを伝えるときっちりと出してくれる 調理で忙しそうであまりお話出来ませんでしたが、会話のスキルも高そう 店主の料理の腕は間違い無く素材へのこだわりも感じ料理も美味しい 開業間もないのに既に人気店なのは、以前のお店からのファンが多いからなのかなーと推測 普段使い向きの良店です
A shop that I accidentally discovered while wandering around as a refugee for dinner A restaurant that just opened in May 2020 and you can easily enjoy as a bistro or an osteria with a variety of foods, such as wine, sake, and beer. This area seems to be a treasure trove of ingredients, and the dishes I received on this day are mainly local ingredients Shonai lamb carpaccio (1000 yen) Mozzarella and fruit salad (800 yen) Shonai pork shoulder roast (1280 yen) Sake 1 white wine 3 order The meat quality of lamb and pork shoulder roast from Shonai was more than expected, and I was impressed by the sweet and delicious meat without miscellaneous taste I ate lamb carpaccio for the first time, but for me who has been eating Genghis Khan since I was a child, it was a shocking taste, and the lamb with plenty of delicious taste is the first time. Highly suggestive of wine, it will give you a proper presentation of your taste I could not talk much because I was busy cooking, but I also seem to have high conversation skills The owner's cooking skills are definitely the feeling of the ingredients and the food is delicious It is speculated that the reason why it is already popular even though it has just opened is because there are many fans from the previous stores. Good store for everyday use
8ognuj8 ikutsa on Google

The number of shops with a nice atmosphere has increased in front of Tsuruoka Station! !! I'm happy. The menu, which used abundant features, was not strange and was very delicious. Thank you for the meal.
Taito b on Google

今回の旅の鶴岡の大正解はコチラでした。仔羊のカルパッチョや「こういうのが食べたいんです」とお願いしたおまかせのパスタは絶品でした。日本酒やワインも豊富でした。 料理の腕も素晴らしく、素材へのこだわりも伝わってきました。また、学生などにも手の出しやすい価格設定の品も多く、お客さんのことも考えられているようした。完全に名店です。家の近くに欲しいタイプのお店です。鶴岡来たら絶対にまた来ます。次に来るときはは全ておまかせで伺いたいです。
The correct answer for Tsuruoka on this trip was here. The lamb carpaccio and the entrusted pasta that I asked "I want to eat this kind of food" were excellent. There was also plenty of sake and wine. His cooking skills are excellent, and his commitment to ingredients has been conveyed. In addition, there are many products with price settings that are easy for students to reach, and it seems that customers are also being considered. It is a completely famous store. This is the type of shop you want near your house. If you come to Tsuruoka, you will definitely come again. When I come next time, I'd like to leave everything to you.
長岡太郎 on Google

お洒落な空間と美味しい料理にワイン、幸せな時間を過ごせました。 豚耳のフリットと仔羊のカルパッチョという他ではお目にかかったことがないメニューが目を惹きました。食べてみたら、フリットは、サクサクした食感に、噛むと甘みと旨みがジュワッと口の中に広がりとても美味しかったです。これだけ食べに、カウンターでワイン飲みに来ても楽しめると感じました。 ナチュラルワインも揃えていて、どのワインもグラスとボトルを選べるのが良かったです。 また、2階はテーブル席があり、若い女性客で人気のようでした。お洒落な空間が好きで、ワイン飲みたい方には、是非ともおすすめです。
I had a happy time with wine in a stylish space and delicious food. The frit of pig ears and carpaccio of lamb, which I have never seen before, caught my eye. When I tried it, the frit had a crispy texture, and when I chewed it, the sweetness and umami spread in my mouth and it was very delicious. I felt that I could enjoy eating this much even if I came to drink wine at the counter. We also have natural wines, and it was good to be able to choose glasses and bottles for each wine. In addition, there were table seats on the 2nd floor, which seemed to be popular with young female customers. If you like a stylish space and want to drink wine, this is definitely recommended.
Yあっきぃ on Google

地元食材を使った4,000円コース料理をいただきました。 めちゃくちゃ美味しかったです❣️ ボリュームも満点❗️リピ決定です?✨
I had a 4,000 yen course meal using local ingredients. It was insanely delicious ❣️ Volume is also perfect ❗️ Lipi decision ?✨
MEI ASANO on Google

夜3000円のコースをお願いしました。 私は特別、美味しいとは思わなかったです。 (最近、美味しいもの食べ過ぎてたからかしら) このご時世に店員さんもシェフもマスクなしなのが気になりました。 女性店員さん、愛想がなくて敬語も使えない。 食べ終わったお皿は、速攻で片付けられます。 テーブル席が2階でお手洗いが1階なので、酔っぱらいの往復は危険かな。 ドリンクのメニューも、日本酒6〜7種類記載されてたかと思いますが、あるのは1種類だけでした。
I asked for a course of 3000 yen at night. I didn't think it was special and delicious. (I wonder if I ate too much delicious food lately) At this time, I was worried that neither the clerk nor the chef had a mask. Female clerk, I can't use honorifics because I'm not friendly. The plates you have finished eating can be quickly cleaned up. The table seats are on the 2nd floor and the restroom is on the 1st floor, so it's dangerous for a drunk person to go back and forth. I think that the drink menu also listed 6 to 7 types of sake, but there was only one type.
はげろん on Google

母の誕生日でお邪魔しました。 全部のメニューが非常に美味しく、また美しくて目でも楽しめました! 特に猪のお肉が臭みが無くとても食べやすく美味しかったです? ありがとうございました♡
J Lo Flo on Google

Cozy atmosphere, good music, delicious cuisine. Highly recommend this spot!

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