Birthplace of Prince Shotoku - Takaichi District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Birthplace of Prince Shotoku

住所 :

Kawahara, Asuka, Takaichi District, Nara 634-0141, Japan

Postal code : 634-0141

Kawahara, Asuka, Takaichi District, Nara 634-0141, Japan
bittercup Oh on Google

温玉うどん on Google

HJM H on Google

The Buddha on the right side created an atmosphere as if it were alive.
シ冓ロイ建― on Google

Prince Shotoku, the place of birth of Prince Gakudo
ともぞう走れ on Google

本当に御生誕の地?って思われるぐらい、ひっそり何気なく石碑が建ってます。 偶然気になり停まったから分かったものの、素通りしてしまいそうな( ノД`)…
Is it really the birthplace? The stone monument is quietly erected so much that it seems. I knew it because I was anxious and stopped by chance, but it seems that I will pass by (ノ Д`)…
おだ天狗 on Google

用明天皇の第二子。厩戸豊聡耳皇子。 皇后が馬司の所においでになったとき、 厩の戸に当られた拍子に難なく出産。 と伝わる。馬小屋で生まれた訳では無い。 敏達天皇三年一月一日生まれ。 推古天皇の御代に皇太子になる。 蘇我馬子と共に政権を担う。 聖徳太子は後世の諡号。
The second child of Emperor Yomei. Prince Yutaka Sayato. When the Empress came to Mashi, She gave birth without difficulty on the beat of a stable door. It is transmitted. It was not born in a stable. Emperor Toshida was born on January 1st of the third year. Emperor Suiko becomes the Crown Prince. Takes power with Soga Mako. Shotoku Taishi was a poster of the later generation.
常国秀平 on Google

I came to the birthplace of a great man who laid the foundation of Japan, also known as Prince Shotoku and Prince Shotoku. It has a very clean atmosphere and the scenery is good, so please visit once. Perhaps it was the right season, many cluster amaryllis were in bloom and I felt mysterious.
keiichi koyanagi on Google

聖徳太子が誕生した地である橘宮に建立した橘寺との伝説のある寺。 聖徳太子は用明天皇磐余池辺雙槻宮跡伝承地(現在、石寸山口神社がある)で生まれているのでこの地が聖徳太子誕生の地とするのは後に作られた伝説かなと思います。 むしろこの寺は聖徳太子一族の鎮魂の寺として考えている梅原猛の説が面白い。つまり平城京遷都の後に建てられた聖徳太子一族鎮魂の寺である法隆寺に相当する寺で斉明天皇の霊を祀る川原寺と対をなしている。 斉明天皇は宮があった川原の地で啞として生まれた孫である健皇子つまり天智天皇の子の病が罪無くして殺害された聖徳太子一族25人の祟りである事を憂いた斉明天皇がこの地に聖徳太子の霊を呼んで供養した場所である、との梅原猛が説く話に魅せられます。橘寺が川原寺に向かい合って建てられいる理由も自ずから分かるようだ。  (2015年3月)
A legendary temple with Tachibana-ji, built in Tachibana-miya, the place where Prince Shotoku was born. Prince Shotoku was born in the historic site of Emperor Yomei, Yoikebe Shrine (currently there is Ishizen Yamaguchi Shrine), so I think this place is the birthplace of Prince Shotoku. . Rather, the theory of Takeshi Umehara, who considers this temple as a requiem temple for the Prince Shotoku family, is interesting. In other words, this temple is equivalent to Horyu-ji Temple, the temple of the shrine of Prince Shotoku, built after the capital of Heijo, and is paired with Kawahara-ji Temple, which enshrines the spirit of Emperor Saimei. Emperor Saimei, who was worried about the resentment of 25 members of the Prince Shotoku family, whose illness was killed innocently, by Prince Prince Tenchi, the grandson of the grandchildren of Kawahara, where the palace was located I am fascinated by the story that Takeshi Umehara explains that this place is a place where the spirit of Prince Shotoku was called and offered. It seems that the reason why Tachibana-ji is built facing Kawahara-ji is self-explanatory. (March 2015)

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