Big Motor Hiratsukashinomiyaten - Hiratsuka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Big Motor Hiratsukashinomiyaten

住所 :

6 Chome-1-18 Shinomiya, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa 254-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 254-0014
Webサイト :

6 Chome-1-18 Shinomiya, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa 254-0014, Japan
木村怜史 on Google

今回もまた女性の営業Tさんに納得のいく高い金額で愛車を 買い取ってもらえました!!! 説明も丁寧でスムーズに話ができたので最高でした! ディーラーさんや近隣買取業者よりも断然いい金額だったので、 知人に紹介したいくらいおススメです! また高価買取お願いしたいです! つぎは水戸のお土産も持っていきます!
This time as well, I bought my car at a high price that was convincing to the female salesperson T. I got it bought! !! !! The explanation was polite and I was able to talk smoothly, so it was great! It was definitely better than the dealers and neighboring purchasers, so I recommend it so much that I want to introduce it to my acquaintances! I would like to request an expensive purchase again! Next, I will bring some souvenirs from Mito!
ku ra on Google

ここで約半年前に軽自動車を査定してもらいました。結果今まで経験した事が無いぐらいひどい接客から始まり意味のわからないクロージングされました。批判だけ記載すると伝わるものも伝わらないと思いますので端的に事実だけ記載します。 『電話で事前予約編』 ホームページから予約しようとすると近隣の店舗表示になり架電。 最短の都合がいい日にスケジュールを調整して終話。と思いきや お店から電話がなりさっき調整した担当者から 条件が合えばぜひ売ってくださいとなんかわけわからん念押しの電話。 電話の感じも不信感。 『査定当日編』 当日は雨☂️ 駐車場に止めたら目の前に傘を持っていた店員さんが…。 よくある挨拶して傘をわざわざ持って来てもらえるのか??と一瞬思ったが軽く会釈され事務所内にコツコツ。。。 まぁ特に気にする事なく事務所に入ろうと入り口に近づいた時 店内に棒立ちの店員(後の担当者)が ガラス越しに仁王立ちで待ってる。 自動ドアでもないのでガチャって開けて入店。 待ってるんじゃなくて開けたら?って思いながら消毒して入店。 内心あの時の担当者じゃ無い人で…。と思ったが その店員が勿論担当者で査定が始まる。 『査定編』 アンケート記載を求められて記載した後に車査定。約30分 車外、車内を査定しやっと戻ってきた。 年齢的にも中堅ぐらいだが、なんか辿々しい。 セールストークも自慢ばかり。 なにが言いたいのかわからない中査定金額を提示される。 人気の車種且つ走行距離も年式の割に走っていなかった為中古相場が読みづらいらしく オートオークションの過去取引情報が記載されている相場本みたいなのを徐に見せてきてこれですみたいな感じ。 素人からすると【???】 もうちょっと検討したくなるような接客、価格提示してもらってたら良かったが全てよくわからんセールストークで売る気もなる。 QAズレ 横柄 よくわからん よくこんな人を雇ってるなと思う感じでした。 勿論、丁重に検討しますと言い車に戻るとナビの設定がTV。 絶対あいつ査定する程でTV見てたな。 流石に価格も安く納得できなかったので他社で査定してもらうと20マン高く価格提示を受けた。 その瞬間にここは無いと思いました。 長々と記載しましたがあくまで私の感想で、 当たりが悪かっただけかもしれません。 参考程度にしてください。 ここに限らずまだまだ中古買取の車屋さんはざっくりどんぶり勘定だったり、あって無いような金額をそれらしい事を言ってきますのでしっかり知識をつけて対応してもらえればと思います。
About half a year ago, I had a mini car assessed here. As a result, it started with a terrible customer service that I had never experienced before, and the closing was incomprehensible. I think that if you describe only the criticism, you will not be able to convey what you can convey, so I will briefly describe only the facts. "Advance reservation by phone" When I try to make a reservation from the homepage, a nearby store is displayed and a call is made. Adjust the schedule on the shortest convenient day and end the talk. I think The person in charge who made the phone call from the shop and adjusted it earlier I don't know why you should sell it if the conditions are met. The feeling of the phone is also distrustful. "Assessment day" Rain on the day ☂️ When I parked in the parking lot, a clerk with an umbrella in front of me ... Can you bother to say hello and bring an umbrella? ?? I thought for a moment, but I was lightly bowed and steadily inside the office. .. .. Well, when I approached the entrance to enter the office without worrying about it A clerk (later in charge) standing in the store I'm waiting in the Nio standing through the glass. It's not an automatic door, so you can open it and enter the store. Why don't you open it instead of waiting? I disinfected it and entered the store. Inwardly, a person who was not the person in charge at that time ... I thought Of course, the clerk is the person in charge and the assessment begins. "Assessment" Car assessment after being asked to fill out a questionnaire. About 30 minutes After assessing the outside and inside of the car, I finally returned. It's about the middle age, but it's kind of terrible. I'm also proud of sales talk. You will be presented with a medium valuation amount that you do not know what you mean. It is difficult to read the used market because it was a popular model and the mileage was not running for the model year. It's like this, gradually showing a market book that contains past transaction information for auto auctions. From an amateur's point of view [???] It would have been nice if the customer service and price were offered to make me want to consider it a little more, but I don't understand everything and I feel like selling it through sales talk. QA deviation Arrogant Well I do not know I often felt like I wasn't hiring someone like this. Of course, when I returned to the car, I said that I would consider it carefully, and the navigation setting was TV. I was watching TV to the extent that he would definitely assess it. As expected, the price was cheap and I was not convinced, so when I had another company assess it, I received a price offer 20 man higher. At that moment I thought it wasn't here. I mentioned it for a long time, but it's just my impression. Maybe it was just a bad hit. Please use it as a reference. Not limited to this, car dealers who buy second-hand goods will roughly say that it is a donburi account or an amount that does not exist, so I hope that you will be well informed and deal with it.
狩村安 on Google

なぜここの口コミで悪い内容があるのかわからない。 むしろ自分達客の態度が悪いのでは?? 私自身今回の売却にはかなり納得いく値段で引き取ってもらえた。 担当は店長さん?? 喋り方も丁寧でわかりやすく説明してくれた(私がかなり素人な為大変だったと思う) 知り合いもみんなビッグさんでは満足してる為不満があるのならばまずは自分達の態度を改めてお話ししましょう。 相手の店員さんもあなたと同じ人間ですよ。 今回はお世話になりました。 またお願い致します。
I don't understand why there is something wrong with the reviews here. Rather, the attitude of our customers is bad? ?? I myself received the sale at a fairly reasonable price. Is the store manager in charge? ?? He explained how to speak in a polite and easy-to-understand manner (I think it was difficult because I am quite an amateur). All the acquaintances are satisfied with Mr. Big, so if you are dissatisfied, let's talk about their attitude again. The clerk of the other party is the same person as you. Thank you for your help this time. Thank you again.
Aki K on Google

I was relieved that the infection countermeasures were perfect. The assessment takes about 20 minutes and the response is polite. I'm glad that he made documents while looking at the big display, and I didn't have to write various things with a pen.
しおゆき on Google

I am satisfied with the purchase higher than expected
sss mmm on Google

買取台数日本一に偽りなし 口コミを見る限りにおいて、ビックモーターは客の囲い込みなど酷評を受けており、高額買取は期待できるが対応に心配があった。 しかしながら、営業の阿部さんには誠実な対応をしていただき、気持ち良い取り引きができた。 ぜひおすすめしたい。
The number of purchases is truly the best in Japan As far as the word of mouth is concerned, BigMotor has been criticized for retaining customers, and although it can be expected to be purchased at a high price, there was concern about its response. However, Mr. Abe, a sales representative, responded in good faith, and I was able to make a pleasant transaction. I definitely want to recommend it.
Hiroyuki Fujinuma on Google

星1にも値しないお粗末な対応です。 一括査定のサイトから出張見積もりを依頼したが、約束の時間になっても査定員は来ず、遅れる連絡も無いためこちらから店舗に問い合わせを行ったところ、出張査定の予約が入っていないとの事。 こちらは仕事を早く切り上げ、車の準備をして待っていたのにドタキャンされました。
It is a poor response that is not worth the star 1. I requested a business trip quote from the collective assessment site, but the assessor did not come even at the promised time, and there was no delay, so when I contacted the store from here, it was said that there was no reservation for business trip assessment. case. I finished my work early, prepared the car and waited, but I was slammed.
ncp60T on Google

以前相模原店で売却した事がありましたが、「お客様の車を探している別のお客様がいらっしゃるので今すぐ売却を決めて下さい」とか買取りを渋った際に「お客様に確認しますね」とか決まり文句なのか嘘を並べられて、売却後千葉の方で自分の車が暫く売りに出されてたのは残念でしたし、手放す前日の確認も無く、当日来店した際も「え?誰?」みたいな対応でした。 ビッグモーターは高く買い取ってくれるけどノルマこなすのによっぽど忙しいのか接客にいいイメージは無かったのですが、平塚四之宮店の大澤さんは上記の相模原店の営業マンのような事は一切無く、正直にお話して頂けましたし、買取り価格もディーラー下取り額より無理とわかりつつ10万近くふっかけたのに満額とはいかないものの十分納得出来る価格を提示して頂けました。 前日の確認電話も、来店の際の対応も、商談中の気遣いも全て心地よかったです。 またお世話になりたいと思う営業マンさんに担当して貰えて良かったです。
I had sold it at the Sagamihara store before, but when I was reluctant to buy it, I decided to say, "There is another customer who is looking for your car, so please decide to sell it now." It was a pity that my car was put up for sale in Chiba for a while after the sale because I was lying about it, and there was no confirmation the day before I let it go, and when I came to the store on the day, "Who? It was a response like. Big motors are bought at a high price, but I didn't have a good image for customer service because I was busy doing quotas, but Mr. Osawa of Hiratsuka Shinomiya store is not like the salesman of Sagamihara store mentioned above, and honestly I was able to talk to you, and while I knew that the purchase price was impossible than the dealer's trade-in price, I sprinkled nearly 100,000, but it was not the full price, but I was able to offer a price that I was fully satisfied with. The confirmation call the day before, the response when visiting the store, and the care during the negotiations were all comfortable. I'm glad that the salesman who wants to take care of me is in charge of it.

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