
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 別所温泉

住所 :

Besshomachi, Kaga, 〒922-0274 Ishikawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:40AM–10PM
Sunday 11:40AM–10PM
Monday 11:40AM–10PM
Tuesday 11:40AM–10PM
Wednesday 11:40AM–10PM
Thursday 11:40AM–10PM
Friday 11:40AM–10PM
街 : Ishikawa

Besshomachi, Kaga, 〒922-0274 Ishikawa,Japan
秘境者 on Google

440円で入浴できる他、加賀温泉郷パスポートの対象施設です。 シャンプー、石鹸、脱衣場のロッカーはなく、貴重品は受付側の貴重品ロッカーに預けます。 露天風呂があり、飲泉も可能です。 洗い場はたくさんありますが、カラン、シャワー共温度調整が出来ません。 従業員の方が親切な温泉でした。
In addition to being able to take a bath for 440 yen, this is a target facility for Kaga Onsenkyo Passport. There is no locker for shampoo, soap and dressing room. There is an open-air bath and a hot spring is also available. There are a lot of washing places, but the temperature of both Kallang and shower cannot be adjusted. The hot spring was nice to the employees.
Hide M on Google

シャンプー・石けんなど備え付けがないので忘れると、そこで購入出来るが忘れないよう注意です。 体もとても暖まり、めっちゃ気持ちよいお風呂でした。 少し距離はあるがめっちゃリピーターです。?
There is no shampoo or soap, so if you forget it, you can buy it there, but be careful not to forget it. My body was very warm and it was a very comfortable bath. It's a little distance, but it's a repeater. ?
Quyen Chanh on Google

(2020/12初訪) 平日の昼間なのに地元の高齢者が次から次へと来店。山代温泉なので他にも日帰り温泉沢山あるのに皆ここに来られると言うことはここのお湯がとてもいい証拠なのでしょう。 尚、JAFの会員証を提示するとこちらの温泉で作られた温泉玉子をひとつもらえます。
(First visit on December 2020) Even though it is daytime on weekdays, local elderly people come to the store one after another. Since it is Yamashiro Onsen, there are many other day trip hot springs, but the fact that everyone can come here is proof that the hot springs here are very good. If you show your JAF membership card, you will get one hot spring egg made at this hot spring.
ecchake handmade on Google

子供が濃厚接触でも何もないのに、コロナが出た保育園に通っていたというだけでもう来ないで下さいと言われた。お店に入ったら設置してある検温でも平熱なのに。 そして、他のお客は検温せずに入る人も多いです。なので熱があっても入れます。現に、咳をしてる人も入浴しています。 また、アトピーなだけで、汚い、人に移るから来ないでといってきました。店主はかなりの偏見をもっています。クレームをいうと、なら来なければいいんじゃない?と言われました。 冬は冷房がかかっているのかという位脱衣室が寒いので、すぐ体が冷えます。
I was told not to come anymore just because I was attending the nursery school where Corona came out, even though my child had no contact with me. Even though the temperature measurement installed when I entered the store was normal. And many other customers enter without measuring the temperature. So even if you have a fever, you can put it in. In fact, people who are coughing are also taking a bath. Also, he told me not to come because it's just atopic, it's dirty, and it's transferred to people. The shopkeeper has a lot of prejudice. Speaking of complaints, why don't you come? They said. In winter, the dressing room is cold as if it is air-conditioned, so my body gets cold immediately.
iwan iwan on Google

ここの温泉卵 激ウマ 美味しい不味いは個人差があるので話半分に聞いてください いや美味いですよww ほのかな硫化水素の香りが 家や店で作る人工的な温泉卵と一線を科す あ~これだこれだ的な温泉卵 聞くと賞味期限は常温で2週間ほどだそう(聞いたのは夏ですw お土産にもいいよ ぜひぜひ
The hot spring eggs here, super horses, delicious tastes vary from person to person, so please ask half the story. No, it ’s delicious ww The faint scent of hydrogen sulfide sets it apart from the artificial hot spring eggs made at home and in stores. Ah, this is this hot spring egg I heard that the expiration date is about 2 weeks at room temperature (I heard it in summer w) It's also good as a souvenir.
恵子 on Google

のどかな住宅地にある、穴場的な温泉施設です。露天風呂は源泉です。大変良い湯で温まりました。しかし、設備が古く、シャワーヘッドが固定式。可動するシャワーは数か所。また、イスが低すぎて子供用かと思うほど。膝が悪い方はきついと思います。そして、ドライヤーが1分10円と、かなりお高め。というか今どき有料? 金庫が外なので、なかなか大変です(;´∀`) 温泉玉子は2種類あり、食べ比べしました。どちらも美味しかったです。受付の方も感じの良い方です。
It is a little-known hot spring facility in a peaceful residential area. The open-air bath is the source. It warmed up with very good hot water. However, the equipment is old and the shower head is fixed. There are several movable showers. Also, the chairs are so low that I think they are for children. I think those with bad knees are tough. And the hair dryer is 10 yen per minute, which is quite expensive. Or rather, pay now? Since the safe is outside, it is quite difficult (; ´∀ `) There are two types of hot spring eggs, and I ate and compared them. They were both delicious. The receptionist is also a nice person.
messi on Google

お湯サラサラ、無味無臭、内湯は広めで八畳、もう少し広いかも、正方形のお風呂、41〜42度か、少し熱め。2基の壁設置バイブラあり。二畳くらいの露天あり。 サウナ90〜100度、二段、最大四人、感染対策で顔にタオル巻くなど注意あり。水風呂体感16〜17度(少しぬるめといわれる温度だろう。)外気浴の椅子などはない。 洗い場たくさん、シャワーは固定設置。カランあり。 出入り口はホースで足元に温めの湯を流していて清潔感ある、かけ湯あり。 水飲み場は上向きの蛇口、公園にあるような型。 脱衣所はロッカーなし、籠あり。貴重品ロッカーは受付ロビーにあり、使用料無料、髪を止めるようなゴムで手などにつけておく。 内装は地方の公民館のよう。お風呂が3つある?(男湯、女湯ともう一つあったような気がする。) シャンプー等なし。受付で購入可能。 入浴料460円、温泉めぐりカード(800円で3箇所入浴可)の対象です。 温泉卵10個の値段は総湯周辺で買うより100円くらい安い。味は飛び抜けてはいないけど、普通に美味しいです。11月来店で二週間保存可能と言ってた。後ろのラベルには冷蔵保存って書いてあったけど。賞味期限までの期間は見なかったな。旅行中のタンパク質補給に一箱買っておけばよかった。 駐車場広め、喫煙所あり。 最も近いバス停は別所町ですが、数が少ないです(一枚目にバス停写真、奥に温泉入口の看板が見える。二枚目はバス停時刻表、駅方向は一日に一本)。二天バス停が次に近いです。バス本数は多めです。(二天町交差点を折れて、コメリ傍らを写したのが4枚目。5,6,7と進んでいって、7枚目の階段を登ると8枚目、目の前にバス停。9枚目が二天の時刻表。)別所町バス停は温泉から徒歩1〜2分、二天は徒歩8〜10分かな。 道が確実な、山代温泉南口から15〜25分歩きましたが、二天バス停の方がいいでしょう。雨が降っていたので足元など心配してましたが、アスファルト舗装で、車2台通れる広さです。日中なら雨でも歩くのに十分です。歩道はないです。南口からだと、歩道はしっかりあり安全なのですが遠いですね。途中にコンビニがいくつかあるのはいいと思いますが。 初めての山代温泉でした。住宅地の中にあり、秘境感、特別感はないです。温泉、銭湯に求めるものは揃っています。優等生です。近隣の住人さんが羨ましいです。
The hot water is smooth, tasteless and odorless, the indoor bath is wide and 8 tatami mats, maybe a little wider, a square bath, 41-42 degrees or a little hot. There are two wall-mounted vibras. There is an open air of about 2 tatami mats. Sauna 90-100 degrees, 2 steps, up to 4 people, be careful such as wrapping a towel around your face to prevent infection. Experience a water bath 16 to 17 degrees Celsius (It's a temperature that is said to be a little lukewarm.) There are no chairs for outdoor air baths. There are many washrooms and showers are fixed. There is a curan. At the doorway, there is a hot water with a hose that runs warm water under your feet for a clean feeling. The drinking fountain is an upward faucet, a type like that in a park. There are no lockers and baskets at the dressing room. There is a valuables locker in the reception lobby, which is free of charge and can be attached to your hands with rubber that stops your hair. The interior is like a local community center. Do you have 3 baths? (I feel like there was another bath for men and women.) No shampoo etc. Can be purchased at the reception. A bathing fee of 460 yen and a hot spring tour card (800 yen allows you to take a bath in 3 places) are eligible. The price of 10 hot spring eggs is about 100 yen cheaper than buying around Soyu. The taste is not outstanding, but it is usually delicious. He said that he could store it for two weeks when he came to the store in November. The label on the back says that it should be refrigerated. I didn't see the period until the expiration date. I should have bought a box for protein supplementation while traveling. There is a large parking lot and a smoking area. The nearest bus stop is Bessho-cho, but the number is small (the first one shows the bus stop photo, the signboard at the hot spring entrance can be seen in the back, the second one is the bus stop timetable, and the direction to the station is one per day). The Niten bus stop is the next closest. The number of buses is large. (Folding the Nitenmachi intersection, the 4th photo shows the side of Komeri. Going to 5, 6 and 7, climbing the 7th stairs leads to the 8th photo, and the bus stop in front of you. 9th The eyes are the timetable of Niten.) Besshocho bus stop is a 1-2 minute walk from the hot spring, and Niten is an 8-10 minute walk. I walked for 15 to 25 minutes from the south exit of Yamashiro Onsen, which has a solid road, but the Niten bus stop is better. It was raining so I was worried about my feet, but the asphalt pavement is large enough to accommodate two cars. It's enough to walk in the rain during the day. There is no sidewalk. From the south exit, the sidewalk is solid and safe, but it's far. I think it's nice to have some convenience stores along the way. It was the first Yamashiro hot spring. It's in a residential area, so there's no sense of seclusion or speciality. We have everything you need for hot springs and public baths. I am an honor student. I envy the residents in the neighborhood.
S N on Google

地元のお客さん中心の銭湯です。シャンプー、ボディソープなどは持参するか、なければ購入することが出来ます。 こぢんまりしてますが、内湯、露天、サウナが揃っていて中々良い。 女湯はふたつあって、ふたつめは15時以降に入浴できます。 JAF会員証提示で温泉たまごサービス。 スタンプカードもあって、スタンプ10ヶと20ヶで温泉たまごプレゼント。 ここの温泉たまご中々美味ですよ。
It is a public bath centered on local customers. You can bring shampoo, body soap, etc. or buy them if you don't have them. It's small, but the indoor bath, open-air bath, and sauna are all good. There are two women's baths, and the second one can be bathed after 15:00. Show your JAF membership card for hot spring egg service. There is also a stamp card, and you can get hot spring eggs with 10 and 20 stamps. The hot spring eggs here are delicious.

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