手打ちうどん 芭蕉 - Gamo District

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 手打ちうどん 芭蕉

住所 :

Bessho, Hino, Gamo District, 〒529-1647 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 529-1647
Webサイト : http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~bashou/
街 : Shiga

Bessho, Hino, Gamo District, 〒529-1647 Shiga,Japan
ckk on Google

名古屋に向かう中、うどんを探してて立ち寄りました。 おいしかったです! 芭蕉うどん、冷やしカレーにえび天追加、大盛。
While heading to Nagoya, I searched for udon and stopped by. It was delicious! Basho udon noodles, chilled curry, and shrimp tempura added.
きり on Google

夕方の六時頃来店。のどかな里山の国道沿いに ポツンとあるお店で、うどんをウリにしているみたい 正直、期待せず通り道で入店しましたが、メニューに 目を通すと、ダシにこだわってますとのコメントで ハードル上げてきますなあと思いつつ嫁と義妹の三品注文! きつねうどん(オレ)はいから丼(嫁)天ぷらうどん(義妹)で 期待しながら到着を待ちました。 きつねうどんは甘めのサッパリだしで好感持てましたし 麺はコシは強くないですが、ツユに合う優しいお味でした。 はいから丼は小うどん付きでボリューム感もあり 青ネギたっぷりに山椒が振ってあり関西圏の洗礼を受けた やや刺激的な味で楽しめました。 天ぷらうどんは海老天を一尾シェアしましたがカリカリ衣で 尻尾まで美味しくいただけました。 用事が無いとナカナカ寄れないお店ですが、甲賀エリアに 来たときには一考アリかなと思いました。 あと、接客も里山系のホッコリしたサービスで好印象でした。 ごちそうさまでした(^人^)
Visited around 6:00 in the evening. Along the idyllic satoyama national highway It looks like udon is being cucumbered at a certain shop To be honest, I entered the store on the way without expecting, but on the menu If you look through the comments, I'm stuck with dashi I will raise the hurdles while ordering three items of my wife and sister-in-law! Kitsune Udon (I) Yes, Aoi (bride) Tempura Udon (Sister-in-law) I waited for the arrival. The fox udon was so sweet and nice The noodles are not strong, but they have a gentle taste that goes well with Tsuyu. Yes, rice cakes are small udon and have a sense of volume A lot of green onions were swayed at the foot of the mountain and received baptism in the Kansai area I enjoyed it with a slightly exciting taste. Tempura Udon shared a shrimp tempura but it was crunchy It was delicious to the tail. It ’s a shop where you ca n’t stop if there ’s no business, but in the Koka area When I came, I thought it was an ant thought. Also, the customer service was a good impression with the satoyama-based service. Feast (^ people ^)
まさおく on Google

なかなかよろいし 芭蕉うどんせっと ごはんもついていて ボリュームあり うどんは味噌あじ生卵に具だくさん冬によいかも 2021/9/18
Very good Basho Udon Set With rice There is volume Udon is a lot of miso horse mackerel raw eggs and may be good for winter 2021/9/18
nobuyuki kita on Google

雰囲気も良く、京都系に近い柔らかめのおうどんで出汁も美味しかったです。 カレー丼の方は少し甘めの味付けでしたのでお子様でも食べれるかと思います。
The atmosphere was good, and it was a soft udon close to Kyoto and the soup was delicious. The curry bowl was a little sweeter so I think it can be eaten by children.
Kei Takehiro on Google

めちゃくちゃ美味しいです。 真ん中に大きなテーブルと、周りに座敷が4,5箇所あります。 トイレにもエアコンが完備です。
It's really delicious. There is a large table in the middle and 4,5 tatami mats around it. The toilet is also equipped with air conditioning.
kiyo on Google

海老天カレーうどんをいただきました(^^) カレーも餡かけのような透き通った色に程よいスパイシーなお出汁です。 特に天ぷらがとてもサクサクしてとっても美味しい! お餅の天ぷらも珍しくカレーにからめて食べて美味しかったです(^^)
I had Ebiten curry udon (^^) Curry is also a spicy soup stock with a clear color like red bean paste. Especially the tempura is very crispy and very delicious! The mochi tempura was also rare and it was delicious to eat with curry (^^)
ibarakimax on Google

For one person at lunch on weekdays. It is located in the suburbs and there are no other restaurants in the area. For the time being, it is located along the national highway, and there are parking lots in front of and behind the store, and the capacity is also reasonable, so I ordered the udon noodles with the store name, but the order rate for curry udon noodles seemed to be high. In addition, daily specials are offered at reasonable prices, udon noodles are handmade, and the menu is diverse, making it a conscientious shop. The inside of the store is mainly table seats in the tatami room, but there is a large table in the center of the store, which seems to be available for a small number of people. For the time being, it was separated by a partition. Payment was also supported by electronic payments such as PayPay. Next time, I would like to try curry udon noodles.
M N on Google

道中で見つけた手打ちうどん屋。 今回は卵カレーうどん(700円)を注文。予想していたカレーとは少し異なり、カレーよりも出汁を感じるあんかけカレー餡で、辛さは全く無い。うどん麺は不均一にカットされているが、柔らかめであんかけカレー餡がよく絡んで美味しい。非常に優しい味で体調に依らず食べられそう。 パーテーションがあることに加え、退店後はしっかりアルコール消毒されており、コロナ対策も良い。 備考:カウンター席16席、4人テーブル個室5室、8人テーブル個室1室、パーテーションあり、アンコール消毒あり。 卓上:醤油、七味、塩、爪楊枝
A handmade udon shop I found along the way. This time I ordered egg curry udon (700 yen). It's a little different from the curry I expected, it's ankake curry bean paste that feels more soup stock than curry, and it's not spicy at all. Udon noodles are cut unevenly, but they are soft and delicious with the ankake curry bean paste. It has a very gentle taste and seems to be eaten regardless of physical condition. In addition to having a partition, it has been thoroughly sterilized with alcohol after leaving the store, and measures against corona are also good. Remarks: 16 counter seats, 5 private rooms for 4 people, 1 private room for 8 people, with partitions, with encore disinfection. Tabletop: soy sauce, shichimi, salt, toothpicks

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