大衆酒場BEETLE 五反田

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大衆酒場BEETLE 五反田

Higashigotanda, Shinagawa City, 〒141-0022 Tokyo,Japan
T S on Google

五反田にある大衆居酒屋。 ジム帰りに友人たちと訪問。 店内は満席でしたがちょうど会計のお客さんがいて入れ替わりで入れました。 お酒は迷いましたがチンチロハイボールに。 偶数半額、奇数倍額でメガに、ゾロ目で無料です。 奇数→ゾロ目→半額→半額で勝ち越し!w アテはしらすおろし、青唐と納豆のオムレツ、肉豆腐、季節のアヒージョ、串焼き5種盛り、カマ焼き、ハムカツを。 アテもお酒も種類たくさんで悩みますがどれも間違いないやつ。
A popular izakaya in Gotanda. Visited with friends on the way home from the gym. The store was full, but there were just accounting customers and we took turns. I wasn't sure what to drink, but I chose Cee-lo highball. Even-numbered half price, odd-numbered double price to mega, doublet free. Odd number → doublet → half price → half price to win! w Grated shirasu, omelet of green tang and natto, meat tofu, seasonal ajillo, 5 kinds of skewers, grilled kama, hamukatsu. I'm worried about the variety of sake and liquor, but there is no doubt about them.
inubouzu tokyo on Google

色々なお店でカシラを食べましたが、ここのカシラが旨み・肉質・ボリューム・焼き加減と自分的には最高レベルに思いました。 肉豆腐ももつ煮込みもお豆腐がガッツリ入っているタイプでお腹いっぱいになります。 下町の居酒屋でよく見るコの字のカウンターの内側に大鍋が置いてあり,そこから注いでくれて出てくるスタイルです。 お刺身もボリュームがあって新鮮、人気があるのがよくわかります。 ハイボールはチンチロリンで負けると料金もボリュームも2倍と書いてありましたが、負けて出てきたのは大ジョッキで三杯分はありそう。 常に客に損はさせないお店です!
I ate Kashira at various shops, but I thought that Kashira here was the highest level in terms of umami, meat quality, volume, and degree of baking. The meat tofu and the stewed motsuni are filled with tofu, which makes you full. There is a large pot inside the U-shaped counter that you often see in downtown izakaya, and it is a style that pours from there. You can see that the sashimi is also voluminous, fresh and popular. It was written that the price and volume of highball would be doubled if it was defeated by Cee-loline, but it seems that the one who lost was a large mug and there are three cups. It's a shop that doesn't always hurt customers!
しゅーおか on Google

五反田でおすすめの居酒屋がこちら。 大衆酒場BEETLE 五反田の他にも、蒲田にもあり。 カウンター席とテーブル席があり、店内は活気があり、賑やかな感じ。 常連客も多く、年代は若者からお年寄りまで幅広く利用しているイメージ。 メニューは豊富で、個人的におすすめの肉豆腐、大根のおでん、厚切りハムカツを注文。 安定の美味しさで、サクッと飲みたい時などで重宝できるお店。 こういうお店を知っておくと、友達とのお店選びもサクサクと行けて便利。 是非リピートしたい。
Here is a recommended izakaya in Gotanda. Popular bar BEETLE In addition to Gotanda, there are also in Kamata. There are counter seats and table seats, and the inside of the store is lively and lively. There are many regular customers, and the image is that it is widely used by people from young people to the elderly. The menu is abundant, and I ordered meat tofu, radish oden, and thick-sliced ​​hamukatsu, which I personally recommend. It's a stable and delicious restaurant that you can come in handy when you want to drink quickly. Knowing these stores makes it easy to choose a store with your friends. I definitely want to repeat it.
on Google

いつ行っても安定して美味しくてコスパが良い!個人的に好きなのは、たまに売り切れてるけどレバテキ!石が出てきて自分で焼くスタイルです。感染症対策で、焼くための割り箸は別にしてねと言われます。 あと、明太子乗せポテサラと肉豆腐も美味しいです。ポテサラが美味しいお店はだいたい当たりな気がする。 日本酒も安く飲めるので、飲み過ぎ注意。いつもギリギリ入れるかどうかくらい混んでいるので、繁盛しているようでなによりです。
It's stable and delicious no matter when you go, and the cost performance is good! My personal favorite is that it's sold out once in a while, but it's rebateki! It is a style in which stones come out and are baked by yourself. As a measure against infectious diseases, it is said that disposable chopsticks for baking should be set aside. Also, the potato salad with mentaiko and meat tofu are delicious. I feel that a restaurant with delicious potato salad is usually a hit. You can drink sake cheaply, so be careful not to drink too much. It's always crowded as to whether or not it can be put in, so it seems to be prosperous.
宮川恵子 on Google

田町駅近くにできたBETTLE、令和なのに昭和の香りがする作りの店内。でも、クラフトビールが2種類あったり、おつまみもどれもおいしくて、リーズナブルなお値段なのも、うれしい居酒屋さんです。 最後にしじみのスープのおまけが出てくるのが、ノンベイにはうれしい差^ビスですね。
BETTLE near Tamachi Station, a shop where you can enjoy the smell of Showa even though it is resolute. However, there are two types of craft beer, and all the snacks are delicious, and the price is reasonable. It is a nice difference for Non-Bay that the soup of Shijimi soup comes out at the end.
Cas Linden on Google

Alphabet ie the best company
conics net on Google

Ok food
KO KO on Google

Reasonable, nice variety and yummy!? highly rating on the net, it’s good to go in earlier time.

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