日比谷Bar 日比谷店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日比谷Bar 日比谷店

住所 :

Yurakucho, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0006 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : http://www.hibiya-bar.com/hibiya
街 : Tokyo

Yurakucho, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0006 Tokyo,Japan
おおすみなおき on Google

Isn't it the smallest store in the Hibiya bar? Since the number of sake is inevitably reduced, it is evaluated as normal. It's a little interesting because you can see the train coming and going from the window.
浩伸 on Google

I thought it would be a little expensive if I went there normally, but it was a normal price if I went on a course with a group. It was a company farewell party, but the clerk was also interesting and great.
T H on Google

良い点 ・個室がある(10人程度) ・おしゃれ ・カクテルの種類が豊富 ・ご飯もお腹いっぱいになるくらいは楽しめる 悪い点 ・あくまでバーなので料理にめちゃくちゃクオリティを求めるのは厳禁 合コンにはもってこいかと。
good point ・ There is a private room (about 10 people) ・ Fashionable ・ A wide variety of cocktails ・ You can enjoy rice as much as you are full Bad points ・ Because it is a bar, it is strictly forbidden to ask for insane quality in cooking. I thought it would be perfect for a joint party.
hitomi sato on Google

On Sunday night, the bartender who manages the drunken people alone was wonderful.
pmpmprn on Google

駅から近居場所にあるビルの4階にあるお店です。 店内は落ち着いた雰囲気でしっぽり飲むのに向いています。 店長さんから最初に挨拶があり飲み放題の説明と料理の説明がありました。 そしてウェルカムドリンクがあると言うことで桜のシャンパンが出てきました。 こちらは甘くて飲みやすく、サクラの香りが良くとても美味しかったです。 飲み放題はかなりの種類がありました。 私はお酒が好きなのでとてもテンションが上がりました コースのフードメニューは 【前菜】四元豚パストラミと生ハム 【サラダ】新玉ねぎ&小カブと鴨のベリーオニオンドレッシングサラダ 【魚料理】鰆とアスパラの春を感じるビスクスープ仕立て 【パン】焼きたてバケット 【肉料理】鶏もも肉と姫竹のハーブ香るチーズソース焼き 【食事】ふわふわオムライス~マッシュルームのデミグラスソースがけ~ ボリュームもありますが適度におつまみのような物もあったのでお酒を飲むのにぴったりのコースだと感じました。 ドリンクが飲み終わると店員さんがすぐに「おかわりをお持ちしますか?」と気を使ってくれてサービスもとても良かったです☺️
It is a shop on the 4th floor of a building near the station. The inside of the store has a calm atmosphere and is suitable for drinking. The store manager first gave a greeting, explaining all-you-can-drink and cooking. And by saying that there was a welcome drink, cherry champagne came out. It was sweet and easy to drink, and the scent of cherry blossoms was good and it was very delicious. There were quite a few types of all-you-can-drink. I like alcohol so I was very excited The food menu of the course is [Appetizer] Four yuan pork pastrami and prosciutto [Salad] New onion & small turnip and duck berry onion dressing salad [Fish dish] Bisque soup tailoring to feel the spring of Spanish mackerel and asparagus [Bread] Freshly baked bucket [Meat dish] Grilled chicken thigh and princess bamboo with herb-scented cheese sauce [Meal] Fluffy omelet rice-Mushroom demiglace sauce- There was a lot of volume, but there was also something like a snack, so I felt that it was a perfect course for drinking alcohol. As soon as I finished drinking, the clerk took care of me asking "Do you have a refill?" And the service was very good ☺️
TNT 965 on Google

I used it before. It's a bar, so of course there is plenty of alcohol, but here the food is also good and delicious. I also drank the original gin, but it was very delicious. We are temporarily closed now, but we will be in the way when it resumes.
K T on Google

リーズナブルで落ち着いた雰囲気のお店‼️ かたひじはらずゆっくり飲める若いお客様にもありがたいお店☺️ 最高ですよ‼️
Reasonable and calm atmosphere shop! ️ A shop that is appreciated by young customers who can drink slowly without elbows ☺️ It's the best! ️
りょうた on Google

Used with friends after the Imperial Hotel wedding. The sake was delicious and the calm atmosphere was good. I was worried that the serving of alcohol was a little late when it was crowded!

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