4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Kameido, Koto City, 〒136-0071 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 6PM–2AM
Sunday 6PM–2AM
Monday 6PM–2AM
Tuesday 6PM–2AM
Wednesday 6PM–2AM
Thursday Closed
Friday 6PM–2AM
街 : Tokyo

Kameido, Koto City, 〒136-0071 Tokyo,Japan
瀧沢優子 on Google

It was very reasonable and I could drink with confidence ?? It was fresh even if I took the fruit through ?
永田武士 on Google

新しくて綺麗で落ち着いた良いお店です❗新小岩のbar Agamiで6年修行したバーテンダーのお店です❗
It's a new, beautiful and calm good shop ❗ It's a bartender's shop that I trained at bar Agami in Shin Koiwa for 6 years ❗
しろくろ on Google

酒吧的价格合理,环境优雅。店长有出色的调酒技术,很多鸡尾酒都是使用新鲜的水果来进行调制。店内的酒种类多,啤酒,威士忌,金酒,朗姆酒,龙舌兰酒,伏特加酒甚至是白酒都应有尽有。如果你和我一样是爱酒之人,你一定会找到属于你自己的酒款。 店长为人热情。无论你是来日本旅游,或者是在日本工作、日本留学。你都可以来尝试一下这家日本当地特色的酒吧。
The bar is reasonably priced and the environment is elegant. The store manager has excellent bartending techniques, and many cocktails are made with fresh fruits. There are many types of liquor in the store, including beer, whiskey, gin, rum, tequila, vodka and even liquor. If you are a wine lover like me, you will find your own wine. The manager is enthusiastic. Whether you are visiting Japan, working in Japan, or studying in Japan. You can try this local Japanese specialty bar.
ERINA on Google

平日や土日に2軒目で利用します。 0時を過ぎたあたりだと割とゆったりと過ごせます。 日替わりでフルーツを使ったカクテルがあり 好みを伝えればアレンジして作ってくれます^_^ (もちろんメニュー通りでもとっても美味しい!) マスターはお酒の知識が豊富なのはもちろん 人懐っこく話しかけやすい雰囲気も通いやすいです。 特に、店内のインテリアがオシャレでセンスがいい! 入り口のドアのガラスから壁の配色まで大好きです。 雰囲気、味、接客どれをとっても大満足なバーです
We use it for the second house on weekdays and weekends. After midnight, you can spend a relaxing time. There are cocktails using fruit on a daily basis If you tell your taste, it will be arranged and made ^ _ ^ (Of course, it's very delicious according to the menu!) Of course, the master has a lot of knowledge about alcohol It is easy to go through the friendly atmosphere. In particular, the interior of the store is fashionable and has a good sense! I love everything from the door glass to the color scheme of the walls. Very satisfying bar for atmosphere, taste and customer service
美鶴舞浜 on Google

桃のかき氷。テイクアウト1,000円。サイズ他もあり。桃の甘さが感じられるかき氷。ベトベトしちゃうほどの甘さです。 通りがかりに良さげなお店を発見。 テイクアウトも出来ます。 親切に「崩れ易いので…」と食べ方もレクチャーして下さいました。 緊急事態宣言が解除されたら飲みに伺いたいです。
Peach shaved ice. Takeout 1,000 yen. There are also sizes and others. Shaved ice with the sweetness of peaches. It's so sweet that it's sticky. I found a nice shop to pass by. You can also take out. He kindly gave a lecture on how to eat, saying, "It's easy to crumble ...". I would like to visit you for a drink when the state of emergency is lifted.
kana kis on Google

素敵なbarです? 気さくな店長さんとおしゃべりしながら、美味しいお酒と美味しいおつまみを頂くのは、至福の時です? 新規のお一人様でも楽しめるのではないでしょうか??
It's a nice bar It is a blissful time to have a delicious drink and delicious snacks while talking to a friendly store manager. Isn't it possible for a new person to enjoy it? ?
アムネシア on Google

昨今のコロナ禍で、アルコール提供できないので、思い切っての業態転換されました。元はバーなので、店内は「かき氷屋」ではありません。店長さんの、バーテンダースタイルが、格好よし。 メニューは、他では見ないレシピもあり、楽しいです。自家製の特製フルーツソースは絶品♪
Due to the recent corona disaster, I couldn't provide alcohol, so I took the plunge and changed my business format. Originally a bar, the inside of the store is not a "shaved ice shop". The bartender style of the store manager is cool. The menu is fun with some recipes you won't find anywhere else. Homemade special fruit sauce is exquisite ♪
Wu Zhong on Google

1杯1杯、とても丁寧に心を込めて作ってくれます。 アテについても、こういう雰囲気のバーには珍しく、乾き物ではなくきちんと仕込んだ南蛮漬けが出てきたり、枝豆を燻製にして香り付けをしていたりと、こだわりを感じます。 手作りのオランジェットが美味しくて、メニューにあると真夜中なのについ食べてしまいます。 勿論お酒は言うまでもなく美味しいです。 季節毎に内容が変わるフルーツカクテル、おすすめですよ。
Each cup is made very carefully and with all your heart. As for the ate, it is unusual for a bar with such an atmosphere, and I feel that I am particular about the fact that the edamame is smoked and scented, and the nanban pickles that are properly prepared instead of dried ones come out. The handmade orangette is delicious, and when it's on the menu, I eat it even though it's midnight. Needless to say, sake is delicious. We recommend fruit cocktails that change with the seasons.

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