
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bacione

住所 :

Kamimeguro, Meguro City, 〒153-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Kamimeguro, Meguro City, 〒153-0051 Tokyo,Japan
O F on Google

The atmosphere of the shop is great, the taste is normal. The lunchtime price of 1,800 yen is a little expensive, the assortment of appetizers has a very small amount of vegetables, and the dessert feels strange to match with sweet chocolate and mango sorbet. Spaghetti is my favorite because it is lightly seasoned.
Mighty遥 on Google

Foods and location were good. but the others were terrible. I'll never come here again. 料理と場所はいいのですが、それ以外がひどい。 お皿を下げる時にナイフが私の肩にさわり、服が汚れました。特に気付く様子もなく、謝ることもありませんでした。 太ったおばさんの店員は汗臭いです。 料理の提供スピードが遅く、グラスが空になったり、食べ終わってもこちらから言わない限り、片付けることはありません。 もう2度ときません。
Foods and location were good.but the others were terrible.I'll never come here again. Food and location are good, but everything else is awful. When I lowered the plate, the knife touched my shoulder and my clothes got dirty. I didn't seem to notice anything in particular, nor did I apologize. A fat aunt clerk has a sweaty odor. The serving speed of food is slow, and even if the glass is emptied or eaten, I will not clean up unless I tell you. I won't go there again.
ako mon on Google

休日のランチタイムに訪問。お店の奥にテーブル席がある。ちょっと暗くて、私達だけだし、なんだか居心地悪い。 ランチセットやコースは無くて、アラカルトで注文する。軽く食べたい時にこれはいい。 生ハムやサラミはすごくおいしかった。 トリッパの煮込みは少し臭みがあった。
Visited at lunchtime on holidays. There is a table seat in the back of the shop. It's a little dark, it's just us, and it's kind of uncomfortable. There is no lunch set or course, so order a la carte. This is good when you want to eat lightly. The prosciutto and salami were very delicious. The stewed tripper had a slight odor.
tammy I on Google

スタッフの不機嫌な受け答えと薄暗い室内でのいたたまれない気分を味わえます。 イタリア産の唐辛子が小分けの単位で買える点だけは良いと思います、なかなか売ってないし量が多いと買いづらいものなので。 通りすがりに何度か覗きましたが、店員の受け答えが不愉快なのは天気のせいでもなんでもなくデフォルトのようで、このような店で物販はまだしも中に入って料理をいただこうとは思いません。
You can enjoy the staff's moody answers and the unbearable feeling in the dimly lit room. I think it's good that you can buy Italian chili peppers in small lots, because it's hard to sell and it's hard to buy if you have a lot of them. I peeped at it several times as I passed by, but the unpleasant answer from the clerk seems to be the default, not because of the weather, and I don't think that the store like this will still go inside and cook.
a nakazawa on Google

I used it for takeout. There are different types of ham and cheese.
Fabien Recoquille on Google

Delicious italian ham
Massimo Ravasini on Google

Very nice environment and delicious food!
Mauro Bellati on Google

Surprised about other reviews and comments. This is one of the worse fake-italian places I've been in Tokyo. Appetizer was tiny, really three bites. What it's called Ragu pasta was actually a pasta with stewed meat, not good at all. The only thing could be saved was the banana tarte, but overall really bad place.

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