Babahikawa Shrine - Niiza

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Babahikawa Shrine

住所 :

4 Chome-10-25 Baba, Niiza, Saitama 352-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 352-0016
Webサイト :

4 Chome-10-25 Baba, Niiza, Saitama 352-0016, Japan
バイク寺社 on Google

YouTubeで見て行ってみたいと思い、雨の日に車で伺いました。 すぐそばを、高速が通っていますが、参道から境内とても静かで、なかなかいい感じです。 花手水や和傘がセンス良く飾られて、目を楽しませてくれます。 御朱印の種類が豊富で、迷ってしまいますが、今回は、限定の猫の切り絵のピンクの可愛い物と、稲荷神社を頂きました。 御朱印をお願いした時に、今日は猫ちゃんいないんですか?と聞いた所、特別に一匹連れて来て頂き、たまらない癒しの時間を過ごす事が出来ました。 感謝、感謝です。 自宅から一時間位の距離なので、またちょくちょく行こうと思いました。
I wanted to see it on YouTube, so I visited by car on a rainy day. There is a highway right next to it, but the precincts are very quiet from the approach, and it feels pretty good. Hanate water and Japanese umbrellas are decorated with good taste, and they will delight your eyes. There are so many kinds of red stamps that I get lost, but this time I received a limited edition pink cute pink cutout of a cat and Inari Shrine. When you asked for the red stamp, did you have a cat today? When I heard that, I was able to spend an irresistible healing time by bringing a special one. Thank you, thank you. It's about an hour away from my house, so I decided to go there often.
おまゆ on Google

とても綺麗な境内に見惚れました。 社務所はお休みでしたが、おみくじも出来る様になっていて、ゆっくり観させて頂きました。 また参拝させて頂きます‼️
I fell in love with the beautiful precincts. The office was closed, but I was able to do Omikuji, so I took a leisurely look at it. I will visit you again! ️
瀬谷勝幸 on Google

新座市馬場の鎮守さま 「馬場氷川神社」です。 昔から、この地にある「片山郷の総鎮守」です。 神社は、かなり狭い道の奥にありますが、車は参道の隣にスペースがありますから10台くらいは駐車できます。 関越自動車道新座料金所の近くにあります。(料金所から直接は出られません) ここら辺の鎮守さまで、新年の初詣には、けっこう沢山の方々が参拝に訪れています。 普段は静かな静寂のローカルパワースポットです。 早朝や夕方時には、木々から木漏れ日がさして景色がきれいになる時があり、とてもパワーを感じます! 私は鎮守さまとして「馬場氷川神社」を何十年も参拝させて頂いています。 ご朱印は、書いてもらった時もありますし、書き置きのご朱印をもらった事もあります。 最近はご朱印にも力を入れている様で、限定版もよくあります。 問合せてみましょう。 普段の平日は、神職の方がご不在で対応できない時が多い様です。 確実なのは、お正月や祭事の時に聞いて下さい。 参拝もしてないのに、御朱印だけをもらおうとするのはいけません。 必ず、先に本殿で参拝してから御朱印はもらうのがルールですね。 鳥居の先から神域となります。 鳥居の前で一礼してから参道の端を歩きます。 水屋で口や手を浄めてから参拝します。 現在は水屋は使わずに前に置いてある消毒液で浄めます。 『花手水』になっていますので写真スポットですね。 併せて「お稲荷さん」の祠もありますから、参拝して下さい。 「正月詣 (2022年正月)」 午前中は混雑が予想されるので午後の参拝にしました それでもかなりの混雑! 駐車場も入替り立ち替り状態 列に並んで順番待ちですね 程なく拝殿前に 参拝後はお稲荷さまも参拝しましょう 御朱印を頂きました。 今回は書置で5種類もありましたが、2枚をいただきました(写真)
Guardian of Baba, Niiza City It is "Baba Hikawa Shrine". Since ancient times, it has been the "total guardian of Katayama-go" in this area. The shrine is located at the back of a fairly narrow road, but there is a space next to the approach to the car, so about 10 cars can be parked. It is near the Niiza toll booth on the Kan-Etsu Expressway. (You cannot leave the tollhouse directly) To the guardianship around here, quite a lot of people come to worship at the beginning of the new year. It is a local power spot that is usually quiet and quiet. In the early morning and evening, the sunbeams from the trees sometimes make the scenery beautiful, and I feel a lot of power! As a guardian, I have been worshiping "Babahikawa Shrine" for decades. Sometimes I was asked to write a red stamp, and sometimes I received a written red stamp. Recently, it seems that they are also focusing on red stamps, and there are often limited editions. Let's inquire. On weekdays, it seems that there are many times when the priest is absent and cannot respond. Please ask for certainty at the time of New Year and festivals. Don't just try to get the red stamp even if you haven't worshiped. It is a rule that you must first visit the main shrine and then get the red stamp. It becomes a sanctuary from the tip of the torii. After giving a bow in front of the torii, walk along the edge of the approach. After cleaning your mouth and hands at the Mizuya, you will worship. Currently, I don't use a mizuya and clean it with the disinfectant solution that is placed in front of me. It's a photo spot because it's called "Hanatemizu". There is also an "Inari-san" shrine, so please visit. "New Year's Day (New Year 2022)" It is expected to be crowded in the morning, so I decided to visit in the afternoon Still quite crowded! The parking lot is also in a changing state Waiting in line Soon in front of the hall of worship Let's worship Inari after worshiping I received a red stamp. There were 5 types of books this time, but I received 2 (photo)
tomo N on Google

It was a small shrine, but I'm glad that there were fresh flowers here and there, and the streamers were standing here and there, which had an impact.
K S on Google

最近御朱印頂ける日に行きました。 小さいながらにも花手水もあり素敵な神社でした。 駐車場入口?までか狭い道です。 車もどう駐車していいか分からず適当にとめました。 今年の8月までの全ての御朱印が頂けるそうです。すごいと思いきや私は近場なので8月の海月の御朱印を頂きました。
Recently I went to the day when I could get a red stamp. Although it was small, it was a wonderful shrine with Hanatemizu. Parking lot entrance? It's a narrow road. I didn't know how to park the car, so I stopped it properly. It seems that you can get all the red stamps until August of this year. I thought it was amazing, so I received the red stamp of Kaigetsu in August.
山﨑清 on Google

The Chozuya became Hanatemizu, and the precincts felt like art, so I enjoyed worshiping. There is a red stamp, but you must check on Twitter on the day when the award office is open. It seems that it also supports mail.
yuki on Google

御朱印の種類が沢山でした。受け取れる日はTwitterに載ってるので、御朱印が欲しい方は調べてからが良いと思います 静かな場所に神社がありビックリしました。駐車場の看板は控えめに小さいので見逃さないようにした方が良いかと思いました
There were many types of red stamps. The day you can receive it is posted on Twitter, so if you want a red stamp, you should check it out. I was surprised to find a shrine in a quiet place. The signboard in the parking lot is modestly small, so I thought it would be better not to miss it.
とも on Google

It was more gorgeous than when I visited there three or four years ago. There is also Hanate water. I visited Instagram because I wanted to know the date of the award of the red stamp and ask again. There were many types of red stamps and I had a hard time deciding. I would like to visit you again if you have a connection.

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