Azone Gorintō (Nara Prefecture designated important cultural property Saidaiji Gorintō) - Nara

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Azone Gorintō (Nara Prefecture designated important cultural property Saidaiji Gorintō)

住所 :

1 Chome-6-10 Saidaiji Nogamicho, Nara, 631-0833, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 631-0833

1 Chome-6-10 Saidaiji Nogamicho, Nara, 631-0833, Japan
Tyatarou J on Google

西大寺奥の院 静かな庭に五輪塔が毅然とたっています
Saidaiji Okunoin Olympic tower is standing firmly in a quiet garden
周大石 on Google

Eison is also the person who created the origin of the Saidaiji Tea Ceremony.
田中秀哉 on Google

Tourists rarely come, but it is a place where you can feel the history
福村圭祐 on Google

The garden is beautiful, just like the small temples of the west side of west daiji temple
yu yu on Google

Eisen (1201-1290) revived the declining Saidaiji and Hanwaji temples.
大学康宏 on Google

西大寺から約1キロ北西にあります。 道はすごく狭いので、徒歩or自転車が無難です。 なかなか立派な五輪塔です。
It is approximately 1 kilometer northwest from Saidaiji. Because the road is very narrow, walking or biking is safe. It is a very splendid Olympic tower.
MA SE on Google

初めての訪問で、ノーマルのバナナジュースを注文。賞味期限20分とありましたが、5分ぐらいでいただいちゃいました。 次回訪問時は別のメニューに挑戦したいです
For the first time of the visit, I order a banana juice of normal. There was the expiration date 20 minutes, but it was not is gotten in about 5 minutes. The next visit when I want to challenge another menu
bittercup Oh on Google

The mausoleum of Kosho Bosatsu Eison, which was converted on August 25, 1290.

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