
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大松

住所 :

Ayase, Adachi City, 〒120-0005 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–9PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5–9PM
Tuesday 5–9PM
Wednesday 5–9PM
Thursday 5–9PM
Friday 5–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Ayase, Adachi City, 〒120-0005 Tokyo,Japan
ハナカワ on Google

10年ぶりに再訪しました。店舗位置も昔とは変わっていました。ですが、味は変わらず美味しかったです。昔はレバ刺しが名物で、開店してすぐに売り切れていたのを思い出しました。ここに来たら「味噌」が美味しいので、かしら味噌やレバ味噌などの味噌焼きがお勧めです。ガツ刺しもニンニクか生姜を選べるし両方でも大丈夫。お酢と醤油と七味で自分好みの味付けにします。 厚揚げ納豆も味噌が塗られているのでお勧めです。 レモンサワーも氷無しでグラス一杯に入れてくれて、甘過ぎない味ももつ焼きに良く合います。
I revisited for the first time in 10 years. The store location was also different from the old days. However, the taste did not change and was delicious. I remembered that Leva sashimi was a specialty in the past and was sold out immediately after opening. If you come here, the miso is delicious, so miso-yaki such as kashira miso or leba miso is recommended. You can choose garlic or ginger, and both are fine. Season with vinegar, soy sauce and shichimi. Thick fried natto is also recommended because it is coated with miso. Lemon sour also puts it in a glass without ice and goes well with grilling with a taste that is not too sweet.
N.Donsuke on Google

綾瀬が誇る飲み屋、もつ焼き屋。 とにかく美味い!なかでも、かしら+ミソ味は絶品。 もつ焼きは大ぶりな串を4本単位で注目するが、1人の場合は同じ味付けなら2本×2種類もできる。 飲み屋に並ぶという綾瀬文化と共に味わってほしい。
Ayase's proud bar, Motsuyaki shop. Anyway it's delicious! Among them, Kashira + miso taste is excellent. For glutinous oysters, pay attention to the large skewers in units of four, but for one person, the same seasoning can be done with 2 x 2 types. I want you to enjoy it with Ayase culture that is lined up in a bar.
Aki T on Google

豚串では日本で一番 美味しい〜! 下町ハイボール(ボール)もさすが下町! 濃いよ!でも口当たり良い! 17:30には満席ですので、19:00以降の来店が無難です。
The most delicious pork skewers in Japan! Shitamachi Highball (ball) is truly downtown! It's dark! But it tastes good! It is fully booked at 17:30, so it is safe to visit after 19:00.
R R on Google

1回だけ行ったことがあります。 結構混んでます。店員さんが無愛想なイメージ。 家族がよくいっていてお土産で買ってきてくれますがシロのミソ味とても美味しいです。
I have done it only once. It is quite crowded. The staff are unfriendly image. Family is going well for us we bought souvenirs, but very delicious miso taste of white.
Shine Kim on Google

내장 꼬치전문점 직장인들이 일 끝나고 가볍게 한잔하는 분위기 코스파가 좋은 듯하며 일하시는 분들은 츤드레가 느껴짐 메뉴판은 따로없고 벽에 메뉴가 붙어있기에 그거 보고 주문 꼬치소스는 타레, 소금, 된장 중 선택
Built-in skewers workers after work light drinking atmosphere Cospa looks good Workers feel tsundre There is no menu board There is a menu on the wall, so look at it and order. Choice of skewer sauce from tare, salt, and miso
kawat ako (かわてぃ) on Google

ドリンクはまずは生ビール、グラスがキンキンに冷えてます、これだけで永遠に飲める! 2杯目からは"ボール"なるもの常連さんがみんな頼んでいたので注文、焼酎のレモン炭酸割りです。氷が入っていないので一杯で2杯分くらいあります! 料理はネットでの口コミ通り カシラ、シロ、ハツ、タンを注文 こちら一回注文4本で400円から頼めます 一人で来た時はサービスで2本ずつでやってくれます。 めっちゃ美味しい、美味しすぎる、個人的にはカシラにネギも入ってて食感で優勝です! 開店30分で売り切れてしまうと評判の アブラも食べられました、これはめっちゃうまい、酒が止まらねえ、、、、ただ一人で食べたら胃もたれ必須です。(食べられなかったらお持ち帰りもできますと女性スタッフの方が言ってくれました、優しい) 安い大衆居酒屋なのにアルコール除菌も おしぼりもあってしっかり衛生管理行き届いてます、従業員さんも優しくオーダー方法を教えてくれてまた綾瀬にきたらリピートしたいお店になりました!
First of all, the drink is draft beer, and the glass is cold, so you can drink it forever! From the second cup, all the regulars asked for a "ball", so I ordered it and added lemon carbonate to the shochu. There is no ice, so there are about two cups! The food is according to the word of mouth on the net Order Kashira, Shiro, Hatsu, Tan You can order from 400 yen for 4 bottles per order. If you come alone, the service will do it for you with two bottles each. It's really delicious, it's too delicious, and I personally have green onions in Kashira, so I won the championship with the texture! Reputed to be sold out in 30 minutes after opening I also ate Abra, which is really good, I can't stop drinking ... If I eat it alone, I have to have a stomachache. (The female staff told me that if I couldn't eat it, I could take it home, it's kind) Alcohol sterilization even though it is a cheap popular izakaya Hygiene is well managed due to hand towels, and the employees kindly taught me how to order, and when I came to Ayase again, I wanted to repeat the shop!
柴崎学 on Google

久しぶりに『大松』へ行けました。 やはり、やはり、『カシラみそ』は上手!! 厚揚げもみそ味がおすすめ!! その他にも色々なおすすめ焼き物があります。 あ!そう言えば、一昨年の日曜劇場『危険なヴィーナス』吉高由里子主演のドラマに、居酒屋のシーンで出てましたね。
I was able to go to "Omatsu" for the first time in a long time. After all, "Kashira Miso" is good! !! Atsuage miso flavor is recommended! !! There are various other recommended pottery. a! By the way, you appeared in the izakaya scene in the drama starring Yuriko Yoshitaka in the Sunday Theater "Dangerous Venus" two years ago.
Joshua Stephens on Google

Cheap and crowded but there are more flavorful choices in the area.

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