Ayabe Tsumugi - Ayabe

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ayabe Tsumugi

住所 :

Sujichigaibata-15-2 Jingujicho, Ayabe, Kyoto 623-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 623-0026
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2608/A260802/26032988/

Sujichigaibata-15-2 Jingujicho, Ayabe, Kyoto 623-0026, Japan
クルマ初心者素人目線 on Google

The landlady was healed in space, food, and people by talking like a mother and kindly. It's a great shop.
よっさん on Google

古民家をそのまま利用された食事処 メニューはなくランチはオススメの定食税込1650円だけと聞き迷わず2人共注文 その日によって違うが、メインと数種類のお惣菜と味噌汁とご飯がつく。 今回のお惣菜はなかなか美味しい味付けで満足したが、私の職業柄で敏感過ぎるかもしれないが、メインの鱚の塩焼きが少し生臭さかったのが残念。 出てきたものは概ね満足出来たが、私たちの後に来られた団体さんに「地鶏の焼いたのも出来ます」と言われたのが聞こえてきました。確かオススメの定食しかないって言われたハズ。 これってどういうこと? 百歩譲って人の好みを店主が決めて勝手に出す形式ならそれはそれか… 身体に優しい自然食でもてなしているが 少なくとも、私たちに聞こえても私たちが気分悪くすることのわからない優しさのない店主だということは間違いない。 それと今時期店主店員共にマスクなしはいただけない。
A restaurant that used an old folk house as it is There is no menu and lunch is a recommended set meal of only 1650 yen including tax, so don't hesitate to order both Depending on the day, you will get the main dish, several kinds of side dishes, miso soup, and rice. I was satisfied with the delicious seasoning of this side dish, but it may be too sensitive for my occupation, but it is a pity that the main course, grilled with salt, was a little fishy. I was generally satisfied with what came out, but I heard that the group that came after us said, "You can also grill local chicken." Haz was told that there was only a recommended set meal. What does this mean? If the store owner decides the taste of the person by giving up a hundred steps and puts it out without permission, that is it ... I'm hospitable with natural foods that are kind to the body At the very least, it's definitely an unfriendly shopkeeper who doesn't know what makes us sick when we hear it. Also, neither the shopkeeper nor the clerk can get without a mask this time.
いなよっすぃ on Google

炬燵や暖炉があり、様々な調度品も味があって、古民家ならではの暖かさがあります 壁に備え付けのコーヒーミルは初めて見ました! お料理はもちろん申し分ないです 意外な程ボリュームがありました 奥まった所にある駐車場の出入りはけっこう難しかったです笑
There is a kotatsu and a fireplace, and various furnishings have a taste, and it has the warmth unique to an old folk house. I've never seen a coffee mill on the wall! The food is of course perfect There was a surprising amount of volume It was quite difficult to get in and out of the parking lot in the back lol
Corp Myrte on Google

古民家でいただく美味しい家庭料理。 野菜をたっぷり、無駄なく使っておられ、手間暇かけた家庭料理が並びます。 気取らない雰囲気、懐かしさを感じる古民家、素敵な空間です。
Delicious home cooking at an old private house. A lot of vegetables are used without waste, and home-cooked foods that take time and effort are lined up. An unpretentious atmosphere, an old private house that feels nostalgic, and a nice space.
デブ子デラックス on Google

R綾部駅から徒歩10分ほどの場所にあります。 伏見「自然食おばんざい tsumugi」の姉妹店で、古民家をリノベーション。土日祝のみの営業です。 店主さんが、綾部にも店を持ちたいとコツコツ準備され、3年越しで夢が叶ったそうです。古き良きがほどよく残りつつおしゃれに空間で、とても居心地がいいです。 上林「春待ちのうえん」の有機野菜がふんだんに使われたおばんざいは、素材の味が活きていておいしい。安全でこだわりの調味料が使われていて、優しい味なのもうれしいです。うつわやカトラリーのセンスも抜群! ランチから夜まで通し営業で、ランチは14時まで。カウンターにはおいしそうなおばんざいが並び、単品注文もできます。夜定食もあって、終日おいしいごはんがいただけます。生ビールほかお酒も充実。 スタッフさんはみな明るくイキイキされていて、こちらまで元気になれます。 総じてとても素晴らしい!わざわざ出向く価値ありです。
It is located about 10 minutes on foot from R Ayabe Station. Renovation of an old private house at a sister store of Fushimi "Natural food tsumugi". It is business only on weekends and holidays. The shop owner was prepared to be keen to have a store in Ayabe, and it seems that my dream has come true over three years. It is very comfortable in a fashionable space with the good old days remaining moderately. Mr. Kamibayashi "Waiting for spring" Organic vegetables abundantly used, the taste of the material is lively and tasty. Safe and attentive seasonings are used, and I am happy that it is gentle taste. Utsuwa and cutlery sense is also excellent! It is open from lunch to night and lunch is until 14:00. There are tasty buns that line up at the counter, and you can order separately. There is also a setting meal for the evening, and you can have delicious rice all day. Draft beer and other drinks are enriched. All of the staff are bright and exciting, and you can get up to here. Overall it is very wonderful! It is worth taking a trouble to watch.
Yukiko “つぶママ” on Google

体に優しい 野菜中心のランチ頂きました とても丁寧に作られています ‼️ 古民家の内装 ご主人のセンスが出ていて落ち着く空間でした
I had a vegetable-based lunch that is kind to the body. It is made very carefully! ️ Interior of an old folk house It was a calm space with a sense of the master
安部輝浩 on Google

心落ち着くレストラン。 女将の人柄がよく、天然素材にこだわり、味付けも良い。綾部でおすすめのレストラン。 この時期は予約が必要です。 必ず電話予約してから訪れたほうがいいです。
A calming restaurant. The landlady's personality is good, she is particular about natural ingredients, and the seasoning is also good. Recommended restaurant in Ayabe. Reservations are required at this time. You should always make a phone reservation before visiting.
Jesse Efron on Google

Open only on the weekends, this place is as fantastic as the business hours are scarce. The chef is amazing, and she highlights the countryside of Japan by using a variety of local ingredients throughout the variety of dishes. The multi-dish meal was capped by a decadent chocolate cake and your choice of coffee, tea, or handmade juice-like drink. The cake was so rich that I still don't believe its vegan (yes, it is - and brought to the restaurant daily by a vegan pastry chef in the area). The setting for this incredible meal is a renovated farmhouse with a cute backyard space that has tables and a small apiary. If I am remembering correctly, the full lunch course complete with dessert was around 2000 yen. This is more expensive than I would usually pay for a course lunch in the countryside, but it was well worth the money and I would go again.

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