らーめん 麺華

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact らーめん 麺華

住所 :

Awayama, Higashi Ward, 〒950-0843 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Niigata

Awayama, Higashi Ward, 〒950-0843 Niigata,Japan
se-g on Google

It was always crowded when I passed by at noon, so I went with my wife during the daytime on weekdays. For the time being, I ordered Shumai for Gomoku Uma-boiled Ramen and Marbo Noodles. I felt that the fifth one had a stronger taste than the three treasures written in the reviews of other people, and the Marbo was more like a Chinese restaurant's Marbo noodles than a ramen shop's Marbo. In both cases, it would be nice to have a little more bean paste. Shumai tasted delicious for the first time in a long time.
ざぶとんねこ on Google

中華そば?+煮玉子トピ?を戴き ?スタンプラリ指定メニューデシタ? '22/1/29 次コソ海老うま煮ら~?GETスルゾ! 五目うま煮らーめんを戴き?オススメだけあり美味?他メニューも是非今後食!?'21/09/24
Chinese soba ? + boiled egg topi ? ? Stanplari designated menu desita ? '22 / 1/29 Next Koso shrimp Uma boiled ~ ? GET Suruzo! Gomoku Uma-boiled Ramen ? Only recommended ? Other menus will be eaten in the future! ? '21 / 09/24
class 8 on Google

平日夜に行きました。 店内はカウンター数席、テーブル2席、小上がり2席とこじんまりしたお店です。 お店のオススメは五目うま煮ラーメンのようでしたが、今回はうま辛にら玉タンメンと海老うま煮ラーメンを頼みました。 どちらも味は若干濃いめかな?くらいの感じで美味しく食べれました。 うま辛にら玉タンメンは見た目は辛そうですけど、実際はそんなでもなかったです。 半チャーハンは私が好きな味でラ○チャン屋さんの味に似てました。 また近くに寄った際は足を運びたいと思います。
I went on a weekday night. The inside of the shop is small with a few counter seats, 2 tables, and 2 small rises. The restaurant's recommendation was like Gomoku Uma-boiled Ramen, but this time I ordered Uma-spicy Niratama Tanmen and Shrimp Uma-boiled Ramen. Is the taste a little strong in both cases? I was able to eat it deliciously. Uma spicy leek tanmen looks spicy, but in reality it wasn't. Half fried rice was my favorite taste and resembled the taste of La ○ Chan shop. Also, I would like to visit when I get closer.
かずよ on Google

2021.10平日 今回は、五目うま煮らーめん840円。 スープは多少濃い目。これぐらいで良いと思う。 具材の五目は、覚えているだけで10種類 白菜.ホウレン草.エビ.椎茸.しめじ.キクラゲ.ニンジン.葱.マッシュルーム? 豚肉 他店の五目らーめんを食べたことがなく 比較出来ませんが美味しかったですね? 次回は、汁なし麻婆麺が気になるところ。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 2020.5月末 平日のお昼11時ちょうどに初訪問。 肉もやしらーめん¥760を注文。 麺は細麺ストレート 炒めたもやし、豚バラの味が濃くライスが欲しくなりますね。決してしょっぱくはないです。 次回は餡掛け系を頂きます。
2021.10 weekdays This time, Gomoku Uma-boiled Ramen is 840 yen. The soup is a little dark. I think this is enough. There are 10 kinds of ingredients, just remember Chinese cabbage, spinach, shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms, wood ear mushrooms, carrots, green onions, mushrooms? pork I've never eaten Gome Ramen from another store I can't compare it, but it was delicious ? Next time, I'm curious about the soupless mapo noodles. --------------- End of 2020.5 First visit at 11:00 noon on weekdays. I ordered meat sprout ramen ¥ 760. Noodles are thin noodles straight You'll want rice with a strong taste of stir-fried bean sprouts and pork roses. It's never salty. Next time, we will have ankake system.
あざらしごまふ on Google

問題です、ジャンジャン。 僕が食べた五目うま煮麺に入っている具材は何品目だったでしょうか?、答えはぜひ食べてみて下さい。 具材の種類の多さに楽しく、美味しく、いただきました、ごちそうさまです。
It's a problem, janjan. How many ingredients did I have in the Gomoku Uma-boiled noodles? Please try the answer. It's a feast that I enjoyed and enjoyed the wide variety of ingredients.
KSA _ZERO on Google

初訪問◥█̆̈◤࿉∥ 海老うま煮らーめんを食べるつもりで来たけど、ラーパス表示で五目うま煮らーめんが100円引きサービスだったのでそれに負けた?w 三〇亭の五目うま煮麺と比べるかもしれませんが、こっちはコレで美味しい? 具材も沢山(10種類ぐらい)入っていたので、も〜五目うま煮じゃなく十目うま煮らーめんでした✌️ 今度来た時は海老うま煮でいこう? ご馳走さまでした? 【2021年12月26日訪問】 スタンプラリー無料券の対象は中華そばのみ? 今日は朝から家の除雪して寒かったのでうま煮系を?前は五目うま煮らーめんだったので今回は海老うま煮らーめんをチョイス? 次いでに半チャーハンと手作り肉しゅうまい2個をオーダー❗️ モチのロンラーメン、半チャーハンは美味しかったです??それでちょっと衝撃を受けて美味しかったのが手作り肉しゅうまいでした???❤️ も〜リピ決定しました❗️このしゅうまいと?だけ食べに来てもいいぐらい美味しかったです?(運転だから無理ですけどね?) また来たいと思います✨ ご馳走さまでした?
First visit ◥ █̆̈◤ ࿉ ∥ I came to eat shrimp uma-boiled ramen, but I lost it because the Gomoku uma-boiled ramen was a 100 yen discount service on the rapas display ?w It may be compared to the Gomoku Uma-boiled noodles of 30-tei, but this one is delicious ? There were a lot of ingredients (about 10 kinds), so it wasn't Gomoku Uma Boiled but Tenmoku Uma Boiled Ramen ✌️ Next time, let's boil the shrimp ? Thank you for your treat ? [Visit December 26, 2021] The stamp rally free ticket is only for Chinese noodles ? It was cold from the morning after removing snow from my house today, so I chose the simmered horse ?. Next, I ordered half fried rice and 2 handmade meat dumplings ❗️ Mochi's ron ramen and half fried rice were delicious ?? So I was a little shocked and delicious was the handmade meat dumplings ???❤️ I decided to repeat it ❗️ It was delicious enough to come to eat only this dumpling ? ? (It is impossible because it is driving ?) I would like to come again ✨ Thank you for your treat ?
みきやま新潟っ子(SHIMANOくろ) on Google

初来店。日曜の17:30に行ったが、自分たちのあとから3組入店と、まぁまぁの客足。 五目うま煮ラーメン850円とシュウマイ3個270円を注文。 ラーメンは特徴と言った特徴はなく、普通の美味しい五目ラーメン。シュウマイはとてもフワフワで柔らかく、歯がなくても食べれます(笑)。味も○ また行っても良い店! 次は別のラーメンを試してみたい。
First visit. We went to the store at 17:30 on Sunday, but after ourselves, we entered 3 groups, and there were so many customers. I ordered Gomoku Uma-boiled Ramen for 850 yen and 3 Shumai for 270 yen. Ramen has no special characteristics, it is an ordinary delicious Gomoku ramen. Shumai is very fluffy and soft, and you can eat it without teeth (laughs). The taste is also ○ A store you can go to again! Next time I would like to try another ramen.
夢がふっとつ!食べ歩きブログ on Google

開店と同時にお客さんが押し寄せる人気店、って事で開店時間前に到着。一番乗りでしたがホントに開店と同時に次々とお客さんが。かなりの人気店のようです。 お土産にシュウマイも買って来たけど、個人的な好みから行くと全体的に味は濃いめかな? 美味しいけど、個人的にはしょっぱめに感じました。
It's a popular store that is crowded with customers at the same time as it opens, so it arrived before the opening time. It was the first ride, but as soon as the store opened, customers came one after another. It seems to be a very popular store. I bought shumai as a souvenir, but if I go from my personal taste, the taste is strong overall? It's delicious, but I personally felt it was salty.

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