Avail Asagaya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Avail Asagaya

住所 :

Asagayaminami, Suginami City, 〒166-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.flower-avail.com/
街 : Tokyo

Asagayaminami, Suginami City, 〒166-0004 Tokyo,Japan
メグルーナ on Google

A flower shop whose tongue is wrapped in a good sense. There are some strange flowers, and Christmas wreath is fun every year.
katoku a on Google

If you leave it to us, we will make cute products with seasonal flowers every time!
レオミイ on Google

We ask for arrangement several times, but we have you create wonderful thing which is wonderful than we always thought, and which is unexpected.
後藤良隆 on Google

安い料金で安心しました。 牛乳も、東京なら300円クラスの群馬県ブランドが132円で売っています。驚きです!
I was relieved at a cheap rate. Also in milk, Gunma brand of 300 yen class sells for 132 yen in Tokyo. It's amazing!
本山トイしゃん on Google

店員さんに予算を伝えたら 予算の割に凄くいい花束ができてびっくり!! 本当にセンスいいですね!
If you tell the clerk the budget I was surprised to see a very nice bouquet for my budget! !! It ’s really good!
伊藤慎 on Google

A flower shop with good taste. They always make nice arrangements.
syuwawawa on Google

珍しいお花も比較的安価で手に入る良心的なお花やさんです? 店員さんのアレンジがとても上手です✨ お花教室があり月1回、より花に触れ合いたい生徒さんが楽しく過ごす事ができます? 下はアレンジ教室で作った作品です?みんなが同じ作品を作るのではなく、その日にあったお花で自分の好みのお花を使って先生と相談しながら作るスタイルです。だから全員違うものができますよ。おすすめです?
It is a conscientious flower shop that you can get rare flowers at a relatively low price ? The clerk's arrangement is very good ✨ There is a flower class, and once a month, students who want to get in touch with flowers can have a good time ? Below is a work made in the arrangement class ? Rather than making the same work, it is a style that everyone makes with the flowers that were on the day, using their favorite flowers in consultation with the teacher. So everyone can do different things. Recommended ?
D Ma on Google

プロポーズ用の薔薇の花束(プリザーブドフラワー)を用意してくれるお店を探していたところ、口コミが良く近所だったのでこちらのお店に飛び入りで入店したのですが、終始店員さんが無愛想でした。 プリザーブドフラワーの薔薇の花束はできますか?と聞いたところ、「花束は無理です。できません。」と真顔で即答されました。 正直、ド素人の客に対しておこなう接客ではないです。 その後有名なお花屋さんに行き、同じ質問をしたら、「お時間を要しますが花束のプリザーブドフラワーはできますよ」とすごい親切に快く受け入れてくださいました。 こちらのお店は二度と行きません。本当に残念な対応されました。
When I was looking for a shop that would prepare a bouquet of roses (preserved flower) for proposal, I jumped into this shop because the word of mouth was good and I entered this shop, but the clerk was unfriendly from beginning to end. did. Is it possible to make a bouquet of preserved flower roses? When I heard that, he immediately answered with a straight face, "I can't do a bouquet. I can't." To be honest, it is not a customer service for amateur customers. After that, I went to a famous flower shop and asked the same question, and he kindly and kindly accepted me saying, "It will take some time, but I can make a preserved flower for a bouquet." I will never go to this shop again. It was a really disappointing response.

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