Auto Rs Tatebayashi Inter - Tatebayashi

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Auto Rs Tatebayashi Inter

住所 :

4077 Kamiakoudacho, Tatebayashi, Gunma 374-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 374-0015
Webサイト :

4077 Kamiakoudacho, Tatebayashi, Gunma 374-0015, Japan
伊佐治元達 on Google

People are exposed to the rain because everything under the roof is tires.
原島覚 on Google

You can add nitrogen to the tires for free (you can add it yourself) and add it regularly.
take shi on Google

作業受付が素っ気なく応対に少し疲れる印象です。 作業はしっかりやってくれる感じではあります。
I have the impression that the work reception is casual and a little tired of the reception. It feels like the work will be done well.
マルガリータロデオ on Google

I think the correspondence is normal. But the clerk's stance? maybe. But I was disappointed with the tone of the unmotivated words.
半田健二 on Google

品揃えとしてはやや物足りない時もありますが、拘りのない方々には十分ではないでしょうか。 ただ個人的には商品レビューを参考にする事が多い現在においてはもう少し頑張ってもらえればと思います。
There are times when the product lineup is a little unsatisfactory, but isn't it enough for people who are not particular about it? However, personally, I would like you to do your best now that I often refer to product reviews.
7 sa (‪sachin7w‬) on Google

オイル交換で予約しました。当日予約にも関わらずすぐ対応していただけて助かりました。 オイル交換のみの来店でしたが、車の気になる箇所を伝えたら快く見ていただきカーナビの不具合を無料で直して下さいました。素晴らしいサービスと対応でした。
I made a reservation for oil change. It was helpful to be able to respond immediately despite the reservation on the day. I only visited the store to change the oil, but when I told him what I was interested in, he was happy to see it and fixed the problem with the car navigation system for free. Great service and support.
ああ on Google

2年振り?位に来店。 冬なのでスタッドレスタイヤ販売多し。 工賃等、コミコミ価格は分かりやすくてとても良い。 店内ディスプレイ商品も綺麗で見やすい。 見ているだけで楽しい。
After 2 years? Come to the store. Since it is winter, many studless tires are sold. Comicomi prices such as wages are easy to understand and very good. The in-store display products are also beautiful and easy to see. It's fun just looking at it.
pinayJapan JK—TV on Google

I love to buy here some car accessories!!!nice place and nice staff,,when i say and asking a favor that i want to fit this accessories first in my car in the parking !!! Its ok they said and i got to fit and measured then I’ve got to buy with satisfaction. Thank you

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