お食事処 峠

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お食事処 峠

住所 :

Atocho, Aki Ward, 〒731-4231 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
街 : Hiroshima

Atocho, Aki Ward, 〒731-4231 Hiroshima,Japan
Yukinori Hamada on Google

A restaurant located in Ado-cho. We ate all kinds of set meals, but no matter which one we ate, it was hearty and delicious. I always get hungry and can't eat much dinner. The price is 800-1200 yen and the cost performance is high.

値段適にはとてもリーズナブルです。 カツ丼、ざるそばとても美味しかったです。
It is very reasonable for the price. Katsudon and Zaru soba were very delicious.
堀美和 on Google

ランチ利用 ちらし寿司は、いか、海老、サーモン、ホタテ、マグロ、白身のお刺身がのっていました。麺は、うどんかそばか選べ、お出汁は濃すぎず薄すぎずちょうど良い感じです。小鉢は日替わりのようですが、今日は長芋の柚子ポン酢あえ。 どれもとても美味しかったです!
Lunch use Chirashizushi had squid, shrimp, salmon, scallops, tuna, and white sashimi. You can choose udon or soba noodles, and the soup stock is not too thick and not too thin. The small bowl seems to change every day, but today it's a long potato with yuzu ponzu sauce. Everything was very delicious!
hiroko s on Google

昼時に行くと、ほぼ満席でした。 鳥唐定食と、ちらし定食を注文しました。値段はいずれも850円。 (大盛はプラスです) 唐揚げはサックリジューシーで美味しく、ちらしの上に乗ってるお刺身は肉厚で美味しかったです。下の酢飯が甘めで、でんぶまでかかってたから甘々でしたが(笑) 顔馴染みの常連さんが多い感じですかね。店員さんに、「いつもので良い?」みたいな対応されてる方も割といて、ゆっくりできる感じではなかったですが、通りかかったら寄りたくなるのかもしれません。
When I went at noon, it was almost full. I ordered the Tori Kara set meal and the Chirashi set meal. The price is 850 yen. (Large is a plus) The fried chicken was crispy and juicy, and the sashimi on top of the leaflet was thick and delicious. The vinegared rice below was sweet, and it was sweet because it took up to the fat (lol) It seems that there are many regulars who are familiar with the face. I wasn't able to relax because some of the shop assistants responded to me like "Is it all right?"
T F on Google

この辺では少ない定食屋(穴場?) 仕事の帰りに食べに行ってます。 オススメは鳥唐揚げ定食 ¥850 とにかく唐揚げが大きくボリューム満点なのでお腹いっぱいになります。 味付けも良くて美味しいです。
There are few set meal shops around here (a little-known spot?) I'm going to eat on my way home from work. We recommend the fried chicken set meal ¥ 850 Anyway, the fried chicken is big and full of volume, so you will be full. The seasoning is good and delicious.
はまさきちすご on Google

おいしいです、お家のご飯を思い出しす!! ボリュームもあってこの価格は満足です。 子どもも、美味しいねって、肉うどんおいしい。 次に行くときにはちらしを頼む予定〜★ 楽しみでしかたない!!!
It's delicious, I remember the rice at home! !! This price is satisfactory due to the volume. Children are also delicious, meat udon is delicious. I plan to ask for a leaflet the next time I go ~ ★ I'm looking forward to it! !! !!
ROUTE54SAIDBASE takahiro on Google

前から気になってたお店です❗ 天ぷらうどんを食べました。 天ぷらのエビはプリプリで凄く美味しかった‼️ 出汁も飲み干せるほどの美味しさなので、他の料理も期待大です❗ 次回は丼ものか定食をいただきます??
It's a shop I've always been interested in ❗ I ate tempura udon. The tempura shrimp was very delicious! ️ The soup stock is so delicious that you can drink it up, so you can expect other dishes as well ❗ Next time I will have a bowl or set meal ??
hamarjp on Google

Everything is the best. There is no complaint from the clerk. I had a chicken kara set meal, but it was so delicious that I haven't had it in the last few years. I also picked up the meat udon and cutlet-boiled set meals that my family ordered, but they are all delicious! When the clerk listens to the order and tells the kitchen, the customer hears a good reply, "Yes!", Which is nice. The taste and mood were great. Next, I'd like to have a leaflet set meal!

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