プライベートジム&鍼灸コンディショニング ASSIST

4.2/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact プライベートジム&鍼灸コンディショニング ASSIST

住所 :

Kasuga, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0033 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
Webサイト : http://fitness.assist-chiba.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–10PM
Sunday 9:30AM–10PM
Monday 9:30AM–10PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–10PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–10PM
Thursday 9:30AM–10PM
Friday 9:30AM–10PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kasuga, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0033 Chiba,Japan
中野いちろう on Google

Will benefit
Yuka Idei on Google

トレーナーの方が、丁寧にトレーニング方法を教えてくれるので、どんどん自分の理想の身体に近づいています!自分に合った運動方法が知りたい、運動が続かない方におすすめです^ ^
The trainer will carefully teach you how to train, so you are getting closer to your ideal body! Recommended for those who want to know how to exercise that suits them and who don't keep exercising ^ ^
中山健太 on Google

It was a full-fledged studio run by the teachers of the Osteopath and Acupuncture on the first floor. I think the threshold is low and it is easy for women and those who are not good at exercising. There are many workshops planned, so even if you check Facebook, it will be inspiring.
Youssef Ziati on Google

This is the first time that I have taken my body seriously so far. The trainer who was also examining professional athletes told me what kind of training I needed and had a very meaningful time in the beautiful facilities. I'm looking forward to the future.
美宇ママ on Google

トレーナーが若い人で話し方が酷い。お客を馬鹿にしすぎてる。地下で換気も悪く、このご時世には行きたくないと思います。 翌日動けないくらいの筋肉痛と、関節の腫れた感じで本当にパーソナルジム??? 口コミ信じた私が馬鹿でした
The trainer is a young person and the way of speaking is terrible. I'm making the customer too stupid. Ventilation is poor in the basement, so I don't want to go to this time. Is it really a personal gym with muscle pain that makes me unable to move the next day and a feeling of swollen joints? ?? ?? I believed in word of mouth I was stupid
倉見俊一 on Google

最初は地下でトレーニングって聞いてこのご時世だからどうなのかな?って思いましたけど、外と繋がってる窓があるし換気も十分してくれてるし空気清浄機もあるんだけど、それだけじゃなくて他のお客さんと会わないようにちゃんと間隔空いてるし何の心配もありませんでした! それに1番がトレーナーさんが親身になってどうトレーニングしていくかとか説明もしてくれて大変満足です!
At first, I heard that training was done underground, so what about it because it's this time of the year? I thought, but there is a window that connects to the outside, there is sufficient ventilation, and there is also an air purifier, but not only that, but there is a proper space so as not to meet other customers. I didn't have to worry about it! Also, I'm very happy that No. 1 explained how the trainer would become friendly and train!

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