貴和製作所 浅草橋支店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 貴和製作所 浅草橋支店

住所 :

Asakusabashi, Taito City, 〒111-0053 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.kiwaseisakujo.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Asakusabashi, Taito City, 〒111-0053 Tokyo,Japan
okoi tama on Google

With the full range of accessories and tools available, you can make your own decorations that you would like to sell in the shop if you don't care about your budget. We also sell kits for beginners, with a collection of design drawings and materials, so if you have a design that you like, you can easily start handmade. There are so many genre parts, so when you have plenty of time you won't get bored.
ひーやん on Google

It is an iron plate shop for those who make accessories. There are many types.
あやこっこayacocco on Google

金属パーツ・スワロースキービーズ・チェコビーズなどアクセサリーパーツの品揃え豊富です。店員さんも多く疑問などすぐ丁寧に対応してくださいます。 浅草橋周辺は、淡水パール他天然石のビーズを安く扱っている店がありますので周辺のお店を見てからくることをオススメします。基本返品交換不可です。
We have a wide selection of accessory parts such as metal parts, Swarovski beads, and Czech beads. There are many clerk, and if you have any questions, please respond politely immediately. Around Asakusabashi, there are shops that sell freshwater pearls and other natural stone beads at low prices, so it is recommended that you visit the shops around. Basic returns and exchanges are not possible.
小春の着付け教室(小春) on Google

いつも親切なスタッフさんばかりで、探し物でも疑問点でも的確なお返事をすぐに頂くことが出来、とても有り難いです。 支店さんの方は祝祭日も営業されているので、とても助かります。
I am very grateful that all the staff are always kind and I can get an accurate answer immediately regardless of what I am looking for or any questions. The branch office is also open on public holidays, which is very helpful.
わたなべさん on Google

浅草橋駅から徒歩1〜2分くらいのところにあります。 フロアは3つあり、私の知っている中では本店に次ぐ大型店舗です。 隣にはスワロフスキー・クリスタル館もあるので、セットで考えてここに来ればなんでも揃うという認識でまず足を運んでいます? 貴和製作所の売り場に行くと、スタッフさんの制作したサンプル品もディスプレイされているので、こんなの作りたい!欲が膨らみます? オリジナル製品もかわいいですよね! アウトレットで金額のOFFされたコーナーもあり、お得に個性的なパーツが手に入ります。 3街に行くにはエレベーターか、屋外の階段を使います。 ちょっと変わった構造ですが、多少の雨ならほとんど濡れずに移動できます。 やっぱり広い店舗は楽しいですね! これからもお世話になります!
It is about a 1-2 minute walk from Asakusabashi Station. There are three floors, and as I know it is the largest store after the main store. There is also the Swarovski Crystal Museum next to it, so I think that if you come here and think about it as a set, you will have everything you need first to visit ? When I went to the sales department of Kiwa Seisakusho, sample products made by the staff were also displayed, so I want to make something like this! My desire grows ? The original product is also cute! There is also a corner where the price is turned off at the outlet, so you can get unique parts at a reasonable price. 3 Use the elevator or the outdoor stairs to reach the city. The structure is a little strange, but it can be moved without getting wet if it rains a little. After all, large stores are fun! Thank you for your continued support!
aki T on Google

欲しい品物が全部揃うので助かっています☺️ 近所かわいい?お友達に作成中? 貴和製作所の紙袋の柄も好きです。
I am saved because I have all the items I want ☺️ Neighborhood cute ? Creating for friends ? I also like the pattern of the paper bag of Kiwa Seisakusho.
Katerina Malakhova on Google

Wide choice of beading accessories, but the store is not suited for wholesale purchase
argh c on Google

Kiwa Beads is one of the major stores in Tokyo’s “bead town”. It is only through random chance of wandering that I went there last of the day that I didn’t get much. Like many it is a narrow multistory shop, unfortunately there were people smoking in the stairwell and the smell permeated the store through the open doors. Adjacent (well, next to the coffee shop between) is another Kiwa dedicated to crystal components. Bulk boxes of Swarovski right there in the shelves. There is another Kiwa 2 blocks away on the other side of the subway station.

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