
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 井上整形外科

住所 :

Asakusa, Taito City, 〒111-0032 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト : http://www.seiwakai.gr.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Asakusa, Taito City, 〒111-0032 Tokyo,Japan
中島庸次 on Google

昔にお世話になりました‼️ 骨折もしたし、縫ってもらったことも… 懐かしいです❗
I was taken care of in the past. ️ I broke my bones and got sewn ... I miss you
抜け毛はハタチから on Google

Note! When I inject hyaluronic acid into my knee, I can't walk, I can't see gout, I finish taking X-rays, and even if I say it hurts, I don't do anything.
ポヨよし on Google

I think the doctor's examination is speedy and accurate.
dontakun on Google

とにかく受付がいい加減過ぎ。 新規受付の人はろくに返事もしないし感じ悪い。 会計の人は保険証の返却をしてくれず処方箋の受付の方に問合せして貰った。 先生はとても親切なのですが窓口が不愉快なので二度と行きません。 そういうのが気にならない方なら対応早いし空いてるので良いと思います。
Anyway, the reception is too loose. The new receptionist doesn't reply much and feels bad. The treasurer did not return the insurance card and asked the prescription receptionist to inquire. The teacher is very kind, but the window is unpleasant so I will never go there again. If you don't mind that kind of thing, I think it's good because it's quick and available.
smile azuna on Google

I went for the first time with tendonitis of the wrist. He also took a roentgen and taught me how to move my wrist without pain. The teacher will give you a detailed and thorough examination. The waiting time is not long.
ミルモコ on Google

The response of the woman at the reception desk where "re-examination" is written is too bad. If you bring your insurance card and medical examination ticket, even if you are aware of it, unless you call out from here, it will be shikato. I don't even see my eyes. Don't make your reply fragile. There are things that newcomers and old people don't understand, but the kindness is less than a millimeter. It's the first time I've met a woman with such a bad attitude. The teacher is very kind and I like it, but I don't think I want to go because of the lady at the reception.
アポロン on Google

受付、人が少ないのでシステムを聞くにも聞く人がいない。居ても愛想がなかったり。 診察は普通。 リハビリは予約したのにも関わらず、一時間待たされました。予約の意味とは?? リハビリを担当してくれる人たちが一生懸命やってるのはわかるけど、待たせすぎ。
Since there are few receptionists and people, there are no people to listen to the system. Even if I'm there, I don't have any amiability. Medical examination is normal. Even though I made a reservation for rehabilitation, I had to wait for an hour. What does a reservation mean? ?? I understand that the people in charge of rehabilitation are working hard, but I've been waiting too long.
還暦オヤジ on Google

今から9年前、東日本大震災のあった翌月、道で転倒しただけで、徐々に運動機能がおかしくなり、検査の結果、難病指定の頸椎後縦靭帯骨化症に罹患しているのが分かり、即、東京女子医大東医療センターに入院手術し、危うく寝た切りになるのを免れました。52歳の時でした。 手術も成功して車椅子も自力で漕げるようになり、となると大学病院のような大きな病院から継続診療を受けられる小さな病院に移されます。 執刀医さんと仲がよろしいのか?急遽手術の助手を務めて下さったのが、ここの法人理事長先生です。 何でも大正の頃から、浅草(と言うよりも、お酉様や吉原大門等があるエリアは、浅草寺や賑やかな六区とは言問通りを挟んで別に仕分けしているようで、奥浅草と呼んでいます。)地域に根を下ろした、特にリハビリに重きをおいた病院です? 理事長先生は女子医大で講師を務めて、専門外来に従事されており、こちらでの診療は土曜と水曜だけ。 普段は、言葉柔らかな、説明も丁寧で、下らない質問にも真正面から受け止めて下さる外科医さんが院長として整形外科を取り仕切っています。 オマケにイケメン(笑) 浅草のお婆ちゃん達のアイドルです? 浅草だけでなく、遠く千葉やらからも通ってこられる患者さんもいます。 内科は女子医大でリウマチ内科の講師をされてた女医さんが副院長として診療にあたっています。 物腰穏やかな女医さんで、たまにクールな印象を受ける時もありますが、心中では患者さんの病状を同じ土俵に立って心配して下さる名医さんです❗ 4年前までは荒川区日暮里に住んでいたのでバス一本? リハビリでもお世話になりました。 中には魔法使いみたいな理学療法士さんもおられました。 足立区に引っ越したので、一度ここを離れて、近隣の外科内科のクリニックにお世話になりましたが、井上整形外科さんとのお付き合いの長さ、安心して任せられる信頼感は持てず、直ぐに再びこちらに戻りました。 難病指定の怪我以外にも、若気の至りと年老いても悟らない私のだらしなさで(笑)、血圧が高く肝機能も芳しくありません❗ (いつも副院長の女医さんに呆れられてます(笑)) 院長先生の外科と副院長先生の内科を併科診療を受けています。 一般に言う浅草とは異なり、こちら奥浅草は昔の風情が残っていて、どこかの街角から永井荷風やら池波庄太郎など浅草を愛した作家がひょっこり顔を出しそうな錯覚を覚えます。 ベッド数は確か19床でしたか?小さな病院ですけど、デイサービスも含めて、通所リハビリに重きを置いているようです❗ 一頃、受付の人が評判が良くなかった時もあったようですけど、今は窓口のどの女性医療事務の方も忙しい中でも親切に応対して下さいます。 本当に身近な感触で接して下さるので、他の外科内科のクリニックへの転院など考えられません❗ 大袈裟に言えば、私もいずれは死を迎える時が来るのは当たり前(笑) その時は、この井上整形外科さんの病床で迎えたい❗とさえ思っています。 まぁ、そんな時は近隣の大病院に急遽搬送されてしまうでしょうが(笑) ど素人の私が言うのもおかしな話ですが、やはり医療の根本は「思い遣り」だと思います。 こちらは、その「思い遣り」溢れた医療機関です? 浅草警察署の並びにあります。 安心感、信頼感が持てる事が何よりだけど、と言う方にはオススメな東京下町の病院です?
Nine years ago, the month after the Great East Japan Earthquake, I just fell down on the road, and my motor function gradually became abnormal. As a result of the examination, I found that I was suffering from ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the cervical spine, which was designated as an intractable disease. Immediately, I was admitted to the Tokyo Women's Medical University East Medical Center for surgery and was able to avoid falling asleep. I was 52 years old. After successful surgery, he was able to row his wheelchair on his own, and then he was transferred from a large hospital such as a university hospital to a small hospital where he could receive continuous medical care. Are you on good terms with the surgeon? It was the director of the corporation who served as an assistant to the surgery in a hurry. Since the Taisho era, it seems that the area where Asakusa (or rather, Tori-sama and Yoshiwara Daimon, etc. are located) is sorted separately from Sensoji Temple and the lively Rokuku, with Oku Asakusa in between. I call it.) It is a hospital rooted in the area, especially with a focus on rehabilitation ? The chairman is a lecturer at Tokyo Women's Medical University and is engaged in a specialized outpatient clinic, where medical treatment is available only on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Usually, the surgeon, who is soft in words, polite in explaining, and takes the unanswered questions head-on, is in charge of orthopedics as the director. Good-looking guy as a bonus (laugh) I'm an idol of Asakusa's grandmothers ? Some patients come not only from Asakusa but also from Chiba and other places. In internal medicine, a female doctor who was a lecturer in rheumatology at Tokyo Women's Medical University is treating as a deputy director. Demeanor and gentle woman doctor's, but there is also a time to receive a cool impression sometimes, is the good doctor's us worried about standing medical condition of the patients in the same arena in the double suicide ❗ I lived in Nippori, Arakawa-ku until 4 years ago, so one bus ? Thank you for your help in rehabilitation. There was also a physiotherapist who looked like a witch. Since I moved to Adachi Ward, I left here once and was taken care of by a nearby surgical internal medicine clinic, but I could not have the long relationship with Inoue Orthopedic Surgery and the confidence that I could trust with confidence, so I immediately I came back here again. In addition to the intractable disease-designated injuries, my blood pressure is high and my liver function is not good because of my sloppyness that I do not realize even if I am young and old (laugh) ❗ (I'm always amazed by the female doctor who is the deputy director (laughs)) I am receiving both the surgery of the director and the internal medicine of the deputy director. Unlike Asakusa, which is generally said, Oku Asakusa retains the atmosphere of the old days, and I get the illusion that writers who love Asakusa, such as Kafu Nagai and Shotaro Ikenami, will come out from some street corner. Was the number of beds surely 19? Although it is a small hospital, it seems that it emphasizes outpatient rehabilitation, including day service ❗ At one point, it seems that the receptionist was not well received, but now all the female medical office staff at the counter are kind to me even though I am busy. I can't think of transferring to another surgical internal medicine clinic because they treat me with a really familiar feel. ❗ Exaggeratedly speaking, it is natural for me to die soon (laughs). At that time, I would even like to meet at this Inoue Orthopedic Surgery's bed ❗. Well, in such a case, it will be transported to a large hospital nearby in a hurry (laugh) It's strange to say that I am an amateur, but I think that the basis of medical care is "compassion." This is a medical institution full of "compassion" ? There is a line of Asakusa police stations. It is a hospital in downtown Tokyo that is recommended for those who say that having a sense of security and trust is the most important thing ?

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