Sendagi Orthopedic Clinic - Bunkyo City

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sendagi Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

千駄木整形外科 2 Chome-43-1 Sendagi, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 113-0022
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9–11AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9–11AM
Tuesday 9–11AM
Wednesday 9–11AM
Thursday 9–11AM
Friday 9–11AM

千駄木整形外科 2 Chome-43-1 Sendagi, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0022, Japan
Mutsumi on Google

診断は確か。説明もきっちりしてくれます。 何より、リハビリスタッフのクオリティが高い! が、スタッフの当たりはずれもあるので要注意
The diagnosis is certain. The explanation will be right. Above all, the quality of the rehabilitation staff is high! However, be careful because there is also a hit of the staff
Arjen van Blokland on Google

先生の説明は分かりやすいです。英語も話せますので安心させていただきました。スタフも全人は優しくて、プロの感じです。 このクリンニックはおすすめです。
The teacher's explanation is easy to understand. I can speak English, so I was relieved. All staff members are kind and professional. This clinnick is recommended.
taka yama on Google

症状によるんだろうけど、システムが変。痛いからあんまり動かさないでほしいからリハビリいらないって言ったのにリハビリ一緒にやるシステムだからって言って10秒くらい患部を撫でて外科診療の他にリハビリ代で2千円位?だかとられた。 レントゲンと紹介先でMRIも撮った。まだ痛むって言ってるのに映ってるのを観る範囲では問題ないですって言われて終わった。 近くの歯医者で顛末を話すと悪評しか聞いたことないって言ってた。 後日、日本医大で手術して完治しました!
It depends on the symptoms, but the system is strange. I said that I do not need rehab because I want you not to move so much from a pain I said that because it is a system to do rehabilitation together Boiling the affected area for about 10 seconds, in addition to surgery and medical care 2,000 yen place in rehab? I was deceived. I also took an MRI with my roentgen and referral. It is said that there is no problem in the range where I see it reflected that I still say it hurts. I said that I had heard only a bad reputation when speaking at the end of the day with a nearby dentist. Later, I had surgery at Japan Medical University and got a complete cure!
Rin Rona on Google

Since I advocate sports surgery, I had a medical examination. The director gave me a medical examination, but the explanation of the medical examination result was very polite. However, this clinic has the impression that concentrated treatment (overdiagnosis) is systematized. Although X-ray is a rule of plastic surgery, I made an echo and took an MRI later. Even though I was able to diagnose with echo, I introduced MRI, so I feel that I am using it as a set to increase profits even if it is not necessary. Also, rehabilitation is always included in the set, and I don't feel like I'm earning insurance points there as well. It costs 6500 yen for the first examination and 5000 yen for the MRI, and it costs money. Sendagi Orthopedics is a typical "arithmetic" doctor.
ゆずゆず on Google

It is a good level to escape immediately if you hit the director of hysteria, but not only the staff are good, but also the teachers from the university should take a closer look.
Shigeru Furusawa on Google

症状に対して過分な処置が行われる印象を受けました。仕事は丁寧だと思いますが、自分にはこのやり方が肌に合いませんでした。(症状に対して心配な方は返って嬉しい対応かと思います) 受付の方も基本的に親切ですが、この日は忙しかったのか?家に忘れ物を取りに帰らせてもくれず(5分で戻ってこれると陳情しているのに、医院から出たら今日は診れないと言われ…)軟禁された気分で2時間ほど嫌な気持ちで過ごしました。 背中の筋肉をピキッとやってしまって受診しましたが、恐らく必要のないであろうレントゲンを6〜7枚(脊髄〜肋骨)撮影。 5,000円ほどかかりました。 私はこの先、このクリニックにかかることはないでしょう。
I got the impression that the symptoms were treated excessively. I think the work is polite, but this method didn't work for me. (I think that those who are worried about the symptoms will be happy to return) The receptionist is basically kind, but were you busy this day? He didn't let me go home to pick up my forgotten items (I'm petitioned to come back in 5 minutes, but when I got out of the clinic, I was told that I couldn't see you today...) I spent that feeling. I went to see the doctor because I shook my back muscles, but I took 6 to 7 X-rays (spinal cord to ribs) that are probably unnecessary. It cost about 5,000 yen. I will not go to this clinic in the future.
大将 on Google

It is the worst hospital according to the word of mouth. A selfish doctor who does not get close to the patient's feelings. The examination will be forcibly terminated because the next examination is in progress. Rehabilitation is painful and not a cure. A dung hospital not worth going to.
motorsports fan channel in japan on Google

受付の方やリハビリを担当してくださった方、MRI技師の方は非常に丁寧に対応してくださり良かったと思います。ここまでは☆5です。 院長がこれまで出会った医師の中でも最悪でした。というか人間の中でも最悪の部類でした。 一見ジャージを着ていてなんでも話せるかんじの良いお医者さんっぽいんですが、言ってること・やってることはただプライドが高いだけの拝金主義者です。院長が☆-4なので、差し引きで☆1です。 診察で「キミ、格好ラフだねー、こんなところにそんな格好で来るなんて常識無いね」と言われました。(整形外科には何度も来たことがあるしMRIも何度か撮影をしたことがあったので、レントゲンやMRIの撮影の際に邪魔にならないようボタンがなく脱ぎやすいトレーニングパンツにTシャツで行った) その後、レントゲン撮影(不要、保険点数稼ぎ)、リハビリ(不要、保険点数稼ぎ)MRI撮影をしました。知人が医師をやってるのでそちらでも見てもらいたく、MRIの画像が欲しいと言ったら、今日はもう診察できないから来週の診察を予約してその後にしか渡せないと言われました。 患者のことを保険点数としか考えていない医師だと感じました。また医院としてのオペレーション、教育も整っていないように感じ、経営者としても残念な印象です。
I am glad that the receptionist, the person in charge of rehabilitation, and the MRI engineer responded very politely. Up to this point is ☆ 5. It was the worst doctor I had ever met. Or rather, it was the worst category among humans. At first glance, he looks like a good doctor who wears a jersey and can talk about anything, but he is a money worshiper who just has a high pride in what he says and does. The director is ☆ -4, so the deduction is ☆ 1. At the medical examination, I was told, "You look rough, it's not common sense to come to such a place like that." (I've been to orthopedics many times, and I've taken MRI several times, so I've taken a T-shirt in training pants that are easy to take off without buttons so that they don't get in the way when taking X-rays or MRI. I went there) After that, I took X-rays (unnecessary, earning insurance points) and rehabilitation (unnecessary, earning insurance points) MRI. My acquaintance is a doctor, so I wanted to see it there, and when I asked for an MRI image, I was told that I couldn't see him anymore today, so I could book a doctor next week and give it only after that. I felt that he was a doctor who only considered the patient as an insurance score. Also, I feel that the operation and education as a clinic are not in place, which is a disappointing impression as a manager.

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