今倉山 - Tsuru

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 今倉山

住所 :

Asahisoshi, Tsuru, Yamanashi 402-0015, Japan

Postal code : 402-0015

Asahisoshi, Tsuru, Yamanashi 402-0015, Japan
鷹取貴子 on Google

I wish I had a little more oversight.
山崎毅 on Google

Yamanashi 100 famous mountains, but there is no prospect
taiidana on Google

簡単そうな山で、実際のところ危険は無く初心者向けであるが、400mほどを1.5kmで登るので、それなりに手ごたえがある。 頂上は全周に渡り樹木が茂り眺望は枝越しに・・・となる。 道志二十六山か、菜畑山とセットするのが定石かと思われ。
It is a mountain that seems to be easy and is not dangerous for beginners, but it climbs about 400m at 1.5km, so it has a good response. The summit is covered with trees and the view is over the branches. It seems that it is a fixed stone to set with Mt. Doshi 26 or Mt.
Kisya Ito on Google

You can see Mt. Fuji behind Mt. It is a slight hike from Michisaka Pass.
齋藤博幸 on Google

御正体山をピストンして 登りました。 460mの登り返しがかなり長く 感じました! 眺望は無いので写真だけ撮って 赤岩に向かいました。
Piston Mt. I climbed. The climb of 460m is quite long felt! There is no view, so just take a photo I went to Akaiwa.
Grand Velo on Google

Even though there was still snow on the ridgeline, I felt that spring was near, as the birds sing. At the end of Nishimine, I was able to see Mt. Fuji beautifully.
はっしぃ on Google

Mt. Imakura (1,470m: 100 mountains). There is no view, but a break.
田中信宏 on Google

From the Michizaka Kudo bus stop, turn left at the Michizaka Pass branch and climb a moderately steep slope, and you will arrive suddenly in about 45 minutes. Since it is a flat T-junction that is a branch between the direction of Mt. Nabatake on the right and the direction of Mt. Nijurokuya on the left, the feeling of the mountaintop is thin. Normally, it is surrounded by forests and there is no view, but as the leaves fall, you can see Mt. Fuji beside Mt. Mishotai. It is very comfortable to walk surrounded by beech, quercus crispula and Acer amoenum trees. The autumn leaves are also beautiful.

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