
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カフェ百時(ももとき)

住所 :

Asahimachi, Kasugai, 〒486-0929 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : https://momotoki.jp/
街 : 区画 Aichi

Asahimachi, Kasugai, 〒486-0929 Aichi,Japan
羽新(ハニィ) on Google

It's an organic cafe with delicious cheesecake ? There are rice and pasta lunches, and this time I had a Tsukimi tororo lunch set ? It looks and tastes great ❣️ The set drink is mango juice, and the cheesecake is You can add what you like for 250 yen ? There are a lot of miscellaneous goods in the store, there is also a gallery exhibition, and because it is an old folk house, I just relax and stay longer ?
龍次兄ぃ on Google

It's quiet and has a nice atmosphere, the pasta and cheesecake ? are so delicious that you'll want to go again ??️
dptgmpm lavtpt on Google

珍しいチーズケーキがたくさんあるので、手土産用によく利用します。古民家をリノベーションしたような、雰囲気のあるお店です。 テイクアウトでもいちいち靴を脱がなきゃ行けないのがめんどくさいかな… おすすめはチョコバナナチーズケーキです!!
There are many rare cheesecakes, so I often use them as souvenirs. It is a shop with an atmosphere that looks like a renovation of an old folk house. It's annoying that I have to take off my shoes every time I take out ... I recommend the chocolate banana cheesecake! !!
まきまき海苔巻き on Google

(๑╯▽╰๑)豆の焙煎待ちに立ち寄りましたじゅ。 雑貨も販売していて、おもちろかったじゅ。
(๑╯ ▽ ╰๑) I stopped by waiting for the beans to roast. It was interesting because it also sold miscellaneous goods.
加藤猛 on Google

おやつタイムに訪問しました。チーズケーキの種類が多くベイクドやレアチーズもあって選ぶのも迷うけど楽しいですね。僕のチョイスはホワイトチョコチーズケーキ。 クリームチーズとホワイトチョコの相性も良くてとても美味しかった 古民家カフェで座敷もあって、くつろげるのもいいです
I visited during snack time. There are many types of cheesecake, and there are also baked and rare cheeses, so it's hard to choose, but it's fun. My choice is white chocolate cheesecake. The cream cheese and white chocolate go well together and it was very delicious. There is also a tatami room at an old folk house cafe, so it's nice to relax.
azu a on Google

チーズケーキ好きの友人と伺いました。予約はしなかったので、11時半に来店して店内は2.3組でしたが、12時過ぎから続々とお客さんが来店されており平日でしたが満席でした。 店内は、古民家のようで雰囲気があり静かで居心地がよかったです。チーズケーキは、口コミ通り種類が多く、選ぶのも楽しかったです。お味も美味しく、違う種類のチーズケーキを食べにまた来店したいです!
I asked a friend who loves cheesecake. I didn't make a reservation, so I came to the store at 11:30 and there were 2.3 groups in the store, but after 12:00, customers came to the store one after another and it was a weekday, but it was full. The inside of the store was quiet and cozy with an atmosphere like an old folk house. There are many types of cheesecake as word of mouth, and it was fun to choose. The taste is delicious and I want to come back to eat a different kind of cheesecake!
Yoshie K on Google

チーズケーキが有名なコチラのカフェ。 チョコレート、かぼちゃ、紅茶…。 レアチーズケーキだとリンゴやラムレーズン。 チーズケーキの無限の可能性を楽しめます! でも… 初めてだったので、ベーシックにせめました。 ★ニューヨークチーズケーキ NYチーズケーキと聞くと、 凄くしっかりしてて重そうなイメージがあるけど、 コチラのはしっかりはしてるものの口溶けも良く、 食べやすいタイプでした。 優しさも感じられるチーズケーキ!! くどすぎないから、量のいきたくなるやつでした。 アイスコーヒーとの組み合わせが最高に美味しかった。 畳の席でゆったりと素敵な時間を過ごせました。 まったりしちゃった。 ランチメニューも魅力的だったし、 夏だとかき氷もやってました。 チーズケーキ以外も楽しめるお店です!
This cafe is famous for cheesecake. Chocolate, pumpkin, tea ... Rare cheesecake is apples and rum raisins. Enjoy the infinite possibilities of cheesecake! but… It was my first time, so I made it basic. ★ New York cheesecake When you hear NY cheesecake, I have an image that it looks very solid and heavy, This one is solid but melts in the mouth well, It was an easy-to-eat type. Cheesecake that you can feel the kindness! !! It wasn't too tedious, so it was the one that made me want to go for a lot. The combination with iced coffee was the best. I had a wonderful time relaxing on the tatami mats. I'm relaxed. The lunch menu was also attractive I also did shaved ice in the summer. It's a shop where you can enjoy other than cheesecake!
Tina M on Google

cozy place, nice staffs and yum cheese cakes. want to have all cheese cakes here!

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