Asagao Clinic

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asagao Clinic

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Tamadaira, Hino, 〒191-0062 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
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街 : Tokyo

Tamadaira, Hino, 〒191-0062 Tokyo,Japan
松本尚 on Google

他の方も仰る通り、受付の方はどちらも親切です。 医院長は ・他院の診断を否定 ・患者を否定 ・処方が毎回違う ・時間が押してると最後まで患者の話を聞かず打ち切る(次の患者が待ってるから、と。私も予約から30分以上待っていたのに…) ・病状に全く意味のない処方をする なので、私には合いませんでした。 豊田駅付近には他に2つ精神科がありますが、どちらもそのような対応はないです。 合う人には合うのかもしれませんが、不満を抱く患者は多いと薬局でも耳にしました。
As others say, both receptionists are kind. The director of the clinic ・ Denied diagnosis from other hospitals ・ Deny the patient ・ The prescription is different every time ・ If the time is pushed, it will be cut off without listening to the patient until the end (because the next patient is waiting. I also waited for more than 30 minutes from the appointment ...) ・ Prescribe something that is completely meaningless to your medical condition So it didn't suit me. There are two other psychiatric departments near Toyoda Station, but neither of them has such a response. It may suit the person who fits it, but I heard at the pharmacy that there are many patients who are dissatisfied.
Aki To on Google

こちらに長くお世話になっていましたが、 「あなたに今の薬は合わないかもしれない」→他の薬の提案はなし。 「また、様子を見ましょう」→合わないと認識している薬を再度処方。 という信頼性を欠く対応をされ、いい加減目が覚めました。
I've been indebted to you for a long time, "The current medicine may not suit you" → No suggestions for other medicines. "Let's see the situation again" → Prescribe the medicine that we recognize as not suitable. The response was unreliable, and I woke up.
miss kawaguchi on Google

I couldn't sleep for a long time, so I went there with an introduction from an acquaintance. The medicine was so good that I was cured soon. I went to many hospitals, but I was in trouble because I couldn't get rid of it.
山田貴美子 on Google

受付の女性はいつも優しくて、とても親切です。 慣れないオンライン診察の手順も、分からなくなる度、毎回丁寧に教えてくれました。 カウンセラーさんも、いつも話をよく聞いてくれて、共感してくれました。また、親しみやすい雰囲気で私は話しやすかったです。 ですが、院長は個人的に合いませんでした。 一見、優しくて穏やかな話し方なので、最初のうちは安心感があって頼りにしていました。ですが、こちらが質問したり不安を訴えても、持論を展開するばかりで、適切な回答が得られませんでした。 先日、服用中の薬の効果があまり感じられなかったので、自分の状態を出来るだけ正確に把握してもらった上で、改めて薬を処方してもらおうと診察を受けました。 消えない不安感や焦燥感、気力の低下等、日々の症状を訴えると、 「不安を感じやすい年齢なんですよ」「コロナだから」「あなたの他にも不安を感じてる人はたくさんいますよ」と言われました。 私は同じ症状が5年ほど前から断続的に続いていて、最近始まったことではないので、その旨を伝えました。 ですが、「不安なままでいいんです」とか「あなたはあなたの良さがある」など、全く質問の答えになっていない回答をされ、さらに持論を長々聞かされました。 私の言いたいことがちゃんと伝わっていないのかと、再度自分の状況をもう少し詳しく話そうとしましたが、「そういう話はカウンセラーとしましょう」と言われました。 言葉を失って、その後は何も言えずに診察が終わりました。 結局、本来話したかった薬の話までたどり着かずに終わり、いつもと同じ処方箋を出されました。 今後は他の病院に変えようと思っています。
The lady at the reception is always kind and very kind. Every time I didn't understand the procedure of online medical examination, which I was not used to, he taught me carefully. The counselor always listened to me and sympathized with me. Also, it was easy for me to talk in a friendly atmosphere. However, the director did not suit me personally. At first glance, it was a gentle and gentle way of speaking, so at first I felt reassured and relied on it. However, even if I asked a question or complained of anxiety, I just developed my theory and could not get an appropriate answer. The other day, I didn't feel the effect of the medicine I was taking so much, so I was asked to get a grasp of my condition as accurately as possible and then to prescribe the medicine again. If you complain of daily symptoms such as anxiety, irritation, and weakness that do not disappear, He said, "I'm old enough to feel anxious," "because it's Corona," and "there are many other people who feel anxious." I told him that the same symptomatism had been occurring intermittently for about 5 years and was not new. However, I was given answers that did not answer the question at all, such as "You can remain uneasy" or "You have your goodness", and I was told my theory for a long time. I tried to talk about my situation in a little more detail, as if I didn't understand what I meant, but I was told, "Let's talk about that as a counselor." I lost my words, and after that, I couldn't say anything and the examination ended. In the end, I didn't get to the story of the medicine I originally wanted to talk about, and I was given the same prescription as usual. I'm thinking of changing to another hospital in the future.
いちにのさんし on Google

患者の話を聞かない、自分の考えを押し付けるなど最低の医師です。 過去に睡眠の質を改善したく受診しました。初診時に朝イチで予約したのですが、受付で2時間待たされました。受付へ午後から予定があるため、これ以上待つなら受診をキャンセルしたい旨を伝えると、予約時間から2時間半経ってようやく受診が始まりました。こちらの主訴である睡眠の質を向上させたいことを伝えると、『あなたの問題は睡眠ではない。受診した本当の理由は何ですか?なぜこのタイミングで受診したのですか?』と質問をされました。こちらが本当に睡眠の質を向上させたい、タイミングもまとまった時間が取れたので受診した旨を伝えると『それは違います。あなたはとてもイライラしている。そのような事が問題で睡眠に影響を与えてます』とこちらの意見を否定されました。こちらは午後から予定もあるので朝イチに予約したのに、受診開始したのが既に正午近く、それに加えて医師からよく分からない質問と意見を押し付けられた状態。それでイライラしていることを伝えると、また訳の分からない事を言われ、最終的に3種の薬を処方されました。とりあえず服用すると翌朝頭痛がひどく全く仕事にならない状況でした。その後転院しましたが、初診患者に処方する組み合わせではないとのことで、転院先で検査した結果は軽度の睡眠時無呼吸症候群でした。処方された3種の薬には睡眠時無呼吸症候群の患者が服用すると、症状がひどくなるため使用しない薬剤も含まれていたそうです。 本当にひどい経験だったので長文となりましたが、他の方の参考になれば幸いです。
He is the worst doctor who does not listen to patients and imposes his own thoughts. I had a medical examination in the past to improve my sleep quality. I made a reservation in the morning at the first visit, but I had to wait for 2 hours at the reception. I have a plan to go to the reception desk in the afternoon, so I told the receptionist that I would like to cancel the consultation if I wait any longer, and the consultation finally started two and a half hours after the appointment time. When I told him that I wanted to improve the quality of sleep, which is my main complaint, "Your problem is not sleep. What is the real reason for your visit? Why did you go to the clinic at this time? I was asked a question. I really wanted to improve the quality of my sleep, and I had time to set the timing, so when I told him that I had a medical examination, he said, "That's not the case. You are very frustrated. That kind of thing is a problem and affects sleep. " I made a reservation in the morning because I have a plan from the afternoon, but the consultation started near noon, and in addition, the doctor asked me unclear questions and opinions. When I told him that I was frustrated, I was told that I didn't understand why, and finally I was prescribed three kinds of medicines. When I took it for the time being, my headache was so bad the next morning that I couldn't work at all. After that, I was transferred to another hospital, but it was not a combination prescribed for the first-visit patient, and the result of the examination at the transfer destination was mild sleep apnea syndrome. It is said that some of the three prescribed medicines were not used because the symptoms became worse when taken by patients with sleep apnea syndrome. It was a really terrible experience, so it was a long sentence, but I hope it will be helpful to other people.
ぐちちひろ on Google

最初はトンチンカンながら話を聞いてくれます。…が、後日治療方針を聞くと「ないです!!」と医者に逆ギレされました。 後日再度妻が薬減量について質問すると「あなた(妻)が変えろって言うなら変えるけど、どうすんの??」と、謎の逆ギレと挑発。心療内科医に向かない医者かと思います。 比較的予約は取りやすいので緊急時に受診し、診断つけてもらったら情報提供書を書いてもらって他院に主治医を変更する事をおすすめします。
At first, he listens to the story while he is tongue-in-cheek. … But when I asked about the treatment policy at a later date, the doctor said, “No !!”. Later, when my wife asked me about weight loss again, she provoked me with a mysterious reverse giraffe, saying, "If you (wife) tell you to change, I will change it, but what about?" I think it is a doctor who is not suitable for psychosomatic medicine. Since it is relatively easy to make an appointment, it is recommended that you consult an emergency and have your doctor write an information form when you have a diagnosis and change your doctor to another hospital.
K on Google

10年近く通っていました。転院しました。最初は院長が担当でしたが話を聞いてくれると言うより、お説教をされているようでした。同じ話を何回も何回もの繰り返し。薬もたくさん出すし、副作用がキツくて合わないことを話すと怒られるし変えてくれないし、普通は少しずつ減薬して薬の種類を変えるのに、それもなくいっぺんに変えます。 そんな訳で私は最初は症状が軽かったのに薬の影響と先生の言動で症状が悪くなり2回も入院に追い込まれました。 カウンセリングも受けていましたが、良くなることも無く何のために受けていたのか、今 思えばムダに時間とお金を使ってしまったように思います。 最悪の病院です。 なぜ、星の数が増えているのか分かりません。
I've been there for almost 10 years. I was transferred to another hospital. At first, the director was in charge, but he seemed to be preaching rather than listening to me. Repeat the same story over and over again. I give a lot of medicines, and when I talk about the side effects that are too tight to fit, I get angry and don't change. Normally, I reduce the medicine little by little and change the type of medicine, but I change it all at once. That's why I had mild symptoms at first, but the effects of the medicine and the words and actions of the teacher made my symptoms worse, and I was forced to be hospitalized twice. I also received counseling, but I think I wasted my time and money when I think about what I was doing without getting better. The worst hospital. I don't understand why the number of stars is increasing.
sawa yanagi on Google

In the black environment of my previous workplace, I became more likely to become depressed because of power harassment, and there were days when I couldn't sleep at night, so I went to a mental clinic in my neighborhood. .. However, the teacher's attitude was hurt more, and when I got a second opinion, I cried during the examination because of the teacher's warmth. I take a train from my house, but it's not too far away, so I'd like to call here from now on.

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