Arts Ginza Clinic

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Arts Ginza Clinic

住所 :

20, Minato City, 〒105-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Tokyo

20, Minato City, 〒105-0004 Tokyo,Japan
田中みか on Google

Though the price is low, the treatment for hair removal is messy
* on Google

I go to hair removal. There are many irradiation leaks. Especially for VIO, the irradiation leakage from the bottom of V is too severe. Seeking improvement.
# mai on Google

施術する人によって丁寧さが全く違いました。当て方も人によりけりで念入りにしてくれる人もいればサーっとなでる程度の人もいたので統一してほしいです。当て漏らしがあり、やり直ししてもらった時もこれは当て漏らしではないと照射を断られた部位があり態度も良くなかったです。3㎝四方くらいの所に当ててくれるだけでいいのに。 人にはおすすめしないと思います。
The politeness was completely different depending on the person performing the treatment. Some people are elaborate on how to apply them, others are just stroking, so I want you to unify them. There was a leak and it was not a leak when there was a part where the irradiation was refused and the attitude was not good even when I had you try again. I only need to hit it in about 3㎝4 directions. I do not recommend it to people.
k i on Google

随時更新中 ■施術 施術の丁寧さは人による 丁寧な人はすごく丁寧 雑な人は脱毛器のヘッドをスネとかにガンガン当てても気にしない上に明らかに打ち漏らしがありそうなやり方をする ■コース、プラン 部位別より時間内やり放題(平日18時まで)がおすすめ 両方やったことあるが特に時間内の方が雑とは思わなかった 剃り残しがあってもやり放題なら剃ってもらえる(時間にカウントされるが) 着替える時間もカウントされる(脱ぐ時間×2)ので脱ぎやすい格好でいくべき ■施設について ・薄毛対策などもやってる病院なので男性が普通にいるので気になる方はやめたほうがいい ・施術室にカーテンなどが導入されたり、鍵をかけるように促されたり行き始めた当初よりプライバシー良くなってきた ・トイレがクリニック内ではなく建物のトイレを使わなくてはならない(チップ制) ■脱毛機械や効き目に関して ライトシェアを使っており強さは通う頻度によって調整してるようだ 一応脱毛効果はあるようなので星3とする (追記) vioのみだとジェントルマックス?を使ってる(私的に効き目弱い) vio+他部位を同日にやる場合はライトシェアっぽいです ■不満など 時間脱毛は普段は○分で5部位出来たの人により3部位しか出来なくなったりクオリティに差が出てきた →追記:この後他の方施術で同じ時間で5部位やってもらえました。やはりやる人によるみたい。 →更に追記:2020年後半から制限時間内にできる部位をだいぶ減らしてきたので注意。それでも普通にやるよりは安いですが ■他の方に伝えたいこと ・荷物置き場狭いので大荷物で行くと床に置くようになる ・化粧直しスペースや時間はないので注意 ・2021年6月だいぶ予約取りにくくなりました。次の予約はその場(受付)で取るべしです。 ・2ヶ月後以降は予約取れなくなったので注意(例えば4/1の時点で7/15の予定は取れない)。でも7/15の予定は5/15からではなく5/1から取れるので参考にしてください(随時仕様変わりそうなので聞くのが確実)
Updating from time to time ■ Treatment The politeness of the treatment depends on the person A polite person is very polite A sloppy person doesn't care if he hits the head of the hair remover with a sneak or something, and he does something that is clearly likely to be missed. ■ Course, plan All-you-can-eat within the hour (until 18:00 on weekdays) is recommended rather than by part I've done both, but I didn't think it was more messy during the time Even if there is leftover shaving, you can shave as much as you want (although it is counted in time) The time to change clothes is also counted (time to take off x 2), so you should wear clothes that are easy to take off. ■ About facilities ・ Because it is a hospital that also takes measures against thinning hair, there are usually men, so those who are worried should stop ・ Privacy has improved since the beginning, such as the introduction of curtains in the treatment room and the prompting to lock. ・ The toilet must use the toilet in the building, not in the clinic (tip system) ■ About hair removal machine and effect I am using light share and it seems that the strength is adjusted according to the frequency of going It seems to have a hair removal effect, so I will give it 3 stars. (postscript) Gentle Max with only vio? (Personally weak) vio + If you do other parts on the same day, it looks like a light share ■ Dissatisfaction etc. Time hair removal is usually done in 5 parts in ○ minutes, but only 3 parts can be done depending on the person, and the quality is different. → Addition: After that, I was asked to do 5 parts in the same time by another person's treatment. After all it seems that it depends on the person who does it. → Additional note: Since the latter half of 2020, the number of parts that can be created within the time limit has been reduced considerably, so be careful. It ’s still cheaper than doing it normally, ■ What I want to tell other people ・ Luggage storage is small, so if you go with a large baggage, you will put it on the floor. ・ Please note that there is no space or time to remake. ・ June 2021 It has become much more difficult to make reservations. The next reservation should be made on the spot (reception desk). ・ Please note that you will not be able to make reservations after 2 months (for example, you cannot make a schedule for 7/15 as of 4/1). However, the schedule for 7/15 can be taken from 5/1 instead of 5/15, so please refer to it (the specifications are likely to change at any time, so be sure to listen)
田島彩香 on Google

あまり営業してこないので楽です あとその都度お金を支払えるコースとか 選べるのが良いですね 他の医療脱毛は高いと 聞いているので有り難いです。 書き足し 施術は私のあたる スタッフさんは優しくしてくれています 骨の周り等痛いのは仕方ないと思います 私は完全に脱毛したいので気にしないで 下さい!と言っています。 気にされていますが笑
It ’s easy because it ’s not very open. And a course where you can pay money each time It ’s good to be able to choose Other medical hair loss is expensive Thank you for listening. Addition treatment is my hit The staff is kind I think it can't be helped to hurt around the bones I want to completely remove my hair so don't worry Please! Is saying. I'm worried, but lol
a a on Google

It seems that it has been criticized quite a bit, but I have no complaints at all. I go through hair removal, but I like it because it's a low-priced and minimal communication, so I don't have to worry about anything strange. Please accept and lie down, and when you're done, you'll be given something to cool down and you'll have to pay for it, so you won't have much conversation. So I don't have a moment of dissatisfaction (laughs) I don't think it's a wonderful customer service, but it's a mistake to demand it at a low price.
seihin aul on Google

脱毛に通っています。毎回看護師さんが違うので新人さんらしき方に当たると確かに技術の差などが気になることもありますが、格安の為自分が練習台だしなと思えばどうでもいいです。 態度が悪いとの声もありますが、最低限の医療従事者としてのマナー 声掛けは問題ないかと思います。 脱毛チェーン店のようなこまめな気遣い声掛け、アフターケアをして欲しい人はそれなりの値段を払ってそういったクリニックに行けばいいのではと思います。 逆にこの値段でそこまで求めるのは…と思います
I go to hair removal. Since the nurse is different every time, if you try to be a newcomer, you may be worried about the difference in technology, but it doesn't matter if you think that you are a practice table because it is cheap. Some people say that they have a bad attitude, but I think it's okay to say the minimum manners as a medical professional. I think that people who want diligent care and aftercare like a hair removal chain store should pay a reasonable price and go to such a clinic. On the contrary, I think that it is necessary to ask for that much at this price ...
あずさ on Google

Googleの口コミ投稿など人生初ですが、あまりにもセンスのない対応をされたので投稿します。 もともと美容クリニックの看護師として同じ機械を使用し実際に施術を行っていましたし、客として同じ機械での照射経験があります。 もともと他クリニックにてライトシェアで照射しており、同じ機械で価格が安いため通い始めました。 カウンセラーはおらず受付が対応する形で契約となります。美容クリニックほどの愛想の良さはないものの必要最低限のコミュニケーションなので問題はないです。 他クリニックでの照射を合わせると8〜10回照射しているため毛質も細くなっており、効果がないと困るため契約の時点で他クリニックでの照射出力を伝えてありました。受付は看護師ではないので「毛質を見て看護師が判断する、患者のほうで照射出力を指定すると照射できなくなる」との返答でした。 1回目の照射が終わり2週間経過しても抜け落ちが弱く、再照射希望の連絡をすると「照射後3〜4週間の期間であれば対応可能」とのこと。指示通り再照射可能期間に来院し看護師に確認してもらいました。照射前からまばらにしか毛が生えておらず細めの毛質のため照射漏れだとしても塊で残るわけないのに「塊で残っていないので毛周期かもしれない」と言われましたが、Vラインは上部のみ再照射してもらいました。Vライン下部にも照射漏れはありましたが再照射する気はなさそうだったのでそこは諦めました。IO間にも照射漏れがありましたが「毛周期」だとつっぱねられたので今回は何も言わずに聞き分けよく対応しました。 同じ機械で何度も照射してきたのでこんなに抜け落ちないのはおかしいと思い、初回照射の出力を確認するとカルテに記載がないため分からないとのこと。前回照射時の情報は共有されておらず、あくまでその日担当する看護師の自己判断で毎回照射出力を決定するようです。過去照射した際の出力を伝えると「そちらに近いパワーで照射することは可能なのですが、、」とかわされ施術終了後に出力を確認すると、希望出力から2段階も下げられた出力でした。なににビビってるのか分かりませんが伝えた出力で照射すればいいだけなのにわざわざ弱い出力で照射するセンスのなさに呆れました。火傷にビビっているのであれば照射の際に皮膚の伸展をしたほうが良いと思いますが笑笑 あと照射漏れと思われるものを来院までさせておいて毛周期って言い張って再照射しないのはなんでですかね?数ショット照射するのがそんなに手間ですか?だったら最初から照射漏れしないように施術してくださいよ笑笑 確かに医療脱毛の中では破格かと思いますが、効果がなければお金を払う意味がありません。とはいえ選択は個人の自由なので情報共有としてありのままを投稿しました〜
It's the first time in my life to post a review on Google, but I will post it because I did not have a sense of it. Originally, as a nurse in a beauty clinic, I used the same machine to actually perform the treatment, and as a customer, I have experience in irradiating with the same machine. Originally, I was irradiating with light share at other clinics, and I started going because the price is cheap with the same machine. There is no counselor and the contract will be handled by the receptionist. Although it is not as friendly as a beauty clinic, there is no problem because it is the minimum necessary communication. When combined with the irradiation at other clinics, the hair quality is thin because it is irradiated 8 to 10 times, and if there is no effect, it will be a problem, so at the time of the contract, the irradiation output at other clinics was reported. Since the receptionist is not a nurse, he replied, "The nurse will judge by looking at the hair quality, and if the patient specifies the irradiation output, it will not be possible to irradiate." Even after 2 weeks have passed since the first irradiation was completed, the dropout was still weak, and when I contacted him to request re-irradiation, he said, "We can respond within 3 to 4 weeks after irradiation." As instructed, I visited the hospital during the re-irradiation period and asked the nurse to confirm it. Hair grows only sparsely before irradiation, and because of the thin hair quality, even if irradiation leaks, it does not remain as a lump, but it was said that "it may be a hair cycle because it does not remain as a lump". Only the upper part of the V line was re-irradiated. There was an irradiation leak at the bottom of the V line, but I didn't seem to want to re-irradiate it, so I gave up. There was an irradiation leak between IOs, but I was told that it was a "hair cycle", so this time I did not say anything and responded well. Since I have been irradiating with the same machine many times, I think it is strange that it does not come off so much, and when I check the output of the first irradiation, I do not know because there is no description in the medical record. The information at the time of the previous irradiation is not shared, and it seems that the irradiation output is determined each time by the self-judgment of the nurse in charge of that day. When I told him the output of the past irradiation, he said, "It is possible to irradiate with a power close to that," and when I checked the output after the treatment, it was an output that was two steps lower than the desired output. I don't know what I'm afraid of, but I was surprised at the lack of sense of irradiating with a weak output even though I only had to irradiate with the output I told. If you are afraid of burns, I think it is better to stretch the skin at the time of irradiation, but lol lol After that, let's leave what seems to be an irradiation leak until the visit and insist on the hair cycle and do not re-irradiate Why? Is it so troublesome to irradiate a few shots? If so, please do the treatment so that the irradiation does not leak from the beginning lol lol I think it's exceptional in medical hair removal, but if it doesn't work, there's no point in paying for it. However, since the choice is personal freedom, I posted it as it is as information sharing ~

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