Wiclinic - Chuo City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wiclinic

住所 :

長崎センタービル 9階 8 Chome-9-16 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88978
Postal code : 104-0061
Webサイト : https://wi-clinic.com/clinic/ginza.php

長崎センタービル 9階 8 Chome-9-16 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Yuri Yamada on Google

全身脱毛を機に気になっていた部分をこちらで切除して綺麗にしていただきました! 崎尾先生やスタッフの皆様はとても優しくて初めてでも不安とかはありませんでした。 1ヶ月経って綺麗になった自分を見ると勇気を出して手術して本当に良かったと思います。 価格を安くないし、全身麻酔となると不安な部分も大きかったですが、決意した自分を褒めてあげたいです。 まだ今は少し痛みや腫れが残っているので、今後どんどん綺麗になっていくのが楽しみです。
I had you cut off the part that I was worried about when I had my whole body hair removed and cleaned it up! Mr. Sakio and all the staff were very kind and I was not worried even for the first time. When I saw myself who became beautiful after a month, I think it was really good to have the courage to operate. The price wasn't cheap, and I was a little worried when it came to general anesthesia, but I would like to praise myself for my determination. I still have some pain and swelling, so I'm looking forward to it getting better and better in the future.
Ruki S on Google

Used in gynecological molding. The clinic was clean and the staff and nurses were kind and impressed. Dr. Sakio, who was in charge, was very popular in word of mouth, so I was very satisfied with the treatment, including the finish. If you have any problems, I will ask Wi Clinic!
Marina Tamagawa on Google

・スタッフ、先生方が信頼できます。とにかく経験豊富で、実績や口コミがたくさんあって安心できました。 ・カウンセリングや診察は丁寧で、何でも聞けました。 ・術中、術後の痛みがとにかく心配でしたが、終わってしまうと本当に全くと言っていいほど痛みはなかったです。 ・術中途中で目が醒めるのですが、麻酔のお陰でほぼ感覚はなく、術後もエクスパレル麻酔のお陰か、全く痛くならなかったです。 ・翌日から普通に動けて、日常生活にも支障をきたしませんでした。自転車に乗れないのが少し不便だったくらいです。 ・術後すぐは尿の飛び散りが気になりましたが、1ヶ月経った今は大丈夫です。 ・見た目は本当にキレイで、多少左右を感じますが許容範囲です。技術の高さを感じました。それが何より大事かと思います。 ・悩んでいる方がいたら、いち早く決断して大丈夫だと思います。私は不快なことや懸念点は全くありませんでしたのでオススメです。
・ The staff and teachers can be trusted. Anyway, I was relieved because I had a lot of experience and had a lot of achievements and word of mouth. ・ The counseling and medical examination were polite and I was able to ask anything. ・ I was worried about the pain during and after the operation, but when it was over, there was almost no pain. ・ I woke up in the middle of the operation, but thanks to the anesthesia, I had almost no sensation, and even after the operation, it didn't hurt at all, probably because of the exparel anesthesia. ・ I was able to move normally from the next day and did not interfere with my daily life. It was a little inconvenient not to be able to ride a bicycle. ・ Immediately after the operation, I was worried about urine splattering, but now, one month later, it's okay. ・ It looks really beautiful and feels a little left and right, but it is acceptable. I felt the high level of technology. I think that is the most important thing. ・ If you are worried, I think it's okay to make a quick decision. I haven't had any discomforts or concerns, so I recommend it.
てぃーちゃい on Google

I had a lot of moles on my arm, so I thought it was before the wedding and had it removed 3 weeks ago. It took me about two weeks to get new skin, and now I'm really looking forward to getting used to it with almost no redness! The procedure was after applying the anesthetic cream, so I didn't have any pain at all ^ _ ^ I was relieved by the kind and polite teachers, counselors, and nurses!
菅野さや香 on Google

長年悩んでいた、小陰唇縮小手術をwiクリニックさんで施術してもらいました。クチコミの良さとサイトの雰囲気などが決めてです。 当日ドキドキしていましたが、スタッフさん達の穏やかな口調や接し方で緊張が和らぎ、悩み解決したいという気持ちで楽しみになりました。 施術自体は体感的には10分位で、あっという間に終わった感じしました。麻酔のおかげで全く痛みもありません。目覚めた時はもう縫っている段階で少しエクスパレスの時にチクってした位で、麻酔の注射が一番痛かったので、本当全然問題なかったです。 一週間位はつっぱった感じや、長時間座ってると痛さはありましたが、1ヶ月経った今は全てが快適で腫れもなく、どんどん柔らかくなるのを待っている感じです。 お手洗いもシャワーも座ったり歩いたりも何も問題ありません。ずーと悩んでいたのでこんなに簡単で痛みないのであれば早くやればよかったと思いました。もし悩まれてる方いたらぜひwiクリニックさんでやる事をオススメいたします。
I had my labia minora reduction surgery, which I had been worried about for many years, performed at the wi clinic. The goodness of the word-of-mouth and the atmosphere of the site are decided. I was thrilled on the day of the event, but the gentle tone of the staff and the way they interacted with me eased my tension, and I was looking forward to solving my worries. The treatment itself took about 10 minutes, and I felt that it was over in no time. Thanks to the anesthesia, there is no pain at all. When I woke up, I was a little sick at the time of exploration when I was sewing, and the injection of anesthesia was the most painful, so there was no problem at all. It felt taut for about a week, and it hurt when I sat for a long time, but now, after a month, everything is comfortable, swelling-free, and waiting for it to become softer and softer. There is nothing wrong with restrooms, showers, sitting or walking. I was worried for a long time, so I thought I should have done it as soon as possible if it was so easy and painless. If you are worried, I recommend you to do it at wi clinic.
田中花子 on Google

まず始めにウィクリニックを選んでよかったと伝えたいです。カウンセリングでは内容や、方法、料金など詳しく説明してくださり、要所要所で質問ありますかと聞いてくださいま す。先生始めみなさん優しくとても感じがいいです。デリケートな問題なので分からないことや気になることは、ばんばん聞いた方がいいと思います。 施術中は好きな音楽を流してくださったり、話しかけてくださったので、リラックスできました。 当日、麻酔が切れてきて鈍痛を感じ、痛み止めを飲みましたが次の日からは痛み止めを飲まず、カウンセリングの際に説明された副作用(かゆみや微熱など)も一切ありませんでした。最初の2週間は座るとき気にして座ったりしていましたが、すぐに気にならなくなり、施術したことも忘れるくらいになります。 スキニーを履いたとき、自転車に乗ってるときの違和感などなくなり、本当によかったと思っています。
First of all, I would like to say that I am glad I chose the Wi Clinic. In the counseling, please explain in detail the contents, methods, fees, etc. and ask if you have any questions at the important points. Everyone, including the teacher, is kind and very nice. It's a delicate issue, so if you don't understand or are worried about it, you should listen to it. During the treatment, he played his favorite music and talked to me, so I was able to relax. On that day, my anesthesia was cut off and I felt dull pain, so I took painkillers, but from the next day I did not take painkillers and had no side effects (itching, low-grade fever, etc.) explained during counseling. For the first two weeks, I was worried when I sat down, but soon I didn't care about it, and I almost forgot about the treatment. When I wore skinny, I didn't feel any discomfort when riding a bicycle, and I'm really glad.
高橋史子 on Google

医療脱毛は、初めてでしたが 丁寧で効果も実感しました。 医療脱毛は痛みが辛いと良く聞いていたので覚悟していましたが、我慢できる程度だし、 当て方の上手な看護師さんに当たるとくすぐったさなどもなくて感動しました。 3回行きましたが、だいぶ毛が変わりました。 前回と違う看護師さんでも、傷跡や、やりたく無い箇所など共有がしっかりされていて、(そうではないサロンもたくさんあるので)よかったです。
It was my first time to have medical hair removal It was polite and I realized the effect. I was prepared for medical hair removal because I often heard that it was painful, but I can tolerate it. I was impressed by the fact that I wasn't tickled when I hit a nurse who was good at guessing. I went there 3 times, but my hair changed a lot. It was good that even the nurses who were different from the last time shared well the scars and the parts that I didn't want to do (because there are many salons that don't).
まる on Google

The staff is kind and the atmosphere is good. You can rest assured that if you inquire about anxiety after the procedure, you will be contacted immediately. I'm worried about the finish after the surgery, but it's only about a month, so I hope that the condition of the wound will improve in the future. I thought it would be better if I could check the markings on the surgical design together. I don't know what kind of design it is with just words, and I'm not sure if the part I was interested in was treated properly. It seems that if you are concerned about the postoperative condition, you may have revision surgery in the future, but since I originally thought that one operation would be satisfactory, I am concerned about the treatment and cost. .. I heard from the teacher that it is still swollen, so I will wait patiently for improvement.

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