Arched Bridges - Inukami District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Arched Bridges

住所 :

Taga, Inukami District, Shiga 522-0341, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 522-0341
Webサイト :

Taga, Inukami District, Shiga 522-0341, Japan
市村寿男 on Google

多賀大社大鳥居と御神門との間、車戸川にかかる石造りの神橋で、大政所の病気平癒のため太閤秀吉が寄進した米一万石をもとに造られたもの。上り下りの両側に滑り止めの木が四本ずつ渡されているが、かなりの急斜面で、神社でよく見かける太鼓 橋のなかではかなりきつい部類であり、「雨、雪の日には渡ってはいけない。」「飲酒しても上るな」、「下駄やハイヒールもダメ」と神社が注意している。 ちなみに、この橋を「太鼓橋」、「太閤橋」とさまざまに呼んでいるが、神社の注意書には「反橋(そりばし)」とあり、それが正式名なのだろう。
A stone Shinkyo bridge over the Kurado River between the Otorii gate of Taga Taisha and the Mikami Gate, built on the basis of 10,000 stones of rice donated by Hideyoshi Taiko to heal the illness of the Omandokoro. There are four non-slip trees on both sides of the climb, but it is a fairly steep slope, and it is one of the toughest drum bridges often seen at shrines, saying, "On rainy and snowy days, The shrine warns that "don't go up even if you drink" and "no clogs or high heels". By the way, this bridge is called "Taikobashi" and "Taikobashi" in various ways, but the shrine's cautionary note says "Sorihashi", which is probably the official name.
みかんみかん on Google

急勾配な橋。手摺は低めなのであまり頼りにしない方がいいです。 これを使わなくても参拝できるので見るだけにするのがオススメです
A steep bridge. The handrails are low so you shouldn't rely too much on them. You can worship without using this, so it is recommended to just look at it
michael may on Google

Please pay attention to your feet. The view from above is good.
藤井孔二 on Google

怪我をしないよう 気をつけてください!
Don't get hurt Please be careful!
HIKAWA T on Google

多賀大社の正面入口にある石造りの短い橋。 急な傾斜に丸太が両側四本ずつ踏み台として渡して有り、成人男性の歩幅なら上り下り共に丁度良い間隔。 両脇の手摺は高さが低いので頼りにしないほうが良いかも。 足場が濡れていると非常に滑りやすいので渡らないほうが賢明でしょう。 頂上部からの景色はなかなか良い。
A short stone bridge at the front entrance of Taga Taisha. There are four logs on both sides as steep slopes, and just a good interval for going up and down for adult male stride. Since the handrails on both sides are low in height, it may be better not to rely on them. If the scaffold is wet it is very slippery so it is better not to cross it. The view from the top is quite good.
Lasse Carlbom on Google

A calm and nice place with good people that help you when you have questions as a tourist
Nathan Gildart on Google

Would be nice to be allowed to walk over the bridge. :) Apparently commissioned by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Very cool.
Mosey Slu on Google

A cool little bridge. Would be fun to walk on but not allowed.

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