
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 荒川整形外科リハビリテーションクリニック

住所 :

Arakawa, Arakawa City, 〒116-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://arakawa-seikei.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Arakawa, Arakawa City, 〒116-0002 Tokyo,Japan
S on Google

仕事で額を怪我しました。労災書類の記入をして頂くために、症状を連絡で伝え確認したうえで書いて頂けるとの事で行きました。 連絡でも着いてからも指定病院として対応出来るとの話でした。 ですが、医師が診察室に入るなり、ウチではリハビリ専門と言い出しました。 呆れますが仕方なく帰ろうとすると、料金はしっかり請求されました。 何もしてないのに、がめつい医者です。 労災の書類は書いて頂けず、お金は取られ何をしに行ったのかわかりません。 他の病院を一から探す事になります。 料金は後から労基に請求しろと言われました。 最初から出来ないとわかっていて嘘をついて、私の労災に便乗してきました。 患者を騙す図々しい輩です。
I injured my forehead at work. In order to have you fill out the work-related accident documents, I told you that you would be able to write after confirming the symptoms by contacting me. It was said that it would be possible to respond as a designated hospital even after contacting or arriving. However, as soon as the doctor entered the examination room, he said that he specializes in rehabilitation. I was surprised, but when I tried to go home, the fee was charged firmly. I'm a clinging doctor even though I haven't done anything. I couldn't write the documents for the industrial accident, and I don't know what I went to because the money was taken. You will be looking for another hospital from scratch. I was told to charge the Labor Standards Bureau later. I knew I couldn't do it from the beginning, so I lied and took advantage of my work-related accident. He is a brilliant person who deceives patients.
chu Pi on Google

I went there for rehabilitation. The physiotherapist always taught me physical training in an easy-to-understand manner. Thanks to you, the troubles from before have improved.
BRAD PIT on Google

ここは薬ばかり出す病院です。 いきなりレントゲンを何枚も撮られ、診察も適当にされ、しまいには特に問題ないと言われました。 頭痛、首周り、背中から腰、などに痛みがあると伝えるも、聞き入れてもらえず、薬を処方すると言われました。 リハビリは行っていないと言われましたが、ネットではリハビリ(マッサージ)を行っている画像がアップされており、マッサージ治療を行っていると記載されています。 また、貼り薬を処方するようにお願いしたが、それも出してもらえませんでした。処方してもらった薬『リリカ』を調べたところ、この薬は副作用があり、薬物性の依存があるとのこと。そのような危険な薬を処方したにも関わらず、詳しい説明もなく、貼り薬も出してもらえず、しまいには胃薬も処方してくれませんでした。 また1から病院を探さなくてはならなくなり、二度手間になってしまいました。 こういった病院は、患者の内面は一切見ようとせず、薬だけを処方する悪徳な医療機関です。 建物の外観は綺麗にしても、中身の無い病院は必要ないと思います。 今まで行った病院の中では最低レベルなので、検討されている方は騙されないようにくれぐれも気をつけてください。
This is a hospital that only delivers drugs. Suddenly many X-rays were taken, the medical examination was made appropriate, and I was told that there was no particular problem in the end. I was told that I had a pain in my headache, around my neck, from my back to my waist, etc. I was told that I did not rehabilitate, but on the net, the image of rehabilitation (massage) is uploaded, and it is stated that I am doing massage treatment. I also asked him to prescribe a patch, but he didn't give it either. When I examined the drug "Ryrica" ​​that I had been prescribed, I found that this drug has side effects and drug dependence. Despite prescribing such a dangerous drug, there was no detailed explanation, no patch was given, and no stomach drug was prescribed. In addition, I had to find a hospital from scratch again, which was a hassle twice. These hospitals are unscrupulous medical institutions that do not look inside the patient at all and prescribe only drugs. Even if the building looks beautiful, I don't think there is a need for a hospital without contents. This is the lowest level of hospitals I have visited so far, so please be careful not to be fooled by those who are considering it.
yo tk on Google

友人の付き添いで訪問。 受付、医師の対応、処置ともに何の問題もなく、適切な処置をされたと思われる。 症状から考え得る常識的な治療であり、医師の説明も丁寧だし、こちらの要望にも耳を傾けてくれる。 また、西洋医学一辺倒でなく、患者の希望や医師の判断で併設する提携鍼灸院での治療を受けられるのもよい。提携鍼灸院の鍼灸師さんも適切な説明と丁寧な施術だった。 また、院内のCOVID19対策も考え得る限り最善の策を講じており、信頼感が持てた。 ほぼ全ての治療薬には「副作用」は多かれ少なかれ存在しており、ネットで素人が検索すればおどろおどろしく感じてしまうのかもしれないが、神経性疼痛ではどこでも処方される薬(むしろ軽めの薬で、効かないことすらあるのに。事実、自分も頚椎症で処方されたが、初期の痛みが強いときには効かなかった)を処方して悪く書かれたのでは医師が気の毒。 名医かどうかは知らんが、「常識的であり、ごく普通の対応と治療をしてくれる病院」だと思う。こちらの評価も主観的ではあるが、あまりに偏った低評価が気の毒なので、高めに評価しておく。
Visited with a friend. There were no problems with the reception, the doctor's response, and the treatment, and it seems that the appropriate treatment was taken. It is a common-sense treatment that can be considered from the symptoms, the doctor's explanation is polite, and he listens to this request. In addition, it is good not to focus on Western medicine, but to receive treatment at the affiliated acupuncture and moxibustion clinic, which is located next to the patient's wishes and the judgment of the doctor. The acupuncturist at the affiliated acupuncture and moxibustion clinic also provided appropriate explanations and polite treatment. In addition, we have taken the best possible measures for COVID19 in the hospital, and we have a sense of trust. Almost all treatments have more or less "side effects" that may seem frightening to an amateur searching online, but for neuropathic pain they are prescribed everywhere (rather lighter ones). And even though it doesn't work. In fact, I was prescribed for cervical spondylosis, but it didn't work when the initial pain was strong). I don't know if it's a well-known doctor, but I think it's a "hospital that is common sense and provides ordinary treatment and treatment." This evaluation is also subjective, but I feel sorry for the too biased low evaluation, so I will evaluate it higher.
荒川えぞ松 on Google

足が歩くのも困難なほど痛かったので断腸の思いで受診。 荒川区役所前から歩いて3分くらいと立地はあまりよくないが接客は丁寧。 医師は愛想というより丁寧な感じ、レントゲンのおっさんは事務的だった。 事務の人や施術してる方はみんな印象的で好感触。超音波治療もしてくれた
She was so painful that her legs were too hard to walk, so she was consulted with bowel thinking. The location is not very good, about 3 minutes on foot from Arakawa Ward Office, but the service is polite. The doctor was more polite than amiable, and the X-ray uncle was clerical. Everyone in the office and those who are performing are impressive and pleasant. Also gave me ultrasound treatment
Iyoko Imparato on Google

I had a pain in my right arm and shoulder and numbness in my hands due to the burden of working on a computer, so I rehabilitated for about 10 months. In addition to the treatment, it was very good that I got the habit of stretching the affected area every day by receiving easy-to-understand advice so that I could maintain it myself. It is a clinic where teachers and physiotherapists can attend with kindness and peace of mind.
ルールーモモ on Google

先生はしっかりと話を聞いてくださるし、受付のスタッフも皆さんとても感じ良く、毎回気分良く通院出来ました。 また担当の理学療法士の方が非常に勉強熱心で、行く度にその時に応じた新たなプログラムを考えて下さり、痛みがどんどん楽になりました。セルフケアの方法もしっかりと教えて頂けたので、これからも安心です。 車で1時間近くかけて通ったのですが、それだけの価値のある病院でした。ありがとうございました。
The teacher listened to me well, and the reception staff were all very pleasant, and I was able to go to the hospital every time. Also, the physiotherapist in charge was very enthusiastic about studying, and every time I went, he thought of a new program according to the time, and the pain became easier and easier. I was able to teach you how to take care of yourself, so I am relieved. It took me almost an hour to drive, and it was a worthwhile hospital. Thank you very much.
Hide Miya on Google

腰が痛くて今後の事も考えて、リハビリテーション科のある整形外科を検索して出てきたクリニックでした。評価も良かったので行ってみました。 診療後リハビリテーション科に行き、腰痛みを改善させてる運動や、骨の位置を整える施術を行いました。20分か40分の施術時間なのでサクッと行けるのも魅力です。 8回通いましたが5回目あたりでもうすっかり痛みがなくなっていました! 担当してくださった方も凄く感じのいい女性で、優しく色々なことを教えて下さいました。私の頑張りもちゃんと褒めてくださって、尚やる気が出ました! 最終日にリハビリの卒業祝いとしてトゲトゲのボールを頂きました! 最後までキメの細かい対応ができるクリニックだなぁと感心いたしました! また痛くなったら通いに行こうと思いました!
I had a pain in my back and thought about the future, so it was a clinic that came out after searching for an orthopedic surgeon with a rehabilitation department. The evaluation was also good, so I went. After the medical examination, I went to the rehabilitation department and performed exercises to improve low back pain and treatments to adjust the position of bones. The treatment time is 20 or 40 minutes, so it is also attractive to be able to go quickly. I went there 8 times, but around the 5th time, the pain was completely gone! The person in charge was also a very nice woman, and she kindly taught me various things. He praised me for my hard work, and I was even more motivated! On the last day, I received a thorny ball as a celebration of my rehabilitation graduation! I was impressed that it is a clinic that can handle fine details until the end! I decided to go there if it hurts again!

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