Aqua Omotesando

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aqua Omotesando

住所 :

Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan
A S on Google

通い始めて6年程になります。 いつも林さんに担当頂いてます! 髪の毛の話、アレンジの話、コナンの話、勉強になるものもただの趣味の話も付き合ってくださるため、毎度楽しみにしてます。 夏や冬には期間限定のキャンペーン等もあり、その季節によって施術コースを一緒に考えて頂いてます。 他の美容師の皆さん気さくに話し掛けて下さるので、初めての方もすぐ緊張が解れると思います! オススメです!
It's been about 6 years since I started going. Mr. Hayashi is always in charge! I'm always looking forward to talking about hair, arranging, Conan, studying and just hobbies. There are also limited-time campaigns in summer and winter, and we ask you to consider the treatment course together depending on the season. All the other beauticians will be happy to talk to you, so even beginners will soon be able to relax! I recommend it!
Akiko Miya on Google

アッシュカラーがなかなかイメージ通りにならなくて、インスタで探していたところ、アクアの林優太(@0705_hayashi)さんに辿り着きました。林さんに実際にカラーしてもらって、とても綺麗なアッシュ&求めていた透け感になって感動して、それから毎回お願いしています。アッシュ以外のカラーも提案してくれて、そのカラーも素敵でした。 カットも普段のアレンジやスタイリング等聞いて、いろいろ提案してくれてカットしてくれるので、満足かつ家に帰ってからもアレンジしやすくて朝の時短になり助かってます。 アッシュ系のカラーしたい方は特にオススメです!
The ash color didn't quite match the image, and when I was looking for it on Instagram, I arrived at Aqua Hayashi Yuta (@ 0705_hayashi). I asked Mr. Hayashi to actually color it, and I was impressed by the beautiful ash and the sheer feeling I was looking for, and then I ask every time. He suggested colors other than ash, and the colors were also wonderful. As for the cuts, I listen to my usual arrangements and styling, and they make various suggestions and cuts, so I am satisfied and it is easy to arrange even after I get home, which helps me to shorten the morning time. Especially recommended for those who want ash color!
o a on Google

林優太さんに担当していただいています。 カラーもカットもいつも理想以上に仕上げてくださっていて大満足です!! 髪の悩みの相談でシャンプーやスタイリングの提案をしてくださったり、いろいろなお話しをさせていただいて毎回、サロンで過ごす時間を楽しませていただいています! とても居心地が良いサロンですのでおすすめです!
Yuta Hayashi is in charge. I am very satisfied that the colors and cuts are always more than ideal! !! We talk about shampoo and styling for hair problems, and talk about various things, so we enjoy the time we spend at the salon every time! It's a very cozy salon, so I recommend it!
Hikaru N on Google

林優太さんに担当していただいてます。 自然なグレージュカラーにしたくて、インスタでヘアカタログを見て指名させてもらったのがきっかけです。 毎回、イメージ通りのカラー仕上げて下さいますし、ずっとお世話になりたい美容師さんです。 丁寧なカウンセリングで細かいリクエストを聞いてくださるのと同時に、自分に似合うイメージのカットやスタイリングの提案もいただけて、いつも仕上がり大満足です。 今後もよろしくお願いします。
Yuta Hayashi is in charge. I wanted to make it a natural greige color, so I looked at the hair catalog on Instagram and was nominated. He is a beautician who wants to take care of me every time, as he finishes the color as I imagined. At the same time as listening to detailed requests with careful counseling, I am always very satisfied with the finish because I received suggestions for cutting and styling the image that suits me. I hope to work with you in the future.
u. tokyo. on Google

Since I was in charge of the person who is also selected as a hair charisma, my hairstyle has never come to my mind. It's very long-lasting, and the more time passes after the cut, the more impressed you are with the "charisma of hair." Those who seek a very close relationship may not fit the customer service style, but I like this sense of distance.
Tom Tom on Google

これだけ多くの美容室がある中で、こちらのお店に出会えてよかったです 美容師難民歴7年だった僕が、通って3年になります 店内は落ち着いた雰囲気で、スタッフの皆さんもとても丁寧且つ親身に相談にのってくださいます! いつも岡田英美さんに、カットしてもらってます! 岡田さんは、私のだいぶ抽象的な髪型のオーダーに対し、満足度120%以上で仕上げてくださいます! 普段パーマをお願いしますが、今の髪の毛の状態をしっかりと把握した上で、薬剤を調整をしてくださるので、安心してお任せできます 長くなりましたが、もし僕のように美容院に悩まれている方がいましたら是非一度足を運んでみてください! 今後美容院に悩むことはなくなります!
I'm glad I met this shop while there are so many beauty salons. I have been a beautician for 7 years as a refugee, but now I have been there for 3 years. The atmosphere inside the store is calm, and the staff are very polite and kind to consult with us! I always have Hidemi Okada cut it! Mr. Okada, please finish with a satisfaction level of 120% or more for my order of abstract hairstyle! I usually ask for a perm, but I can leave it to you with confidence as it will adjust the drug after grasping the current condition of the hair. It's been a long time, but if you're suffering from a hairdressing shop like me, please come visit us! You won't have to worry about the hairdresser in the future!
よしだひろし on Google

idea by sosu
S ‘BlueGem on Google

Let's spend some seconds to read what we shared, it's our experience who has lived here in Japan near 10 years. We come to Aqua after over one year and feel so disappointed for the terrible results. First of all the price 5万7千for two of us. One for hair coloured and one for both cut and hair coloured. For my hair at price 35,950 yen with no notice before , he forgot or wanted to cheat the foreigner, I didn't know. The man was unprofessional unskilled barbar named YUUTA HAYASHI who doesnt have the courage or creativity to shape my hair. He seems want to hurry up and push me in a decision for hair coloured as soon as he can finish. He is manner less. It made me lose a trust in Aqua. The Aqua saloon guys who doesn't take care to what customer deserve equal to such amount of money we have to pay for them . When my friend made a payment in reception desk he run up and plus 1650 yen without any explanation. At the end we found out that is the price for one bottle of keeping coloured unchanged but that was unsealed bottle and opened before. Unbelievable. When we come back home we recognized out our head skin also dark coloured in a big space and we couldn't wash off. My friend also told YURIKA YOSHINO san the she feels her head not clean up yet before we left. It was an horrible experience ever . This was our last visit to Aqua. My saloon near my home is far better then Aqua.

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