Apricot Animal Clinic - Narashino

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Apricot Animal Clinic

住所 :

ティアラ 2 Chome-6-37 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 275-0016
Webサイト : http://www.apricot-ah.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

ティアラ 2 Chome-6-37 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan
saka on Google

うさぎのうっ滞でお世話になりました。 点滴を二日連続で行ったのち、 通うのも大変なのでお薬を提案していただき、大好物に混ぜやすいように粉で処方していただきました。 作戦は大成功で、難無く薬をあげられ、スッカリ元気になりました。 犬猫だけでなくうさぎやハムスターのような小動物も見ていただけるので、助かります。 先生も丁寧で優しいです。
Thank you for your help due to the stasis of the rabbit. After two consecutive days of infusion, It's hard to go, so I asked him to suggest a medicine and prescribe it in powder so that it could be easily mixed with his favorite food. The operation was a great success, and I was able to give medicine without difficulty, and I felt refreshed. Not only dogs and cats but also small animals such as rabbits and hamsters can be seen, which is helpful. The teacher is also polite and kind.
Masumi Yamauchi on Google

He was a kind teacher and it was my first visit, but I wasn't afraid of dogs either. It wasn't so crowded on weekday mornings.
u m on Google

年中無休なので先生お疲れなのかなぁ…。伝えていたことが伝わっていなかったり、検査を忘れられていたり、診察時に伝えられたのとは違う薬を出されたり…。 先生もスタッフさんもみんな優しいですが。
I wonder if the teacher is tired because it is open all year round. I didn't get what I was telling, I forgot to take the test, and I was given a different medicine than what I was told at the time of the examination. The teachers and staff are all kind.
A H on Google

先生、看護師、受付の方々 みなさん親切でした。 初診だったので、色々と質問され、その質問たいして、丁寧に説明をしてくれました。 いつも、病院に行くと暴れたりするですが、雰囲気がよかったらしく、落ちついてやってました。
Teachers, nurses, receptionists Everyone was kind. Since this was my first visit, I was asked various questions and explained the questions politely. Whenever I go to the hospital, I get angry, but the atmosphere seems to be good and I was calm.
Cg Tn on Google

常に良心的な診療で、信頼しています。 先生も看護師の皆様も、いつもとても思いやりにあふれています。 土日も診察して頂ける安心感は、非常に大きいです。
I always trust in my conscientious medical care. Teachers and nurses are always very considerate. The sense of security that you can see on Saturdays and Sundays is very great.
渡部綾子 on Google

The teacher is kind and calm, and he doesn't say anything that arouses anxiety to the owner even at the time of examination, so even if he is diagnosed with an illness, he feels less anxious. Thank you for your support even in an emergency night.
.yma Shinjo on Google

I went there for the first time because my cat wasn't feeling well. As a result, I was relieved that I had only cystitis. I'm glad I didn't have stones or cancer ☺️
CANDY HOT on Google

院長先生も看護師さん達も全員親切で優しかったです。 うさぎの診察も急な来院なのに快く受け入れてくださって感謝しています。 説明もわかりやすく詳しくしてくれて安心できました。 沢山の人が来院していましたが理由がわかります。 本当にありがとうございました。
The director and the nurses were all kind and kind. I am grateful that I was willing to accept the rabbit's examination even though it was a sudden visit. I was relieved that the explanation was easy to understand and detailed. A lot of people came to the hospital, but I can understand the reason. I'm really thankful to you.

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