Apple Matsumoto

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Apple Matsumoto

住所 :

Kamada, Matsumoto, 〒390-0837 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Nagano

Kamada, Matsumoto, 〒390-0837 Nagano,Japan
匿名希望 on Google

査定を依頼しましたが、価格の算定根拠をとても丁寧にご説明してくれました。担当者さんの対応、人当たりがとても良かったです。 売却は数店周りましたが対応、価格とも1番良かったのでお願いしました。
We asked for an assessment, but he explained the grounds for calculating the price very carefully. The person in charge and the per person were very good. The sale was around several stores, but the correspondence and price were the best, so I asked.
柴田大作 on Google

In January of this year, we asked for the purchase of a friday, but it was a gentle response from beginning to end. I went around here, but after all I decided here because of the good response. Finally, it is determined by the people of the sales person. I feel like I can see the increase in repeaters. From now on, everything will be done here.
けた on Google

はじめての中古車購入でお世話になりました。 それまでに乗っていた車も新車の残価設定型個人リースでディーラーさんにお任せだったので、今回購入に関して必要な事や書類など様々な不安があったのですが、店長さんに丁寧に対応していただきました。アップルさんだと県内の陸送だと無料みたいです。また、駐車場所の書類の作成、届け出、車の引き取りにも他地域の諏訪まで来ていただき、至れり尽くせりだったと思います。(かといってなんでもワガママ言っていい訳ではないと思いますが。) 正直、また乗り換える時には希望の車があればこちらで購入したいくらいです。 車については保証期間が過ぎるまではなんとも言えませんが半年強で問題なく乗れています。
Thank you for purchasing my first used car. Since the car I had been riding until then was left to the dealer with a residual value setting type private lease of the new car, I was worried about various things such as necessary things and documents regarding purchasing this time, but the manager carefully Thank you for your support. Apple seems to be free for land transportation in the prefecture. In addition, I think that it was completely exhausted to visit Suwa in other areas to create and report documents for parking lots, and to collect cars. (I don't think it's okay to say anything.) To be honest, when I change trains, I would like to buy one if I have a desired car. I can not say anything about the car until the warranty period expires, but it is a little over half a year and I can ride without problems.
T H on Google

松本市で5、6社買取査定しましたが、アップルさんだけ査定前にどこか査定するにあたって気をつけた方がいい所や土足禁止とかありますでしょうか?と気にかけてくれました。 今回買取査定して頂いた車がセカンドカーでそんなにいい車では無かったですが、そのような車でも丁寧に扱ってくれました。これからは自動車の購入や売却はアップルさんにお願いしたいと思いました。 あとこれから松本市内で買取査定される方いるかと思いますが、他社のお店は査定したらすぐ契約を即決させようとしてきますが、アップルさんはそんなような事なく納得のいく査定をして頂いたのでオススメです。ちなみに私は店長さんに接客して頂きました。気持ちの良い取引が出来ました。これからも宜しくお願いします。
I made a purchase assessment for 5 or 6 companies in Matsumoto City, but is there anything that Apple should be careful about when making an assessment before the assessment, or is there a ban on shoes? He cares. The car that was purchased and assessed this time was a second car and it was not such a good car, but even such a car was treated carefully. From now on, I would like to ask Apple to buy or sell a car. Also, I think that you will be assessed for purchase in Matsumoto city from now on, but shops of other companies will try to make a prompt decision on the contract as soon as it is assessed, but Apple made a convincing assessment without such a thing. I recommend it because I received it. By the way, I had the store manager serve customers. I was able to make a pleasant transaction. Thank you for your continued support.
だいすけ on Google

中古車売却するにあたり、複数店から見積もりをとり、最後に査定していただいたのがアップル様でした。 買取金額に満足しただけでなく、契約前に今後の売却までの流れや注意事項など終始丁寧にご説明をいただき安心しました。 他店の営業の方は「今決めてくれたら何円にできます。」といった強引なやり取りが多い中、こちらの店長さんは私のペースに合せてよく話を聴いて下さり、とても気持ちが良い対応をしてくれました。 傷が多く修復歴もある車でしたが、初めて購入し思い出の詰まった一台でしたので、最後はアップル様にお世話になりたいと思いました。 今後もよろしくお願いします(^^)
When selling a used car, Apple took estimates from multiple stores and made the final assessment. Not only was I satisfied with the purchase price, but I was relieved to hear a detailed explanation from beginning to end regarding the flow of future sales and precautions before making a contract. While there are many forcible exchanges with sales people at other stores, such as "If you decide now, how much will you be able to pay?" He did a good job. It was a car with many scratches and a history of repairs, but since it was the first car I bought and was full of memories, I wanted to take care of Apple at the end. I look forward to working with you in the future (^^)
加藤雅哉 on Google

ハイラックスサーフ185のディーゼル車を探していて、昨年7月にインターネットに掲載されているのを見つけました。私の住んでいる山梨と長野は隣接していて近くだったので、直接お店に車を拝見しに行かせていただきました。 とても親切に接客してくださり、試乗も快くさせていただきました。 また、リフトアップしてある車だったので納車前にはドライブシャフトのブーツを新品に交換していただき、オイルとオイルフィルターも交換して納車していただきました。 乗り出して1年が経過しましたが、とても快調に毎日走っています。 アップルさまで購入して良い車に出会えてとても満足しています。ありがとうございました。
I was looking for a diesel car for the Hilux Surf 185 and found it posted on the internet last July. Yamanashi and Nagano, where I live, were adjacent to each other and were close to each other, so I went directly to the shop to see the car. They were very kind to me and I was happy to test drive. Also, since it was a lifted car, we had the drive shaft boots replaced with new ones before delivery, and the oil and oil filter were also replaced before delivery. It's been a year since I started, and I'm running very well every day. I am very happy to buy a good car from Apple. Thank you very much.
はしづめあいち on Google

When I requested a purchase quote, I was able to ask with confidence because he carefully explained not only the price but also the processing of personal information after purchase. I went to about 3 other companies, but it was the most kind and polite, and the purchase price was expensive, so I left it to Apple.
D SS on Google

遠方からの現車確認でしたが、納車予定日が早かったことや店長さんの分かりやすく親切丁寧な説明で納得が行きその場で購入しました。 サービスも良く購入後も変わらず親切丁寧に対応して頂けたので安心して購入ができました。購入してしばらく経ちますが車は調子よく乗れております。遠方なので厳しいですが近くに住んでいれば今後絶対にお世話になりたい車屋さんです。ありがとうございました。
It was a confirmation of the current car from a distance, but I was convinced that the scheduled delivery date was early and the store manager's easy-to-understand, kind and polite explanation, so I bought it on the spot. The service was good and I was able to purchase with confidence because I was able to respond kindly and politely even after purchasing. It's been a while since I bought it, but the car is in good condition. It's tough because it's far away, but if you live nearby, you'll definitely want to take care of it in the future. Thank you very much.

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