モルトン迎賓館 青森

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact モルトン迎賓館 青森

住所 :

Aoyagi, 〒030-0811 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://moltonaomori.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM
街 : Aomori

Aoyagi, 〒030-0811 Aomori,Japan
高森佳代子 on Google

I gave only the ceremony the other day. I thank all the staff for their good work. The stained glass in the church was beautiful.
血糖値下げたい on Google

とても雰囲気が良く、素敵な結婚式場でした。 海外からの来賓も来るグローバルな場所としてオススメします。
It was a very nice atmosphere and a wonderful wedding venue. Recommended as a global place for foreign guests.
M部長 on Google

席に着いてすぐに料理が食べれる、ウエルカムフードは初めてだったのですごくよかったです。本当に全部の料理が美味しかったです。 本格チャペルも厳粛で気が引き締まる思いで参列していました。これが挙式ですよね!また呼ばれたいと思う会場でした。
It was my first time to have a welcome food, where I could eat food as soon as I got to my seat, so it was great. All the dishes were really delicious. The full-scale chapel was also attended with a solemn and relaxed feeling. This is the wedding! It was a venue I would like to be called again.
s a (gade) on Google

フォトウエディングで利用。 最初の見積もり提示額は必要最低限の価格。 後日別会場で衣装合わせという流れ。 感想として見積額は全く当てにならず、 必要な小物関係は見積料金に入っておらず 大半がオプション。しかも高額レンタル。 そして衣装自体もレンタル金額の 幅が大きく衣装合わせ担当も 高額衣装を押してくる。 こちらから要望してるわでもなく、 衣装も超高額ではないが、 最終的に見積の倍の値段に。 質の悪い詐欺に遭った気持ち。 しかも撮影までに最低3回も訪問しなければ ならないという向こう都合なスケジュール。 予算を強めに提示することや小物の持参。 こちらの要望を遠慮なくしていかないと 店側の遠慮が無いため注意が必要。
Used for photo wedding. The first estimate presented is the minimum required price. The flow of costume matching at another meeting place later. I do not rely on estimates at all as an impression, Necessary accessories are not included in the estimated fee Most are optional. And expensive rental. And the costume itself is also for rental There is also a large costume matchmaker I'll push in expensive costumes. I do not request from here, Costumes are not super expensive, but In the final price double the price. Feeling of bad quality fraud. And I have to visit at least three times before shooting The more convenient schedule that you do not have. Present your budget tighter and bring accessories. I have to keep this request in mind You need to be careful because there is no store side.
masaaki F on Google

結婚式で出席にて初めて行きましたがサービスは、さすがに しっかりしてます。 イマジングループですからね(太陽地所なども同じ) ただサービスが徹底しすぎてうざいと思う部分もありますね 手軽に結婚式をあげるなら良いと思う 宴会やパーテイなども 良いかと。 予定時間を大幅に超えても関係なくしてくれるのが良いのか 悪いのか 微妙ですね
I went there for the first time at a wedding ceremony, but the service is truly It's solid. Because it's the Imagin Group (same for the sun estate, etc.) However, there are some parts that I find annoying because the service is too thorough. I think it would be nice to have a wedding easily, such as banquets and parties Is it okay? Is it okay if it doesn't matter if the scheduled time is significantly exceeded? Is it bad?
ちさ on Google

挙式の流れや料理の出方などは問題なし。 だが、式の前に親族が待機する控え室がとにかく寒い。式の当日は気温3度。室内の暖房はまったく効いておらず、部屋に仕切りもないので冷たい風が吹き抜ける。そんな大部屋で高齢者と共にずっといるのは非常につらかった。控え室にベビーベッドまで設える気遣いがあるのだから、もう少し暖房類に気を遣ってほしい。
There is no problem with the flow of the wedding ceremony or the way the dishes are served. However, the waiting room where the relatives wait before the ceremony is cold. On the day of the ceremony, the temperature was 3 degrees. The room heating is not working at all and there is no partition in the room, so a cold wind blows through. It was very hard to stay with such elderly people in such a large room. I'd like to have a baby bed in the waiting room.
スヌーぴー on Google

2017.11.25 結婚式に行って来ました。 綺麗でとても良かった。
2017.11.25 I went to the wedding. It was beautiful and very good.
made in japan on Google

新年会で初めて入ってみました^ ^ 雰囲気も良かったし、スタッフさんの優しさも伝わってきました^ ^ 飾り付けも気に入りました!
I tried it for the first time at the New Year's party ^ ^ The atmosphere was also good, and the kindness of the staff has also been communicated ^ ^ I also liked decorating!

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