Aomori City Hall Ekimae Government Buildings

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aomori City Hall Ekimae Government Buildings

住所 :

Shinmachi, 〒030-0801 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 8:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–6PM
Thursday 8:30AM–6PM
Friday 8:30AM–6PM
街 : Aomori

Shinmachi, 〒030-0801 Aomori,Japan
坂田芳人 on Google

I got lost because I couldn't go to the target section from the parking lot. However, I was happy because the city hall staff accompanied me to the desired section.
kazunori takada on Google

相談に親身になって聞いて下さり 納得のいく答えを出していただき感謝しております。 また何かあった時は宜しくお願いいたしますm(__)m
Please be kind to the consultation and listen. Thank you for giving me a convincing answer. If something happens again, thank you m (__) m
masao rodders on Google

職員が皆親切に対応してくれてとても助かりました。    上から目線の殿様態度の県庁とは大違い!
All the staff were kind and helpful. It's very different from the prefectural office, which has a lord-like attitude from above!
to ot on Google

生活保護の相談員が全くの知識なし (裏手に聞きに行く)相談する時間が無駄 申込み方法しか知らない。 何のため相談員なのか あれこそ税金ドロボー 「申込んでみないとわからない」の一点張り何のための相談なのか こっちは申込か悩んでいるから聞きに言っているのに
The welfare counselor has no knowledge (going to ask behind the scenes) Waste of time to consult Only knows how to apply. Why are you a counselor? That is the tax drobo "I don't know until I apply" What is the consultation for? I'm worried about applying, so I'm telling you
レビューマン鷹司 on Google

各種手続きにいくつかの課に訪れましたが、いずれも職員さんの対応が非常に丁寧でした。 聞きながら書類を書く場面もあったのですが、職員さんは終始笑顔で対応してくれて逆に申し訳ない気持ちに・・・。 役所の中でも他県他市町村と比べてかなり接客に気を使っている印象です。 ただ、数カ所で叫んだりして暴れている市民というかクレーマー?の方がおり、怖かったです。都度、職員さんが時間をとって対応しているようでしたが、警察等の協力を得たほうが良いのでないでしょうか・・・。 職員さんにとっても市民にとっても、危ない方々が暴れており、丸腰での対応は厳しいような印象を受けました。 法律等の制約があるのでしょうか。職員には身を護る装備を配布したほうが良いのでは。
I visited several sections for various procedures, but the staff were very polite in each case. There was a scene where I wrote documents while listening, but the staff responded with a smile from beginning to end, and on the contrary I feel sorry. I have the impression that even among the government offices, they are much more careful about customer service than other prefectures and cities, towns and villages. However, is it a citizen or Kramer who is rampaging by screaming in several places? I was scared because there was one. It seemed that the staff took time to respond each time, but I think it would be better to get the cooperation of the police. Dangerous people are rampaging for both the staff and the citizens, and I got the impression that it was difficult to deal with them in a rounded manner. Are there any restrictions such as laws? I think it's better to distribute protective equipment to the staff.

今の時期は、市民課とマイナンバーの申請するところが大分混でいます。駐車場も4階まで満車でした。 あと、市役所内の匂い、なんとかして欲しいです。頭が痛くなって来る。
At this time of year, the Citizen's Division and the place to apply for My Number are mixed. The parking lot was full up to the 4th floor. Also, I want you to do something about the smell inside the city hall. My head hurts.
浩子 on Google

I went to the counter by car 5 years ago. I entered from the 2nd floor of the parking lot and was on the 1st floor. Since the return is complicated and the escalator up to the second floor is on the opposite side of the descent, I was able to ask the staff about the scenery that was completely different from the uphill. At that time, I asked if I could attach an arrow to the parking lot, but after being properly pardoned, I was at a loss when I visited again five years later. It is a government building that is rarely visited. Could you make it easier to understand? I came here again with the arrow to the parking lot, but it seems that it will be pardoned again.
すーゆー on Google

手続きのため初めて駅前庁舎に来訪 役所といえば色々な課をたらい回されたり、職員の対応が冷たいイメージがあった しかし、久々に訪れてみると受付にいる再任用と思われる高齢の職員を含め1階の職員はとても丁寧に対応していた 民間企業より素晴らしい接客をされている
Visited the station square government building for the first time for the procedure Speaking of government offices, I had the image that various departments were messed up and the staff's response was cold. However, when I visited after a long time, the staff on the first floor, including the elderly staff who seemed to be reappointed at the reception, responded very politely. Have a better customer service than a private company

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