
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サロン卵と私

住所 :

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0062 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.n-rs.co.jp/brand/shopinformation/%23tamagotowatashi
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Aobadai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0062 Kanagawa,Japan
杉田t on Google

女性向け、家族向けのオムライス店です。男性一人には不向きです。 店内はオシャレで落ち着いた雰囲気です。 水のおかわりを訪ねてくれたり、食べ終わった食器も自発的にさげてくれます。ただし、男性一人客にはその様なサービスをしていません。当たり前の様に男性一人客より奥に座っている家族や、女性一人客のみ対応をします。 サラダを単品で販売していますが、全体的に萎びています。ジャンクフード店のサラダに遠く及びません。 肝心のオムライスですが、女性や家族連れにはちゃんとしたモノを出すのでしょうが、少なくとも男の私が注文した際には、半熟ではない肉入り卵焼きがチキンライスの上においてあっただけでした。 バターもずり落ちる様に隅にのせられ、皿を置かれた目の前でずり落ちました。 当然店員はそんなことは無視して、注文は以上であるか確認して戻っていきました。 味は、全体的に悪い油分が多くて胸焼けする事を除けば普通です。ただ、これを子供に卵料理として食べさせるのは気が引けます。味覚オンチとして、油さえ入っていれば何でも美味しいと感じる様にしたいのならオススメです。 完全にマクドナルドを越えるジャンクフード化した卵料理のような何かです。 雰囲気だけは良いので、女性の方が休憩に利用するには良いのかもしれません。
An omelet rice shop for women and families. It is unsuitable for one man. The shop is fashionable and calm. They will visit you for a drink of water, and will also spontaneously give away dishes that you have eaten. However, one male customer does not have such a service. As usual, we only handle family members sitting in the back of a single male customer, and single female customers. The salad is sold separately but withering on the whole. It's not far from junk food store salads. It is essential omelet rice, but I think that I will give a proper thing to women and families, but at least when I ordered a man, there was only omelet with meat that was not full-bodied on chicken rice. The butter was placed in the corner so that it slipped, and the plate slipped in front of the eyes. Naturally, the clerk ignored that and checked back to see if the order was over. The taste is normal with the exception of a whole lot of bad oil and heartburn. However, it is tempting to feed this as an egg dish to children. As a taste onch, it is recommended if you want to feel anything delicious as long as it contains oil. It's something like a junk fooded egg dish that goes completely beyond McDonald's. Only the atmosphere is good, so it may be better for women to take a break.
まき on Google

他の店舗で食べたスフレオムレツはふんわりしっとりして見た目も美しかった。 こちらのは表面がカリッとしていて、食感までが全く違う…。看板メニューで裏切られた感が凄い。残念です!
The souffle omelette I ate at other stores was soft and moist and looked beautiful. The surface is crispy and the texture is completely different. The feeling of betrayal on the signboard menu is amazing. I'm sorry!
Sachiko Nagata on Google

The fluffy condition of the souffle omelet is amazing! The other lessons are said to have a light taste, but they were refreshing and delicious without being moody until the end (^_^) I rushed to order milk tea (hot). The cinnamon was fragrant and had an elegant taste. Treat
みま on Google

ランチでお邪魔させていただきました! 和やかな雰囲気でとても過ごしやすかったです。 オムライスも、とてもフワフワな卵で美味しくいただきました? また行きたいお店です!
I'm sorry to bother you at lunch! It was very easy to spend in a peaceful atmosphere. The omelet rice was also delicious with very fluffy eggs ? This is the shop I want to visit again!
佐渡島佑 on Google

It is a cozy and calm shop with dark lighting. It's a mystery that the school chime sound keeps ringing in the kitchen all the time, but it doesn't matter if you're wearing earphones, but it doesn't match the atmosphere of the store, so it's a different sound. I hope it will be, lol
yuko wada on Google

星乃珈琲のフルーツコーヒー大好き過ぎて。 ここのもフツーに美味しい デミグラスソース写真より少ないし お肉も少しで残念 盛り付けもも少し綺麗にできるよね 食べ切れるか不安だったけど 卵ふわふわだから大丈夫だた 仕方ない、 青葉台の駅ビルのチェーンレストランなら こんなもんなのかな、て感じだた
I love Hoshino Coffee's fruit coffee too much. This is also delicious Less than the demiglace source photo It ’s a pity that the meat is a little too You can also arrange it a little more beautifully. I was worried if I could eat it all The egg is fluffy so it's okay it can not be helped, If you are a chain restaurant in the station building of Aobadai I wonder if it's like this
ichiponイチポン on Google

全て美味しかった。サラダのドレッシングはあっさりと酸味の効いたビネガーメインで、好きなお味やった。 オムライスも始めてめくった時ご飯の盛られてなさにびっくりしたけどオムがその倍以上あるから十分な量だったwやけど多分レディース向けやからしっかり食べたいメンズにとっては物足りないかも、、 あと、一部の単品のオムの上に置いてる白い球体はバターなので届く頃には溶けて落ちてるという、、、?映えを目指してる方はない方がいいかも!でもケチャップのシンプルオムライスは普通に美味しかったからおすすめ! プレートについてくるドレッシングはシーザーで、友達曰く美味しいと普通に食べてた、、以上w がっかりポイントはこのお店のよそい方、雑というか、、お皿にソースがついてて、拭いて出さないんだ、っていうwまぁ高級料理店やあるまいからじゃーないのかと思ったけど食べる前からテンションちょっと下がったw
Everything was delicious. The salad dressing was light and sour vinegar, which I liked. When I first started turning omurice, I was surprised at how much rice was served, but the amount of omme was more than twice that w was enough, but maybe it is unsatisfactory for ladies and men who want to eat firmly, Also, the white spheres that are placed on some single pieces of omme are butter, so they will melt and drop by the time they arrive, so it might be better not to aim for shine! But ketchup simple omelet is recommended because it was delicious! The dressing that came with the plate was Caesar, and my friends said that I ate normally when it was delicious. I was disappointed that this restaurant wasn't good enough, so I thought it might be because there was a high-end restaurant or something like that there was a sauce on the plate and I did not wipe it out before eating The tension dropped a little from w
Barada Bajracharya on Google

I ordered a rich egg creme brulee & fondant chocolate plate, but the creme brulee was just a pudding ?. I'm sorry. This was a plan, not a creme brulee, because it was delicious.

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