焼鳥 金ちゃん

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼鳥 金ちゃん

住所 :

Ao, Matsubara, 〒580-0043 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
街 : Osaka

Ao, Matsubara, 〒580-0043 Osaka,Japan
なごみん on Google

生ギモは胡麻油が効いてて美味です。 地元民に愛されている、美味しい焼鳥屋さんです。 焼鳥はタレ焼きはなく塩のみで、山椒がいいアクセントになっていて、和辛子がお皿に添えられています。 とてもジューシーで、たくさん食べても胃もたれしません。
Raw potatoes are delicious with sesame oil. A delicious yakitori restaurant loved by locals. Yakitori has no sauce and only salt, and it has a nice accent of Japanese pepper, and Japanese pepper is served on the plate. It's very juicy and you won't have a stomachache if you eat a lot.
Amazon Amazon on Google

No matter what, you can drink delicious sake anytime, even at night. Did you put a gold sticker on it? Perfect for those who smoke.
T H on Google

【ここがいっちゃんうまい!】 山椒で舌が痺れまくるので、家族にはそこまで好評ではありませんが、酒好きな自分には唯一無二の『ひね』が週一で食べたい!!!!! 山椒抜いてーゆーたら抜いてくれます? 好き嫌いははっきりわかれるかもですが、のんべえにはたまらんと思います?
[This is good! ] It's not so popular with my family because my tongue is numb with Japanese pepper, but I want to eat the one and only "twist" once a week for myself who loves sake! !! !! !! !! Pull out the Japanese pepper-it will pull it out ? You may know your likes and dislikes, but I think it's irresistible ?
takayuki yoshida on Google

Yakitori has a spicy Japanese pepper and is very delicious.
M on Google

Alcohol is served even during the state of emergency, and although it is said that the store will close at 20:00, it is said that it is open with the shutter closed. I used to go to the middle of Corona, but the front seats were full and there was no space between me and my neighbors, so I couldn't sit without licking my body. The taste is delicious, but it's a sloppy shop.
太田正彦 on Google

地域一番の焼き鳥屋さんです。固いですが噛めば噛むほど味のある、ひね鳥、ひねせせり、そしてオリジナルのタレに漬け込んだ「手羽たれの唐揚げ」、とろろ昆布、柚子皮、花鰹、刻みネギをトッピングした湯豆腐は、1度お試し下さい。焼き鳥は、一人前四本ですが、二本から注文出来ます。 ※山椒がよく効いているので、苦手な方は遠慮無く注文時に山椒無しか少なめとおっしゃって下さいね。快く聞いていただけます。 ☺長居店は、鶏の水炊き、鶏のすき焼き、もつ鍋もあり、2階座敷は広く大人数の宴会が出来ます。
The best yakitori restaurant in the area. The tofu which has a hard but chewy taste, a twisted bird, a twisted sauce, and fried chicken wings soaked in the original sauce, tororo kelp, yuzu peel, bonito, and chopped green onion Please try it. There are four yakitori for one person, but you can order from two. ※Since Japanese pepper is working well, if you are not good at it, please do not hesitate to ask when ordering. You can listen comfortably. ☺ The Nagai store also has chicken water sukiyaki, chicken sukiyaki, and mochi nabe.
Maki Maki on Google

ボリュームがすごいです⤴⤴ 一本のおおきさが大きくて、すぐにお腹一杯になってしまう? 砂ずり、若せせり、若鶏…生大? 全部、山椒を最後に振りかけて、提供されます。 苦手な方は、山椒かけないようにいったほうがいいかも。 テイクアウトできるらしく、電話予約してた人なのか、取りにきてました。 おでん?かなりの美味しさ??? 大根はもちろん、厚揚げがまた、ふわふわと味がしっかりしみててーおいしー 焼きとりが焼けるまでの時間、まずはおでん?とビール?で。 お漬物は、すっぱくて匂いが糠漬け? 味がおいしくない。 きゅうりと茄子の漬物はいいコンビだけど、普通の浅漬がよかったー
The volume is amazing ⤴⤴ One big one will fill you up soon ? Sand shavings, young sericulture, young chickens ... All are sprinkled with Japanese pepper at the end and served. If you are not good at it, you should not try to sprinkle with Japanese pepper. ‥ It seems that I can take out, so I asked him if he was the one who made the phone reservation. Oden ? Pretty good ? ? ? Not only the radish, but the deep-fried tofu also has a good fluffy taste. The time it takes to bake is Oden ? and beer ?. ‥ Is pickles pickled in bran and sour? It doesn't taste good. The pickled cucumber and eggplant is a good combination, but the normal lightly pickled one was good
田中 on Google

大好きな焼き鳥屋さんです☆ 特にひねどり。ビールがあったらもうそれだけで満足(^^)ここのビールいつもキンッキンに冷えていて美味しんですよね~。 今は店内飲食がしにくいのでテイクアウトで。 ただ、お金の計算ミスされたり、オーダー忘れ&出てくるのがものすごく遅い時があるので☆-2で。 でもこれからも行きますよ!
This is my favorite yakitori restaurant ☆ Especially a twist. If you have beer, you'll be satisfied with it (^^) The beer here is always cold and delicious, isn't it? It's hard to eat and drink in the store now, so take out. However, there are times when money is miscalculated, orders are forgotten, and it is extremely late to come out, so ☆ -2. But I will continue to go!

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