七輪焼鳥 一鳥 松原店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 七輪焼鳥 一鳥 松原店

住所 :

Taijo, Matsubara, 〒580-0044 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87889
Webサイト : https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ001017189/
街 : Osaka

Taijo, Matsubara, 〒580-0044 Osaka,Japan
トニートニーチョッパー(チョッパー) on Google

テイクアウトも有るよ 11時30分~14時まで ずっと気になってたお店!唐揚げ、焼き鳥、チキン南蛮のお弁当を初めてテイクアウトしました。 今度は店で食べに来ようっと。
There is also takeout From 11:30 to 14:00 A store that I've always been interested in! For the first time, I took out fried chicken, yakitori, and chicken nanban bento. I'm going to come to eat at the store this time.
山本カオル on Google

席が狭い。 店員愛想なし、態度悪い。 鶏肉なのに値段高い。 17時に行って、17時からなんです。 意味わかりません。 二度と行きません。
The seats are small. The clerk is unfriendly and has a bad attitude. Although it is chicken, the price is high. I went there at 17:00 and it started at 17:00. I do not know the meaning. I will never go again.
クック on Google

I knew it was always thriving, but I couldn't quite go there! cheap! The taste and customer service were very satisfying! The manager is a person! Demon skin and liver are recommended!
野田義雄 on Google

いつも平野区西脇から散歩に行く途中に有る七輪焼き鳥のお店。 コロナの時期はお酒類の提供も無く、時短で営業されていたが、緊急事態宣言の解除で営業時間を日曜日は17時~23時、 平日は17時~翌日3時に変更されています。 内のヘルパーさんが私から話しを聞いて先に来店、大変美味しいとの事でしたので、いつも仲間で行っている、3人会でお邪魔しました。 とても美味しい焼き鳥、鳥料理でした。 3人ともとても満足しました、又来店したいと話ししました。 コロナ以前は深夜遅くまで営業されていて、まさに不夜城のイメージにピッタリなお店の印象が有りました。 お店、お持ち帰り弁当の写真アップしておきますので、来店、購入の参考にして頂けたら幸い。
A Shichirin Yakitori restaurant that is always on the way to a walk from Nishiwaki, Hirano Ward. During the Corona period, there was no liquor served and it was open in a short time, but due to the cancellation of the state of emergency, the business hours will be from 17:00 to 23:00 on Sundays. Weekdays are changed from 17:00 to 3:00 the next day. The helper inside came to the store first after hearing from me, and it was said that it was very delicious, so I visited the three-person group, which I always go with my friends. It was a very delicious yakitori and chicken dish. All three were very happy and said they would like to come back again. Before Corona, it was open until late at night, and I had the impression that the store was perfect for the image of a nightless castle. I will upload a photo of the store and take-out lunch box, so I hope you can use it as a reference when visiting or purchasing.
バサ魔女ケイコ on Google

満席で 賑わっていました。又 リピーターになりたいお店でーす どの料理もとても 新鮮で美味しかったですね(笑)
It was full and crowded. Also, at a store that wants to be a repeater Every dish was very fresh and delicious (laughs)
Yはちみつ on Google

安いです。 安くて美味しいので何回か行ってます。 嫁と二人で行って、お腹一杯、お酒もたくさん飲んで7000円いかないくらい。 飲み物が280円(税抜き)というのが良いですね。←値段合ってます?? 昔は刺身とかもあったので、復活して欲しいなー。
It's cheap. It's cheap and delicious, so I've been there several times. I went with my wife, I was full, and I drank a lot of alcohol, and it didn't cost 7,000 yen. It's good that the drink is 280 yen (excluding tax). ← Is the price right? ?? There used to be sashimi, so I hope it will be revived.
miyuki on Google

I came to the store with 5 family members. Perhaps because I was busy, it was hard to come to the table for the ordered items, so it was time for the last order, and there was an ordered item on the slip, so I should have checked the receipt carefully before leaving the store. I think the customer service attitude was not very good! It was very disappointing to have a fresh bird. I think you shouldn't go on busy weekends!
Mココロ on Google

七輪で自分で焼くタイプの焼き鳥居酒屋さんです! コロナ対策は チェック表を用いて分かりやすく各テーブルで提示しており、かなりきっちりとされているようです。 日曜日の18:00過ぎ頃に入店しましたが、その時点ではまだ駐車場は余裕で停めれました!そのあと続々と駐車場が埋まっていき 満車になっていたので、早めに来るのがオススメですね?19:15分頃に退店しましたが、その時点でもまだ満車で、入店待ちのお客さんも何組かいました!テイクアウトのお客さんも来るので、駐車場は争奪戦です?よく前を通りかかりますが、土日はいつ見ても満車です?平日はすいてそうです。 スタッフの対応が迅速かつ丁寧で、笑顔もあり好印象! 机がやや狭かったのですが、空いた食器はすぐに片付けてくれるので 困りませんでした!網の交換も 早めに声をかけてくれました! さらに、オーダー具合などから もう食べ終わるかどうかを判断してくれたのか、「もし、七輪を使うものを頼まれないようでしたら片付けましょうか?」と最適な頃合に言ってくれました。お客さんのことをよく見てよく考えてくれているなと感じます。 料理が出てくるのも早かったです✨ どれも美味しかったですが、個人的には生もの系がお気に入りです!人気だったのか、19時くらいには売り切れた様子でした。 他のお店ではあまり見かけないセロリの青じそサラダがありました!セロリ好きの私はもう感激です。美味しかったです?✨ このお店はリピートします!
It's a yakitori izakaya where you can bake yourself on a shichirin! Corona countermeasures are presented at each table in an easy-to-understand manner using a checklist, and it seems that they are fairly precise. I entered the store around 18:00 on Sunday, but at that point the parking lot was still parked! After that, the parking lot was filled up one after another and it was full, so it is recommended to come early. ? I left the store around 19:15, but at that time it was still full and customers waiting to enter the store There were also several groups! The parking lot is a battle for take-out customers, so it's a battle for competition ? I often pass by, but it's always full on Saturdays and Sundays ? It seems to be busy on weekdays. The staff are quick and polite, and they have a good impression with a smile! The desk was a little small, but I didn't have a problem because the empty tableware was cleaned up immediately! He also called out to exchange the net as soon as possible! In addition, he said at the best time, "If you can't ask for something that uses a shichirin, why don't you get rid of it?" I feel that they are looking closely at the customers and thinking about them. The food came out quickly ✨ All of them were delicious, but I personally like the raw ones! Perhaps it was popular, it seemed to be sold out around 19:00. There was a celery green perilla salad that you rarely see in other shops! As a celery lover, I'm already impressed. It was delicious ?✨ This shop will repeat!

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