Anytime Fitness

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Anytime Fitness

住所 :

Higurashi, Matsudo, 〒270-2253 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Higurashi, Matsudo, 〒270-2253 Chiba,Japan
竹内裕貴 on Google

There is no problem with the facilities, but the staff's response is very dishonest. Inquiries by e-mail were only one point where I sent a reply (I didn't specify the domain and there is an automatic reply so I sent it but I did not receive it) Rather it was my responsibility and it was very unpleasant. I felt that I was dealing very politely with respect to the procedure for the withdrawal, but it is terrible to deal with the withdrawal procedure, so if you go to Anytime, I recommend that you do not contract at this store.
Yuki A on Google

千葉県のエニタイムフィットネスは駅から少し離れた場所に多い印象だがここは珍しい駅前店舗。 ここの強みは電車でも来れるし、駐車場もあるので車でも来れる(駐車場は狭いし混雑時は一杯になるが近隣にコインパーキングはたくさんある)、隣のイトーヨーカドーに自転車とバイク用の駐輪場がある(3時間無料)こと。 交通手段の多様性に富むことがとにかく素晴らしい。
Anytime Fitness in Chiba Prefecture has the impression that it is located a little far from the station, but this is a rare store in front of the station. The strength here is that you can come by train or by car because there is a parking lot (the parking lot is small and full when it is crowded, but there are many coin parking lots nearby), and there is a bicycle parking lot for bicycles and motorcycles in the neighboring Ito-Yokado. There is (3 hours free). It's just wonderful to have a wide variety of transportation methods.
室芳樹 on Google

It is a cozy GYM with an ergo machine.
Itabashi. M on Google

The machine and the room are always clean and you can train comfortably. The staff are always kind and likable.
加賀まり on Google

24時間いつでも行けるので、安定の通いやすさです。外出自粛ムードで、お腹周りが気になっていたので、頑張ってダイエット中??‍♀️ マシンもいろいろあって、使い方がわからなくても、声をかければちゃんと教えてくれて、助かってます?
You can go there 24 hours a day, so it's stable and easy to get to. I was in a mood to refrain from going out, so I was worried about my stomach, so I'm trying my best to diet ??‍♀️ There are various machines, and even if you don't know how to use it, if you speak up, it will tell you properly and it will be helpful ?
るおの日常 on Google

他と比べてここのジムのマシンの種類は豊富!店員さんも凄く優しい!初心者としてマシンのやり方を聞いても丁寧に時間をとって教えてくださいます。 設備も綺麗だしここを選んでよかったと思っております。
Compared to others, there are more types of gym machines here! The clerk is also very kind! Even if you ask how to use the machine as a beginner, please take the time to teach it. The facilities are clean and I'm glad I chose this place.
ちゃんあー on Google

最近エニタイム旅してます。少し言い方悪いと思うので申し訳ないと思っています。ですがこのお店はちょっと狭すぎて気持ち悪かったです。駅からめちゃくちゃ近いのはありがたいです。笑顔でスタッフの方々は丁寧に作業してます。たまにスタッフいないこともありますのでご了承下さい。時間定はわかりません。遊べるマシンも結構ありますがマシンは近すぎてぐちゃぐちゃなので残念です。 アクセス JR武蔵野線「新八柱」駅より徒歩2分 新京成電鉄「八柱」駅より徒歩2分 感じです。 車両で来てる方なら少しめんどごとになるかも知りません。駐車場は結構離れてるところにあります。
I've been traveling to Anytime recently. I'm sorry because I think it's a little bad to say. However, this shop was a little too small and uncomfortable. I'm grateful that it's so close to the station. The staff are working politely with a smile. Please note that sometimes there is no staff. I don't know the time limit. There are quite a few machines that you can play with, but it's a shame because the machines are too close and messy. Access A 2-minute walk from "New Yabashira" station on the JR Musashino Line 2 minutes walk from Shin-Keisei Electric Railway "Yabashira" station It's a feeling. If you come by car, I don't know if it will be a little annoying. The parking lot is quite far away.
Taku on Google

天井が高く広めのジムです。 スタッフさんの対応も良いです。 チンニングとディップスのマシンやボート漕ぎのマシンなど他店には無いマシンも幾つかあります。 水素水サーバーはありませんが、冷水が出る給水機があります。 駐車場ありますが、少し離れた場所にあり分かりづらいです。 スタッフさんに言って駐車許可証を発行してもらい、次回から車のフロントガラスの見えるところに置いておくと言うシステムです。 まあまあ広めの駐車場ですが、土地柄クルマで移動する人が多いらしく、満車になる事もありそうです。
It is a wide gym with a high ceiling. The correspondence of the staff is also good. There are some machines that are not available at other stores, such as chinning and dips machines and boat rowing machines. There is no hydrogen water server, but there is a water dispenser that produces cold water. There is a parking lot, but it is a little far away and difficult to understand. It is a system that asks the staff to issue a parking permit and keeps it in a visible place on the windshield of the car from the next time. The parking lot is fairly large, but it seems that many people move by local car, so it is likely that the parking lot will be full.

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