ネイス体操教室 イオンモール川口校

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ネイス体操教室 イオンモール川口校

住所 :

Angyoryonegishi, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0834 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://neis-gym.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:15AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10:15AM–6:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:15AM–7:10PM
Wednesday 3:05–8:30PM
Thursday 3:05–7:10PM
Friday 10:15AM–8:30PM
街 : Saitama

Angyoryonegishi, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0834 Saitama,Japan
末田恵梨 on Google

I started to go to this classroom and now I can make horizontal bars that I was not good at. Also, the teachers are all very good and the kids are looking forward to attending every week.
on Google

トランポリンが出来るのが良い。 先生が若く明るくて良い。 時間内に多種目の練習が出来るのが良い。 筋トレも含まれていて体の基礎も鍛えられるのが良い。 逆上がりもすぐ出来るようになりました!
It is good to have a trampoline. The teacher may be young and cheerful. It is good to be able to practice various kinds in time. It also includes muscle training and it is good to train the basics of the body. You can now go upside down soon!
Rie Ask on Google

It's been a while since I started going, but I'm having a good time with the lead of an energetic teacher. You can see people practicing what they did in the classroom, such as flexible exercises, at home, and it seems that they have become more active.
望青木 on Google

It's been five years since I started going to the nursery school so that my son could go upside down. I became confident in my athletic ability and became quite active. I feel very good to let you go.
Hanaちゃんハナちゃん on Google

何より子供が楽しそうにやっています。前回り(前転)ができるようになって、自信にもつながったようです。体操だけでは挨拶や先生のお話もちゃんと聞けるようになりました。本当にありがたいです。 次は鉄棒ができるようになりたいと本人は言ってます。
Above all, children are doing it happily. Being able to turn forward (forward) seems to have led to self-confidence. I can now listen to greetings and teachers' stories just by doing gymnastics. I really appreciate it. He says he wants to be able to make horizontal bars next time.
鈴木雄介 on Google

At the beginning of my visit, I was a little worried, but the teachers kindly spoke to me, and now I can enjoy it every week. From April to September, it was the only place for group action to refrain from going to the nursery school, but thanks to the weekly attendance, I can return to the nursery school smoothly without delaying the growth of my friends in the nursery school. I feel like I've done it. When you remember something new and come home, you will be happy to do it at home. You can feel the growth of the child.
鳥山希望 on Google

姉弟で通わせています。 体操教室は初めて通わせるのでちゃんと出来るのか、人見知りなのでコミュニケーションが取れるのか不安でしたが、先生達が優しくしてくれて、技もその子に合ったレベルで教えてくれる為、 基礎をきちんと学ぶことができ、 上達してる事が目に見えて子供達にとって出来なかった事が出来る様になると自信がついて、ネイスに行くのが楽しみになっています。 実際、姉は逆上がりや側転が出来ないので出来る様になりたい、弟はロンダートやバック転が出来る様になりたくて通い始め、3ヶ月で姉は両方できるようになりました。 弟はロンダートができるようになり、バック転は補助があればできるようになりました。 先生達の的確なアドバイスが子供達の成長に繋がっているんだと思います。 そして、なによりも子供達が楽しんでいるので、これからどんな技が出来るのか楽しみです。
I let my sister and brother go. I was worried whether I could do it properly because I could attend the gymnastics class for the first time, or if I could communicate because I was shy, but the teachers were kind and taught me the technique at a level that suits the child. You can learn the basics properly, I am confident that I will be able to see what I am improving and do things that my children could not do, and I am looking forward to going to Nace. In fact, my sister wanted to be able to do it because she couldn't go upside down or cartwheel, and my younger brother wanted to be able to do roundoff and backflip, so I started going to school, and in three months my sister was able to do both. My younger brother was able to do Roundoff, and backflip was possible with assistance. I think that the teachers' accurate advice leads to the growth of the children. And above all, the kids are having fun, so I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of techniques they can do in the future.
marron autumn (まろん) on Google

3歳児でチャレンジクラスに通っています。初めての習い事で不安もたくさんありましたが、もともと公園で遊ぶことが好きな子だったのですぐに馴染みとても楽しく通っています。 先生はいつも笑顔で楽しく指導してくれますが、子どもが危ないことをすると、子どもの手を握って目を見て適切に指導してくれます。運動で体を鍛えながら社会性を身につけることができると思いました。 強いて言うならば、保護者待機スペースが狭く椅子に座れない人が数人いますので、広めにしていただけると尚良いと思います(スペース的に難しいと思うので、今のままでも充分とは思います)。
I am a 3-year-old child attending a challenge class. I had a lot of anxiety about my first lesson, but since I was originally a child who liked playing in the park, I soon became accustomed to it and went there very happily. The teacher always smiles and happily teaches, but when a child does something dangerous, he holds the child's hand, looks at his eyes, and teaches appropriately. I thought that I could acquire sociality while training my body by exercising. If you force it, there are some people who can't sit in a chair because the waiting space for parents is small, so I think it would be better if you could make it wider (I think it's difficult in terms of space, so I think it's enough as it is now. increase).

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