ange mignon アンジュ ミニョン

4.8/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact ange mignon アンジュ ミニョン

住所 :

Kujicho, Hitachi, 〒319-1222 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday Closed
街 : Ibaraki

Kujicho, Hitachi, 〒319-1222 Ibaraki,Japan
aya magnolia on Google

Very delicious
E.K. Chung on Google

It was very delicious.
塚田春美 on Google

美味しい、優しいメニューありがとうございます? ちょっと味はしっかり目だと思いました❗ チーズケーキ美味ですケーキ?
Thank you for the delicious and gentle menu ? I thought the taste was a little eye-catching ❗ Cheesecake is delicious Cake ?
ままちゃん on Google

玉ねぎ麹の参鶏湯風スープとデザートセットをオーダー。参鶏湯がぐつぐつと食べ終える最後まで凄く熱くて体が温まりました。ごはんは白米と玄米が選べ玄米をチョイスしました。サラダとキッシュが付いてとても美味しくいただきました。天使の笑顔チーズケーキがとても美味しく病みつきになりそうです。人参ケーキも? またお邪魔したいです。 PayPay使えるみたいです。
I ordered Samgyetang-style soup and dessert set of onion jiuqu. It was very hot and warmed up to the end when Samgyetang finished eating. For rice, you can choose white rice or brown rice, and I chose brown rice. It was very delicious with salad and quiche. The angel's smile cheesecake is very delicious and seems to be addictive. Carrot cake too ? I want to bother you again. It seems that PayPay can be used.
珈琲砂糖 on Google

コロナ予防で外食を避けている両親に、初めてお弁当を利用させて頂きました。 味にうるさい方ですが、「どれを食べても美味しい!また食べたい!」と喜んでくれました。2人共、少食なのに完食したのも驚きです。 中々よいお値段ですが、このボリュームなら大満足です。 私は前回いただいたビーツのスープとお豆腐ご飯が美味し過ぎて中毒になりそうでした!やはり店内で食べたい! 今回はさつま芋にりんごが入っている、きんとんのようなもの、まるでアップルパイを食べているような感じで母と目がハートになりました! また直ぐに利用させていただく予感がします。。
For the first time, I used a lunch box for my parents who are avoiding eating out to prevent corona. He is noisy about the taste, but he said, "Everything is delicious! I want to eat it again!" It is surprising that both of them have finished eating even though they have a small meal. It's a good price, but I'm very satisfied with this volume. The beet soup and tofu rice I received last time were so delicious that I was almost addicted to them! After all I want to eat in the store! This time, the sweet potatoes contained apples, like a kinton, and my mother and eyes became heart-shaped as if I was eating an apple pie! I have a feeling that I will use it soon. ..

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