Andersen SOGO Hiroshima

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Andersen SOGO Hiroshima

住所 :

Motomachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0011 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト :
街 : Hiroshima

Motomachi, Naka Ward, 〒730-0011 Hiroshima,Japan
浅見凛音 on Google

勝己宮長 on Google

TSUGUKA on Google

I joined Champagne from noon.
いまだひの on Google

Sandwich is delicious (^^)
_ tnb on Google

The homepage is too heavy, I have never been to the store, but I tried to check it in advance, but it did not go smoothly, so I will go elsewhere.
大沢さつき on Google

It costs a little more than other bakeries, but it's worth more!
征子 on Google

アンデルセンのパンは本当に美味しい(^^)もぐもぐしながら「あ~美味しいなぁ」と毎回思う(笑) チョコのミニデニッシュ最高(*^^*)
Andersen's bread is really delicious (^ ^), I think every time, "Ah ~ delicious!" Chocolate mini danish best (* ^ ^ *)
前田志信 on Google

地下2階にお店があります。作業の様子も見られます。焼きたてのとてもよい香りがしていて吸い寄せられます(笑)食パンも種類が豊富です。 写真のデニッシュ生地のパンは焼かずに食べても、焼いても美味しく外側カリっと中はしっとりバターたっぷりです(カロリーは考えません?)厚目に切っても当然美味しいです。 カレーパンは推しです? 店員さんも明るく笑顔がステキな人が多いです。お目当てのパンの焼きたての時間に向かうのもオススメです? 焼きたてのパンはすぐに閉めない様に、配慮してくれます。 アンデルセンのシールもいただけますから、集めて商品に交換する楽しみもあります。 レジ前にシートや入り口に除菌スプレーも設置されて、対策も取られています。 エコバックはお忘れなく❗
There is a shop on the 2nd basement floor. You can also see the work. It has a very nice freshly baked aroma and is attracted to you (laughs) There are many types of bread. The Danish pastry bread in the photo is delicious even if you eat it without baking, and the outside is crispy and the inside is moist butter (I do not think about calories ?) It is naturally delicious even if you cut it thickly. Curry bread is recommended ? Many of the staff are cheerful and have a nice smile. It is also recommended to go to the time when the bread you are looking for is freshly baked ? They will take care not to close the freshly baked bread immediately. You can also get Andersen stickers, so you can enjoy collecting them and exchanging them for merchandise. A disinfectant spray is also installed on the seat and at the entrance before the cash register, and measures are taken. Don't forget the eco bag ❗

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